
UNDP Practice architecture

UNDP’s Strategic Plan (2008 – 2011) defines Capacity Development as the overarching contribution of UNDP. The Strategic Plan and the 2008 regionalization framework articulate the corporate requirement to bring timely and effective substantive and technical services to UNDP country offices through strengthened practice architecture at global, regional and country levels.  The UNDP practice architecture serves as a framework for better organizing UNDP to provide consistent policy advisory services, more relevant and substantive policy knowledge, better linking of policy, programming, and capacity development.  The value of the practice architecture lies in its comprehensive structure to solidify UNDP and its staff into global knowledge teams that ensure coherence, consistency, alignment and quality assurance in the way UNDP delivers services to development partners and programme countries, as well as internally. 

The Bureau for Development Policy (BDP) is responsible for articulating UNDP’s global development policy, using evidence gathered through country applications, regional experiences and global interactions.  BDP has a key role to play in helping country offices to accelerate human development by supporting the country offices in the design and implementation of programmes and projects that effectively contribute to the national-level policies and results.  Driven by demand, and working through the Regional Bureaux and the Regional Service Centre (RSC), BDP provides the global tools, analysis and capacities that country offices need to make a real difference in UNDP’s practice areas.

BDP’s support of UNDP’s strategic plan 2008-2011 is focused in 4 practices (Poverty Reduction and the MDGs, Governance, Environment and Energy, HIV/AIDS) and 2 thematic areas (Capacity Development and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment). At the RSC level, the practice management structure  is composed of a dedicated  regional Practice Leader (PL) for each practice/thematic area and a Knowledge Management Team Leader (KMTL) at the 6 RSCs in Bangkok, Bratislava, Cairo, Dakar, Johannesburg and Panama City.   As part of the practice architecture, which allocates decentralized capacity to the Regional Service Centres a number of policy advisers will be based at regional level under the leadership of Practice Leaders in Johannesburg and Dakar (for Africa), Bangkok and Colombo (for Asia and the Pacific), Panama and Port-of-Spain (for Latin America and the Caribbean), Bratislava (for Europe and CIS) and Cairo (for Arab States).     

Practice/Thematic Approach: (Democratic Governance)

UNDP’s democratic governance practice focuses on fostering inclusive participation, strengthening responsive governing institutions, and promoting democratic principles.  Inclusive participation expands equal opportunities for engagement by the poor, women, youth, indigenous people, and other marginalized groups who are excluded from power.   Efforts in this area aim to strengthen opportunities for civic engagement in the core channels linking people and the state, at the national, regional and local levels.

UNDP’s role in the area of Human Rights continues to receive particular attention from its Executive Board and its country clients.   While UNDP does not have any normative or monitoring role on human rights, it has for many years been requested by its client countries to undertake significant activities in the area of human rights, as well as access to justice.   It works with its client countries to promote a human rights-based approach to development which translates people’s needs into rights, understanding the individual  as the active subject and claim-holder in the process for human development. The value of the human rights-based approach lies particularly in its potential to reduce and optimally eliminate discrimination,  injustice and  inequality and to alleviate poverty.  UNDP is actively engaged in the newly established Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group. Through the group UNDP is contributing to joint UN policies and guidance tools in the field of rule of law and access to justice to better ensure coherence and consistency in the system and to avoid duplication of efforts at global, regional and country level. 

Regional Context

UNDP Africa’s strategic vision places the development of enhanced capacity for pro-poor growth and accountability at the centre of all UNDP-supported activities in the region, given the fact that lack of capacity in these areas remains one of the key challenges faced by Africa today in its efforts to achieve the MDGs.  One of the key goals is to strengthen the efforts of Governments to formulate and implement policies and regulations that are supportive of strong macro-economic frameworks, equitable trade, and sustained growth led by effective public-private sector partnerships.

