
The UNDP Security Office is presently recruiting for a Deputy Regional Security Specialist (DRSS) for West Africa (P-4), based in Dakar, Senegal.

The threat against the UN and in particular the terrorist threat transcends borders and therefore requires a boarder approach in addition to country security risk assessments. This in turn necessitates an analysis and dissemination of threat information often in broadly defined regions. UNDP programmes, taking into account the inter-dependence of economics and development needs of countries, are often formulated in the context of coherent regions, again grouped together to form the Regional Bureau. Security support delivery to countries and regions can better be improved with services more closely situated to such regions and countries. UNDP service delivery can be enhanced by having a broader footprint, more responsive and better informed interaction with its clients.

Based within the designated area of responsibility the Deputy Regional Security Specialist (DRSS) will focus on providing support and advice to UNDP Resident Representatives/Country Directors, Deputy Resident Representatives/Deputy Country Directors and managers. The incumbent will liaise directly with Resident Representatives on security related issues. Through a keen understanding of the UN and UNDP security policy, its interpretation, and the application of security best practices, s/he ensures that security enables safe UNDP programme delivery and activities. S/he will also provide field security support to Country Offices as and when required. S/he will carry out the activities listed below to facilitate the safety and security of UNDP staff within the context of UNDP’s development role, while dovetailing with and respecting UNDSS’ mandate and role, and working within the UN and UNDP security policy and framework.

The DRSS will directly support CO programmatic and operational issues regarding security in the region, in this regard each CO at risk within the DRSS area of responsibility should be visited at least once a year. Additionally, the DRSS will provide focused security coverage initially to countries at risk or in high security level with significant programmatic activity. The DRSS will also be the first line of UNDP security crisis response in their area of responsibility as directed by the Regional Security Advisor (RSA) and Security Office (SO). Changes to this security coverage plan will be discussed with the Regional Bureau, but approved by the RSA with SO concurrence. The DRSS will also provide limited direct security support to the CO where they are based.

In terms of functional matters related to UNDP security, the DRSS will report to the UNDP Security Office through the RSA.

At Headquarters level, UNDP BOM/Security Office (SO) will, through the RSA, provide policy and technical advice to the UNDP DRSS regarding the safety and security of UNDP staff, eligible dependants, property and operations within the context of UNDP’s development role, while dovetailing with and respecting UNDSS’s mandate and role, and working within the UN and UNDP security policy and framework.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Programming
  • Threat and Risk Assessment
  • Security Plan and Business Continuity
  • Minimum Operating Security Standards
  • Information Management
  • Funds Management
  • Resource Mobilization
  • Office and Residential Security
  • Managerial Functions
  • Training
  • General


  • Provide security policy guidance and security management support to the CO management teams in the designated area of responsibility, enabling effective programme planning, implementation and delivery within the framework of all UN security policies and procedures.
  • Ensure the mainstreaming of security into all levels of programme design, implementation and delivery through the substantive monitoring of ongoing and future projects and programmes providing innovative and proactive support, direction and solutions where required. Serves as permanent member of project appraisal committee (PAC).
  • Review the impact of current as well as future potential security factors and trends on UNDP planning, programme design and delivery, as well as the possible impact that programme design might have on the stability and security, ensuring that possible support needs are identified and improvements are implemented.
  • Liaise with UNDSS, as well as other agencies and role players regarding the implementation of specific assistance to Country Offices within the designated area of responsibility;
  • To protect and minimize the risk to UNDP staff, project personnel, property and operations in all locations and at the same time enabling UNDP programme delivery throughout:
  • Serve as the UNDP Security Office’s first-line of crisis response in the designated area of responsibility.
  • Maintain a security network of international and national security personnel;
  • Participating as a member of the security cell established by DSS in country (only at CO where DRSS is based).
  • Monitor Country Offices’ ability to ensure effective common services are being provided to the security machinery in-country and assist them as required (budget, local staffing, procurement, communications equipment & maintenance, physical security measures, UN House aspects, etc.)

Threat and Risk Assessment:

  • Conduct a threat and risk assessment of UNDP Country Offices and operations in the districts and regions where UNDP projects are implemented, identify and implement appropriate risk mitigation measures. The DRSS should undertake regular missions to countries within the designated area of responsibility to familiarize herself/himself with current issues/situations confronting UNDP.
  • Assist/provide inputs to UNDSS in preparing a comprehensive threat and risk assessment of the country to include all locations where UNDP staffs, dependants and equipment are present.
  • Assist/provide inputs to the Security Management Team through the UNDP Country Director (CD).
  • Assist local UNDP travel managers with risk assessments related to air travel.
  • Follow up on the implementation of any security recommendations.

