
In 2003, the Government of Angola created the National Service of Civil Protection and Fire Fighters – SNPCB (Law 28/07, 7 November) aiming at supporting populations in case of hazards and natural disasters.  Most recently in 2010, it approved the National Contingency Plan for 2009-2014 (Presidential Decree No.205/10), which reinforces the role of the SNPC in the coordination of any preparedness activities to do with response.  The Government has realized that to enable it to efficiently and effectively implement what is outlined in the national contingency plan, solid information management systems need to be in place.

To this end, the Government requested support from the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) on capacity development in the area of information management, who has begun discussions with UNOCHA ROSEA on a potential areas of collaboration, including an assessment of the current IM systems and capacities of the National Service for Civil Protection to identify key gaps and draft an action plan to address them.

As result of the assessment conducted in July 2011, the UNDP is recruiting an Information Management Specialist (IMS) to work with the SNPC, for a period of six months, to support the implementation of the recommendations of OCHA report and the development and implementation of the an Information Management Strategy.

Duties and Responsibilities

Results Expected:
The role of the Information Management Specialist will be to assist the implementation of recommendations in the evaluation produced by OCHA on the national capacities in the area of information management on preparedness and response to emergencies and assist the development and implementation of an Information Management Strategy.
One of the key objectives of the specialist will be to do on the job training within the SNPCB, hence build in-house IM capacity. Two staff from the SNPCB should be identified beforehand to be understudies of the specialist. After the six months tenure, a full handover and a two year IM plan of action should be submitted to the SNPCB. The plan of action should outline IM activities to be undertaken by the trained staff to ensure that the momentum is not lost. UN OCHA will work closely with the specialist providing strategic guidance where required.
The IMS will be expected to develop an Information Management Strategy, under the leadership of the SNPC and UNDP.  The strategy will define the objectives / goals of information management for emergency preparedness and response, and then devise an action plan at each stage of the information management cycle (information requirements / data, data collection, processing, analysis, diffusion) to achieve all the objectives previously established. The action plan will define the person in charge of each activity identified and allow SNPCB to monitor and evaluate progress.
He/she will also contribute to the review of development and improvement of field information management procedures at the central and provincial levels to ensure that information management in the field function efficiently and provides the best possible functionality and usability to all stakeholders.  Some field travel may be required.

Under the guidance and supervision of the SNPCB Coordinator and UNDP Deputy Director for programmes, the information management expert will be responsible for the following duties:
  • Provide training for SNPCB staff and UN DMT on information management systems at central and local levels;
  • Assist the development of an Information Management Strategy. Define the objectives / goals of information management for emergency preparedness and response, and then devise an action plan at each stage of the information management cycle (information requirements / data, data collection, processing, analysis, diffusion) to achieve all the objectives previously established; 
  • Help identify their information requirements to ensure that the information needed to support humanitarian operations and the coordination role of the SNPCB. Develop and maintain a targeted approach for all partners and stakeholders;
  • Assist in the development standard multi-sectoral assessment forms (situation analysis, rapid and monitoring) to be used by all stakeholders in their data collection. Provide training on the use of standard forms;
  • Assist in the development and improvement of existing report templates;
  • Facilitate an Information Management awareness Workshop organized by SNPC for all stakeholders who have an active role in managing information. The aim of the workshop is awareness of the importance of information management and the role of each one in this process;
  • Identify the needs and advise on products and services on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that will help SNPCB to improve the preparedness and response capacity of the Government and its partners, including the development of partnerships to promote coordination and information sharing between organizations;
  • Manage the data collection, data entry and use of standardised systems to support humanitarian operations and the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP).  These standardised databases include: Who Does What Where, Contacts Directory;
  • In close collaboration with the relevant SNPC staff, determine the primary data and information elements that are required internally and externally to support humanitarian decision making;
  • Support the strategic and operational decisions of processing and analyzing data and information and present it in the format most useful for its analysis (eg reports, maps);
  • Together with other relevant SNPCB staff, design and implement a structured dissemination plan for all products and information services (eg, reports, data, maps) through, for example, a hard copy, CD-ROMs and websites;
  • If necessary, oversee technical SNPCB staff in the development of databases to support the collection and processing of context specific data (e.g.: affected population, displaced populations, demographic and vulnerability data, results of common rapid needs assessment etc.). 

Work implies frequent interaction with the following:

  • Staff at all levels within SNPCB, line departments, OCHA RO-SEA, UNCT and UN DMT, NGOs and the humanitarian community as well as donors;
  • Delegations, government officials, involved actors in the crisis, and partners in universities and research institutes, etc.
  • OCHA ROSEA Information Management Unit in Johannesburg.


 UN Competencies:
  • Professionalism - Advanced knowledge of the use of management information systems in humanitarian response, ability to analyse and articulate the information management requirements of complex situations requiring a coordinated response between the various actors; demonstrates problem solving skills and ability to sound judgment to ensure the effective and timely completion of complex tasks; ability to work under extreme pressure, on occasion in a highly stressful environment (e.g. civil strife, natural disasters);
  • Communication - Excellent communication skills and training (spoken and written), including the ability to convey complex information management concepts and recommendations to staff at all levels, both orally and in writing, in a clear, concise style that can be readily understood by non-information management practitioners;
  • Teamwork – Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organisational goals;
  • Planning and Organising – Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently;
  • Accountability – Takes ownership of all responsibilities and honours commitments; operates in compliance with organisational regulations and rules; supports subordinates and peers, provides oversight and takes responsibility for delegated assignments;
  • Client Orientation – Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view; designs solutions and basis recommendations on the principles of usability; establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; keeps clients’ informed of progress or setbacks in projects; meets timeline for delivery of products or services to clients;
  • Judgment/Decision-making – Identifies the key issues in a complex situation, gathers relevant information before making a decision; considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them; proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information; checks assumptions against facts; determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision;
  • Commitment to Continuous Learning – Demonstrated history of keeping abreast of new developments in the field plus a commitment to continuous learning

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree (Masters degree or equivalent) preferably in Geographic Information Systems, computer science or other relevant field; or the equivalent combination of education and extensive relevant professional experience.
  • Minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in information management or a related field;
  • Experience both at the national level and international level in large organisations with dispersed operations and/or in the public and private sector preferred;
  • Demonstrated strong experience and skills in GIS and spatial analysis;
  • Strong practical background in GIS and cartography, including knowledge of current GIS software (MapInfo, ARC/Info, ARC/View);
  • Demonstrated and proven experience in successful project implementation and new processes and systems;
  • Demonstrated and proven experience in the application of standards to the development and use of information management systems;
  • Experience in an operational UN Agency or with OCHA in a sudden onset natural disaster;
  • Experience in change management, preferably in the introduction of new information management systems in large organisations.

Language requirements:   

  • Fluency in written and spoken Portuguese and English is essential.