
In 2005 in the context of the new European Neighbourhood Policy, RM and EU signed an agreement: EU-Moldova Action Plan (EUMAP) for a period of 3 years, where a series of actions were included in order to intensify cooperation between the two parties. In February 2008 at the end of the period of the Action Plan, the European Council adopted a decision regarding the principle availability of the EU to initiate new negotiations with the RM with the aim of singing of a new agreement.
In parallel with the Action Plan, RM has signed an agreement with the EU for a facilitated visa regime, as well as obtained from EU a preferential trade regime for most of the goods produced in Moldova. In the framework of the Eastern Partnership and the European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU has been negotiating an Association Agreement with Moldova since 2010.
On December 5, 2011, the EU decided to launch negotiations on a deep and comprehensive free trade area with Moldova in order to boost economic growth and investment with its Eastern European partner. These negotiations will tackle a broad range of trade and economic issues so as to achievement by Moldova of a closer economic integration with the EU.
The future Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area will be part of thee Association Agreement, which aim to closely associate Moldova to the EU both in economic and political terms, in line with the Eastern Partnership objectives. The future trade relations will therefore expand significantly beyond the scope of current cooperation, set out in the EU Moldova Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 1998.
One of the key recommendations made by the EU Commission when assessing the readiness of Moldova to commence DCFTA negotiations was the preparation and adoption of a food safety strategy and the drafting and implementing of key legislation to implement it. The strategy was adopted by Government Decision in August of 2011 and the process of legislative approximation is underway. This new legislation places very high demands of the Food Business Operators (FBOs). It is important that the FBOs are fully aware of what is required of them to implement these new requirements and for the competent authority and its executive bodies to be in a position to enforce them. A draft Government Decision has been prepared approving the National Programme for restructuring and modernisation of units of livestock and food industry operators. On the basis of this Decision FBOs will be obliged to prepare plan for modernization and restructuring of the units including total financial cost of this process in order to meet upcoming changes to SPS legislation.    That requires financial assessment of the FBOs to be undertaken as part of a process to prepare required plans.
This support will help both the private and public sector to assess the costs of and prepare plans for implementing the new food safety requirements.  

Duties and Responsibilities

The Project will contract an International Consultant to consult the Sanitary Veterinary Agency within the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) with the evaluation of the actions and their costs necessary for the restructuring of Moldovan slaughterhouses.
This objective should be met through the following activities:
Key activities:
  • Propose a methodology (containing documentation e.g. questionnaires / checklists) to assess the current capacity of Moldovan slaughterhouses and to specify and evaluate the necessary changes required to implement EU SPS requirements;
  • Undertake pilot assessments in a representative sample (at least three) slaughterhouses of FBOs;
  • During pilot assessments give on-the-job-training to Sanitary Veterinary Agency staff on how to undertake such assessments and how to conduct subsequent follow-up inspections;
  • Prepare and discuss report on pilot establishments with costed modernisation plan with FBOs;
  • Draft recommendations for the roll out of agreed methodology for assessments remaining FBOs across the country bearing in mind the findings of the pilot process;
  • Analyse and discuss all deliverables with key stakeholders. Make further recommendations.
Minimum Qualification Requirements:
  • Minimum 10 years of working experience in the food hygiene area;
  • Experience of assessing the compliance of FBOs with EU food safety legislation and identifying needs;
  • Proven experience of undertaking data gathering, analysis and reporting in the agri-food sector.
Documents to be included when submitting the proposals:
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
  • Proposal: explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  • Financial proposal;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.
Important Notice:
The applicant who has the statute of Government Official / Public Servant, prior to appointment will be asked to submit the following documentation:
(i)                  a no-objection letter in respect of the applicant received from the government, and;
(ii)                the applicant is certified in writing by the government to be on official leave without pay for the duration of the Individual Contract.
A retired government official is not considered in this case a government official, and as such, may be contracted.


  • Knowledge of and experience in the region of Central and Eastern Europe (experience in countries of transitional economy would be an asset);
  • Similar experience in assisting government institutions within projects funded by international organizations;
  • Qualification and/or proven skills in project coordination, credibility in dealings with governmental officials, excellent analytical and communication skills;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, knowledge of Romanian or Russian would be an asset.

Required Skills and Experience

  • A degree/post-graduate qualification in an appropriate discipline (e.g. veterinary medicine, food technology).
  • Minimum 10 years of working experience in the food hygiene area;
  • Experience of assessing the compliance of FBOs with EU food safety legislation and identifying needs;
  • Proven experience of undertaking data gathering, analysis and reporting in the agri-food sector.