
As a pilot country for Delivering as One, a UN reform initiative for system wide coherence, Tanzania has made important strides on the mainland as well as on Zanzibar. A new UN Development Assistance Plan, 2011-2015 has been signed for Tanzania. The Plan has a number of key actions on health, education, HIV/AIDS, governance and food security amongst others that will be implemented by government and civil society partners in mainland as well as in Zanzibar, and there is a growing expectation to demonstrate results and impact of the reform initiative.
Several UN Agencies (funds, programmes and specialised agencies) have devoted full time programme staff members to Zanzibar, who work out of the UN House, inaugurated by the Secretary General in February 2009. The international community does pay special attention to Zanzibar given its particular political arrangements. Zanzibar elects its own President, House of Representatives and Local Councillors. Zanzibar has it’s own government – The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar with responsibilities that extend to public affairs and Zanzibar development needs, excluding foreign policy and joint union interests.
As a member of the Office of the Resident Coordinator, the incumbent reports to the UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Representative and support UN Agency Country Representatives and their Deputies on programmatic and operational issues. For matters related to UN security in Zanzibar, the incumbent reports directly to the UN Resident Coordinator based in Dar-es-Salaam.
In the fields of responsibility set out below, the liaison officer shall act under delegated authority from the RC and be accountable to the RC, and through the RC, to the UN Country Management Team (UNCMT) and its members. For the fulfilment of these responsibilities, the incumbent shall receive instructions, guidance and support from the RC. In terms of programmatic and operational support, the incumbent will liaise with key programme and operational working groups in particular the Inter-Agency Planning Committee (IAPC) –and the Operations Management Team (OMT).

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:
  • As regards the RC’s representational role, the incumbent shall facilitate communication between the RC and the Zanzibar authorities. In so doing, the incumbent shall analyse and advise on emerging political, socio-economic and security developments and advocate for joint (UN Country Team) UNCT positions, as well as the UN’s purposes and principles.
  • The incumbent shall act under the authority of the Designated Officials to coordinate and control the security arrangements for operations in his / her area of responsibility.
  • In matters pertaining to UNDAP implementation for Zanzibar, the incumbent shall support existing UNDAP arrangements enabling a coherent UN response on relevant programming and policy issues, ensuring compliance with the agreed organisational, planning, monitoring and reporting requirements of the UNCT.
  • The incumbent will support the smooth running of UN programming in Zanzibar, inter alia through maintenance of a constructive and inclusive working atmosphere among concerned UN staff members, including representatives of Non-Resident Agencies, where relevant.
  • The incumbent will support strategic partnerships arrangements with national stakeholders, including government and non-state actors. The incumbent shall ensure the provision of top quality policy advisory services, facilitate effective knowledge management and provide technical assistance to key national processes of planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting, aid management coordination etc.
  • The incumbent shall support resource mobilization as guided by the RC and with the UNCMT, in compliance with the agreed Resource Mobilization Engagement Principles, Resource Mobilisation Strategy and other relevant instruments defined by the UN Country Management Team (UNCMT).
  • The incumbent shall support inter-agency cooperation on communication activities in Zanzibar, including identification of high-visibility, results-oriented communication opportunities.
  • Liaising with the UN Communication Group, the incumbent will engage with the media and other key partners to ensure effective communication messaging under One UN Voice in Zanzibar.
  • The incumbent shall liaise with the RCO Communication Officein Mainland to ensure: regular coverage of developments on Zanzibar in UN Tanzania information platforms; and coordinated advocacy and promotional messages to key partners
Functions/Key Results Expected:
Provide strategic policy and political analytical support to the RC and UNCT:
  • Advise the RC on any political, social or economic developments in the relevant areas of responsibility of this function.
  • Maintain and develop day-to-day contacts with key government authorities and ensure the prompt sharing of information, conclusions or messages with the RC and concerned UN Heads of Agencies, or UN programme staff, as appropriate.
  • Support the development and maintenance of existing joint consultation processes within government authorities and other stakeholders in the area of responsibility.
  • Act as a point of referral and advice for communications between the UN and the local authorities.
  • Act as the Area Security Coordinator and stay abreast of local security related issues and/or concerns.
Provide strategic coordination for UNDAP implementation in Zanzibar and coordinate the management of the UN House:
  • Support effective and cost-efficient delivery of the UNDAP inter alia through maintenance of a constructive and inclusive working atmosphere among concerned UN staff members, including representatives of Non-Resident Agencies where relevant.
  • Coordinate joint and collaborative planning processes pertaining to the implementation of UNDAP, including by provision of regular programmatic updates to the IAPC and OMT on common services.
  • Advise the RC on the need for adjustments to the UNDAP results framework for Zanzibar, and related programmatic or operational developments.
  • Support agencies to comply with the agreed planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements of the UNCT during UNDAP implementation, ensuring a results orientation and the application of lessons learned.
  • Working closely with IAPC, OMT and working groups support the overall coherence and harmonization of UNDAP activities in Zanzibar, in particular during planning, reviews and implementation of Annual Work Plans .
  • Supervise the implementation of the One UN Common Premises and implementation of the agreed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
  • Support UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Zanzibar.
  • Liaise with the UN Country Team’s Emergency Coordination Group, in case of any emergency.

Maintains strategic partnerships and support the resource mobilization in cooperation with other UN agencies:

  • Support the development of partnerships with UN Agencies, IFI’s, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society etc.
  • Provide support to joint UNDAP resource mobilisation efforts, in accordance with the agreed Resource Mobilisation Engagement Principles and Strategy and other relevant instruments defined by the UNCMT.

Ensures provision of top quality policy advisory services and facilitation of knowledge building and management:

  • Contribute to the analysis of the political, social and economic situation in the country and preparation/revision of UNDAP support documents.
  • Identify sources of information related to policy-driven issues, synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to programme goals.
  • Support and promote evidence based policy dialogue around issues related to MKUZA (Zanzibar Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy) monitoring by facilitating meetings between stakeholders (sectors, sub-national, CSOs, development partners) to inform revisions in sector polices.
  • Facilitate the production of quality reports from the Results Monitoring system to demonstrate development results.
  • Coordinate development of policies and institutions that will address the country problems and needs in collaboration with the Government and other strategic partners


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Required Competencies:
Management and Leadership / political analysis skills
  • Ability to conduct sound political analysis, judgment, and decision making in a complex socio- political environment.
  • Ability to analyze and understand complex political issues and environment and provide options or advice to senior management.
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Ability to lead, build and work in a team.
  • Capacity to work under pressure.
  • Demonstrated negotiating, cultural sensitivity and diplomatic skills.
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting.
  • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, mobilize resources.
  • Ability to implement new systems and positively affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change.
  • High intellectual capacity to understand and interpret national development issues.
  • Promotes knowledge management in the UN family through leadership and personal example.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Minimum of a Master’s Degree in Economics, Public Policy, Political Science, Public Administration, Business Administration, Development Studies, International Development or related field.


  • Minimum 7 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in providing strategic political policy and programme/project advisory services, hands-on experience in policy and programme design, monitoring and evaluation of development interventions and results. Also, candidates will require experience on security matters and skills in facilities management.
  • Proven ability to establish and manage inter-relationships among international organizations, national governments and civil society. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages and good ICT skills desirable.


  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of Kiswahli an advantage.