Security Plan and Business Continuity:

  • Work closely with UNDSS to ensure that UNDP procedures conform to the UN security framework.
  • Provide inputs and assist UNDSS in establishing, maintaining and updating the country specific security plans and contingency plans in accordance with the UN Field Security Handbook (FSH).
  • See that all UNDP personnel are included in the Security Plan of the respective duty stations, (including UNDP sub offices) being prepared by UNDSS.
  • Update the UNDP component within country-specific security plans and contingency plans in accordance with UNDSS.
  • Train UNDP wardens and follow up on their specific needs accordingly for both international and national staff.
  • Assist in development of functional emergency business continuity plans for the COs within the designated area of responsibility, in concert and accordance with the UN CT business continuity plan.
  • Take necessary action to secure security clearances for all UNDP staff travelling in areas where required.

Minimum Operating Security Standards:

  • Conduct security compliance evaluations for country offices and programmes within the designated area of responsibility. Assess the levels of compliance of UNDP with UN security planning and UNDPs implementation of requirements and determine what support BoM/SO might provide, in cooperation with UNDSS;
  • Oversight of UNDP personnel and equipment for MOSS compliance.
  • Ensure that staff members are provided with; and proficient in the use of, safety and security equipment, including communications equipment, vehicle emergency equipment and personal security safeguards required for work in the field.
  • Establish internal communication systems and ensure UNDP communications are integrated into the appropriate UN Security Emergency Communications System.
  • Provide advice on selection and procurement of appropriate equipment for security (vehicles, telecommunications equipment, etc.).
  • Provide advice on the security of transportation and logistics;
  • Coordinate with DSS 24-hour response to all security related incidents involving UNDP staff and eligible dependents.
  • In coordination with UNDSS, and on behalf of the CD, ensure appropriate professional liaison with local authorities responsible for security, law and order, counterparts in diplomatic missions and municipal/civic/religious and traditional leaders.

Information Management:

  • Collect, perform limited analysis and disseminate security centric information pertaining to the designated area of responsibility. Promote information exchanges with UNDSS, as well as other agencies and organizations, to enhance coordination and implementation of security management arrangements. Monitor international events and information sources in order to assess their security related trends and implications on UNDP operations and staff.
  • Provide timely and accurate security advice to the UNDP Management, programme managers, project managers and visiting consultants working in the designated area of responsibility.
  • Provide a daily situation report (SITREP) and analysis of events, including when there is nothing to report, by phone, SMS or email to the Country Office management and BoM Regional Security Advisor;
  • Immediately report all security-related incidents involving UNDP staff and eligible dependents to the Country Director, RSA and UNDSS occurring in countries within the designated area of responsibility.
  • Ensure that UNDP programme staff members are provided with situation reports and other appropriate security-related information generated by UNDSS in a timely and efficient manner.
  • In cooperation with the HR unit, maintain updated UNDP staff lists, including details of visiting missions and consultants.
  • In coordination with UNDSS, establish good relationships with national law enforcement, military and civil intelligence authorities, counterparts in the Diplomatic Missions and municipal/civic/traditional leaders within the designated area of responsibility.
  • Encourage an exchange of information relative to risk management for UNDP programme implementation.
  • In coordination with UNDSS, conduct investigations of death of a staff/family member under suspicious and unclear circumstances.
  • Participate in inter-agency security coordination efforts.
  • In coordination with UNDP HQ and as assigned by the CD, conduct preliminary investigations in cases of breach of UN code of conduct by UNDP staff.

Funds Management:

  • Support mainstreaming of security costs. Monitors that all projects/programmes contribute resources to implementation of security measures.
  • Formulate and manage the annual work plan and related budget, initiates budget revisions.
  • Monitor that allotted UNMSM funds are budgeted in ATLAS in a timely manner
  • Ensure that costs and expenditures remain within budgeted and approved limits through the monitoring of monthly ATLAS budget reports.

Resource Mobilization:

  • The UNDP DRSS is expected to provide the following inputs:
  • Ensure that the security cost of doing business is included in all appeals and project descriptions for COs in the designated area of responsibility.
  • Participate in the drafting of CAP and CAP reviews, to be presented to donors.
  • Provide inputs to donor reports, as required.

Office and Residential Security:

  • Conduct periodic appropriate security assessments of UNDP premises and equipment and advice on shortfalls in security preparedness with recommended improvements and solutions for Country Offices in the designated area of responsibility.
  • Assist UNDP in developing and implementing office security requirements for regional offices and offices of UNDP-implemented projects.
  • Establish and implement access control mechanisms (visitor/vehicle screening) as necessary for UNDP and project offices based on the security level.
  • Represent UNDP security interests in any common premises that UNDP occupies ensuring that staff safety and security are primary considerations.
  • Ensure that UNDP premises and international staff residences are MOSS and MORSS compliant.