African priorities in the area of governance include the consolidation of democratic and participatory governance, including through support to the implementation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.   Working through regional and country programmes, specific areas of UNDP support to Africa’s governance agenda include: strengthening equal participation by men and women in political and economic governance processes, and public sector efficiency and responsiveness; supporting regional integration efforts; strengthening accountability as a cross-cutting goal of both political and economic governance and of public administration reform; and promoting governance knowledge codification and sharing to improve inter-country learning. 

Interventions to support democratic governance in the region seek to strengthen governance institutions and processes, enhance political participation and the effective management of elections, strengthen service delivery, and promote the sound management of Africa’s resources through more effective mechanisms of transparency and accountability, broaden access to justice and promote human rights. They also seek to contribute towards enhancing capacities for regional integration, while enabling effective implementation of African governance initiatives.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions

  • Policy Advisory/Programme Support-Delivery;
  • Research, Content Development and Knowledge Management
  • Policy Development;
  • Support to Practice Management/Coordination;
  • Practice Advocacy.

Policy Advisory/Programme Support-Delivery:

  • Lead the demand-driven provision of policy and technical advisory services in the area of access to justice and human rights, including the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to programming, responding to country office needs;
  • Provide direct technical  and policy advice, backstopping and training to Country Offices (COs), UN Country Teams (UNCTs), and Regional Bureaux on justice and human rights issues and collaborate substantively with HQ/regional/country focal points to help achieve democratic governance practice area strategic goals and implement access to justice and human rights programmes;
  • Provide technical advice, backstopping and capacity development to Country Offices in their support to national human rights institutions;
  • Contribute to developing the capacity of national partners  of the rule of law and justice system, human rights machinery and civil society in support of achieving the MDGs as it relates to the work of the access to justice and human rights;
  • Facilitate the engagement of country offices and regional programmes with civil society, including indigenous peoples and minorities; 
  • Provide demand-driven support to relevant regional initiatives and promote synergies with the Regional Governance Program for Africa.

Research, Content Development and Knowledge Management

  • Build a  regional human rights and justice Community of Practice and support, facilitate internal and external Communities of Practice in relevant cross-thematic area(s);
  • Exercise quality assurance for policy services in practice service area, capture and promote lessons/good practices and build knowledge through practice workspaces, rosters of experts/institutional partners and other tools to strengthen team capacities and foster policy innovation to enhance programme delivery;
  • Conduct analysis of data, case evidence and research findings to distill relevant lessons;
  • Assist country offices in supporting national partners in establishing systems for data collection and analysis of the situation relevant to the rule of law and access to justice;
  • Research, develop, share, test and roll out knowledge-based tools (in accordance with cooperate standards), such as policy positions/practice notes/methodologies/ (operational)concept  papers and other research papers to help influence policy dialogue and widen UNDP policy/programming tools;  present such material at global and regional forums;
  • Liaise with international, regional and national partners such as think-tanks, and civil society organizations;
  • Lead and manage activities in support of the corporate Knowledge Road Map within BDP and UNDP;
  • Contribute to global and regional knowledge networks;
  • Manage content in the relevant practice service space of Teamworks.
Policy Development:
  • Provide evidenced-based input to the development of corporate policy and guidance in the field of access to justice, rule of law and human rights  practices;
  • Participating in developing corporate policy and guidance in the area of rule of law, access to justice and human rights;
  • Provide substantive inputs to regional and international fora to help shape global and regional development strategies, policies, norms and standards;
  • Contribute to the development of tools for the implementation of global normative frameworks, policies and strategies.