Managerial Functions:

  • Ensure that UNDP Security Teams within the designated area of responsibility are adequately staffed by competent and proficient personnel with the appropriate skills and expertise required to enable the successful achievement of their respective functions and Country Office goals and objectives.
  • Manage, supervise and execute the work programmes for the Security Team, coordinating and preparing inputs, determining priorities and estimating required resources for the completion of outputs and their timely delivery.
  • Assist in the performance evaluation of the private contractors, suppliers and consultants providing security services to the Country Office, as required.
  • Serve as the first reporting officer on performance evaluations for Country Office Security Associates in the designated area of responsibility.
  • Participate in the assessment processes for locally-recruited staff assigned to the security functions, and, in collaboration with the HR unit, ensures that recommended candidates meet all qualifications.
  • Serve as Regional Security Advisor ad interim, as and when required.


  • Coordinate security training within the designated area of responsibility
  • Provide orientation and training to international and national staff members on security guidelines, communication procedures, travel precautions, emergency procedures and existing restrictions in movement, such as curfews, restricted and dangerous areas (for duty stations where there is no Field Security Specialist present).
  • Provide ongoing mentoring to UNDP field security staff and performs regional
  • Schedule and implement fire safety, first aid, and radio communications training for the appropriate staff members.
  • Contribution to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  • Participation in the security trainings for the UNDP and allied UN agency staff members.


  • The DRSS will, in consultation with the CO mgt. at duty stations in the designated area of responsibility, respond to requests to perform UN system related security tasks.
  • Any other security related tasks assigned by the UNDP Country Director.

Impact of Results:

The DRSS priority of support and advice should focus on Country Offices as assigned and in high risk areas. It is only through a rigorous support of policy understanding, risk mitigations and where necessary security training will the application of security management be fully implemented. DRSS security support to the Security Office and programmes within the area of responsibility will ensure continuous facilitation of safety and security of UNDP staff, enabling safe UNDP programme delivery and activities within the context of UNDP's development role, while dovetailing with and respecting UNDSS' mandate, and working within the UN and UNDP security policy and framework.


Core Values: 

  • Integrity – An ability to work honestly, openly, impartially and in accordance with the values of the United Nations.
  • Professionalism – An ability to work in a calm, competent and committed manner; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.
  • Respect for Diversity – An ability to work effectively, respectfully, and inclusively with people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives.

Core Competencies:

  • Communications – Clearly and effectively speaks and writes, tailoring language, tone, style and format to different audiences; Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately;
  • Teamwork – Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; Builds consensus for task purpose and direction with team members; Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise and is willing to learn from others.
  • Planning & Organizing – Identifies priority activities and assignments, adjusting priorities as required; Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning.
  • Accountability – Adheres to organizational rules, regulations and standards; Delivers outputs for which one has responsibility within prescribed time, cost and quality standards.
  • Client Orientation – Provides services, support, advice, guidance to internal or external clients, and seeks to see things from their points of view; Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect.
  • Creativity – Actively seeks to improve programmes or services; Demonstrates resourcefulness by finding new solutions to address operational or strategic problems.
  • Commitment to Learning – Keeps abreast of new occupational/professional developments; Contributes to the learning of colleagues and subordinates; Provides constructive security advisory, training, coaching and feedback for others.

Managerial Competencies:

  • Vision – Clearly communicates links between the Organization’s strategy and the work unit’s goals; Identifies strategic issues, opportunities and risks.
  • Leadership – Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives; Empowers others to translate vision into results; Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support.
  • Empowering Others – Delegates responsibility, clarifies expectations and gives staff autonomy in important areas of their work; Holds others accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility; Involves others when making decisions that affect them.
  • Building Trust – Operates with transparency; Places confidence in colleagues, staff members and clients; Treats sensitive or confidential information appropriately.
  • Judgment/Decision Making – Identifies key issues in complex situations; Considers potential positive and negative impacts of decisions on others and on the Organization; Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Advanced University Degree (Masters Degree or Equivalent), preferably in social sciences, management, or a related security field, or formal multi-year education in Security Management, such as military or police senior Command and Staff College (minimum 9 months full time) qualification with command experience at senior level.
  • Formal training in security risk management.


  • A minimum of 7 years of relevant security and development related experience
  • Previous experience of working in a conflict/post-conflict or crisis environment is an asset.
  • In-depth knowledge of security management and risk management.
  • Knowledge of UNDP business, operations and programming cycle.
  • Knowledge of UNDP Country Office structure; roles and responsibilities of the Resident Coordinator, CD, DO, SMT, UNDSS and UN Security management System.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English and French is required. Working knowledge of another official UN language is desirable.