Support to Practice Management/Coordination

  • Nurture internal and external communities of practice through partnership building, communications, and outreach to other practices, and Regional Bureaux focal points, UN partners and other relevant organizations; develop networks with UN country team(s) working in the practice service area;
  • Work closely with the Democratic Governance Practice Leader in the RSC to develop work plans, monitor/report progress in justice and human rights matters in line with practice strategic goals and within the practice resource framework and agreed work programme;
  • Mobilize and manage financial resources, including for Trust-Funds;
  • Provide results reporting and other management obligations for corporate planning/management processes of UNDP, UN system and trust funds’ governing boards;
  • Develop practice business plan in the service area, and forge/implement successfully strategic partnerships with UN and external partner institutions – Governments, private sector, academia, expert organizations, NGOs, CSOs.), including substantive collaboration with the OHCHR Regional Office in Dakar

Practice Advocacy:

  • Provide substantive and content leadership in sub-regional discussions and inter-agency coordination on practice issues;
  • Represent UNDP (and UN partner organizations) to advocate practice messages in regional and  international development arenas for a discussion;
  • Mobilize external partnerships behind UNDP initiatives;
  • Advocate the importance of access to justice and rule of law in various fora with a view to deepen related political commitment and related reforms and enforcement mechanisms;
  • Lead the design of material and promote initiatives for advocacy and policy dialogue in the field of rule of law, access to justice and human rights;
  • Support the Practice Leader in providing intellectual leadership of practice in the field of access to justice and human rights in the sub-region.

Management of the Regional Office´s component of the Global Programmes on Human Rights and Access to Justice

  • Technical backstopping and management of Regional windows of BDP Global Programmes on human rights (GHRSP) and Accelerating Access to Justice ’
  • Effective application of RBM tools, establishment of management targets and monitoring achievement of results
  • Draft reports on activities and outputs of the programmes



  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by modeling the UN/UNDP’s values, normative framework and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.


  • Proven ability to apply various relevant development, legal and sociological  theories to the specific context, including translating access to justice and rule of law principles based on humanitarian, human rights and international criminal law into effective policy and programme interventions in the field; 
  • Capacity to interact with senior officials and credibly influence decision makers in UNDP programme countries and other international development organizations;  
  • Strong analytical, dialogue, consultation and communication skills, including ability to produce high quality practical advisory reports and knowledge products;
  • Theoretical experience in the field of rule of law, access to justice and protection of human rights and democratic governance aspects of relevance to security systems.


  • Managerial experience and decision-making skills;
  • Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision from the spectrum of development experience;
  • Knowledge and expertise in UNDP’s programming processes;
  • Proven ability to lead a service area and drive for results with substantial knowledge of results-based management and budgeting.

Managing Relationships

  • Demonstrated developed people management and organizational skills;
  • Proven ability to manage teams; creating an enabling environment, mentoring and developing staff;
  • Excellent negotiating and networking skills;
  • Strong resource mobilization and partnering skills.

Managing Complexity  

  • Ability to address global development issues relevant to access to justice and rule of law;
  • Substantive knowledge and understanding of development cooperation with the ability to support the service area and inter-disciplinary topics of relevance;
  • Ability to integrate knowledge with broader strategic, policy and operational objectives;
  • A sound global network of institutional and individual contacts.

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Ability to strongly promote knowledge sharing and knowledge products and services;
  • Demonstrated ability to understand clients' needs and concerns; respond promptly and effectively to client needs; and customize services and products as appropriate;
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate with others in own unit and across boundaries; acknowledge others' contributions; promote collaboration and facilitate teamwork across organizational boundaries;
  • Open to new ideas; shares own knowledge; applies knowledge in daily work; builds partnerships for learning and knowledge sharing;
  • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information and best practices from within and outside of UNDP;
  • Familiarity with current Knowledge Management technologies, including Web and Enterprise 2.0 etc.


  • Mature judgment and initiative;
  • Proven ability to provide strategic direction in service area;
  • Independent judgment and discretion in advising on handling policy issues,  challenges and sensitive issues at HQ level, regional and country level.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master's Degree in Law or other relevant area such as sociology of law, anthropology with a focus on law, criminology, or human rights protection.


  • Minimum of 7 years of progressively responsible, substantive knowledge in access to justice and human rights programming and policy development.


  • Fluency in French with a good working knowledge of English.