
Bangladesh has enjoyed sound economic growth, but this is unevenly spread, and many are not benefiting sufficiently from this process. Moreover, while some MDG targets are on track, others are not and there are significant territorial differences and local specificities in meeting them. Local government’s role in relation to MDG achievement in Bangladesh operates at two levels: direct service delivery in key areas of provision; and in shaping the operating environment, including securing accountability and community leadership. These roles vary between the two tiers and the intervention addresses: Union Parishads with greater delivery mandates play a more immediate role, whereas Upazilas (UZP) have a more catalytic function to play.

The Upazilas work with Government officials from the line ministries, who have clearly delineated roles and development functions financed from central resources. They have a role in coordinating service delivery to all citizens across the entire Upazila. Implementing this function will require the active participation and input from the line agencies and other actors including UPs, the private sector and civil society organizations.

Given the challenges to deliver services in attaining the MDGs and ensure adherence to democratic principles, the Programmatic Framework of the Local Governance Cluster of UNDP outlays an intervention that will be delivered through two distinct but complementary projects namely:

  1. Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP);
  2. Upazila Governance project (UZGP).

The Technical Specialist will work under the supervision and guidance of the Deputy Country Director (Programme) and in close consultation with the Assistant Country Director, Local Governance and National Project Director. The International Technical Specialist will have overall responsibility, together with the National Project Director, for the project’s inputs and the achievement of its outputs as measured by the Indicators of Success. He/she will also work in coordination with UNCDF officers, the UPGP Project Manager, government officials, elected representatives of different LGIs, member of different training institutes and members of the civil society and NGOs.

The ITS will make field visits as and when required. The ITS will be working for the Upazila Governance Project (UZGP) and will focus on output 1 (Strengthened Upazila Parishads as functional, democratic and accountable institutions) and output 3 (Strengthened national capacity for effective policy review, monitoring, lesson learning and capacity development of LGIs for improved Local Governance). He/she will also provide necessary guidance and support to Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP) to implement its output 1 and 3. However, the role of the ITS will not be limited to specific outputs, and he/she will work as a team member for both the UPGP and UZGP projects.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

The Technical Specialist will be responsible for following categories of tasks:

  • Technical Advice;
  • Policy and Programme Services;
  • Strategic Partnerships;
  • Advocacy and promotion of awareness of UNDP’s mandate and mission.

Technical Advice:

  • Ensure reflection of strategic development issues in preparing Upazila Development Plan and annual budget for selected Upazila Parishad with a framework consistent with legal system and suggest changes after half yearly evaluation of performance;
  • Lead design and support to capacity development framework on local development planning and budgeting on the basis of approved guidelines for the selected Upazila Parishads;
  • Organize assessment of service delivery gaps and local government institutions/line departments potential role in MDG achievements, formulate strategies to bridge the gaps and approaches;
  • Provide technical advice in developing integrated Upazila development plan with emphasis on service delivery efficiency towards MDG achievement;
  • Provide technical advice in developing implementation mechanism for UZGP monitoring and evaluation framework, which will also be linked with the overall monitoring and evaluation framework of the Local Government Division (LGD);
  • Provide technical advice in developing other training modules, tools and guidelines as required.

Policy and Programme Services:

  • Lead policy development and policy advocacy as required by project document;
  • Provide policy related advice to LGD with regard to decentralized service delivery and local financial issues;
  • Organize and act as resource person to LGD with regard to development of evidence-based policy framework;
  • Ensure inputs to LGD to transfer/replicate the learning/best practices from 14 Upazila into wider national policy;
  • Map on a consistent basis the development issues, covering the situation and strategic opportunities in the form of professional papers and reports;
  • Identifies opportunities to enhance team-work within and across various government agencies and with the other relevant institutes in order to capitalize on the specific advantages of multi-disciplinary support;
  • Promote the substantive quality of all knowledge products, reports and services, and ensures effective integration and compatibility with other practice areas. Contribute to the production reports and publications, and serve as peer reviewer;
  • Supervise the project’s capacity strengthening aimed at improving performance of government counterpart, civil society groups, media and other stakeholders.

Partnerships and Resources:

  • Guiding the Local Government Division (LGD) in implementing and monitoring the UZGP Project by following the Joint Programme Document (Programme Agreement etc.) as its mandate for the design, preparation and implementation of its work plans;
  • Develop an operational manual and establish procedures and criteria;
  • Advise the NPD and PM on the work plan and budget preparation and revision;
  • Advise the NPD and PM in preparing periodic progress reports and presentations as required;
  • Ensure liaison with UNDP-UNCDF officers on technical coordination and financial management;
  • Lead in identifying areas where technical assistance will be required, prepare TOR for short-term consultancies and provide technical support to the advisors;
  • Mobilize and network with the experts of national and regional offices of the UN System, international development organizations, sub-regional and regional associations, affiliations and bodies (inter-governmental, non-government or private sector) and prominent private sector organizations.

Advocacy and promotion of awareness of UNDP’s mandate and mission focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Production of high quality research papers for UNDP presentation at international workshops and conferences;
  • Support to monitoring progress and formulation of strategies towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;
  • Management of events and publications on local governance issues, including advocacy of the reports’ findings among relevant Governmental agencies, civil society organizations and donors;
  • Disseminate the information on best practices and be an active member of the UNDP global and regional networks;
  • Ensure the preparation of brochures, publications, press releases for dissemination of UNDP assistance and experience;
  • Expand outreach to the UN, national government, local authorities, private sector, non-government and international development organizations.


  1. Necessary training modules on planning, MDG, accountability, people’s participation are developed/facilitated;
  2. Needs/gap assessments conducted and reported;
  3. Upazila monitoring and evaluation framework supported;
  4. Relevant policy papers/concept notes developed;
  5. Lessons/best practices from output 1 and 3 replicated/scaled up nationally;
  6. Preparing work plans, periodic reports, presentations supported;
  7. Coordination with UNDP-UNCDF ensured.

Impact of Results:
The key results have an impact on the overall success of the country programme and reaching Country Programme Document, UNDAF, and CPAP goals. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design, operation and programming of activities, creation of strategic partnerships as well as reaching overall project targets.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Shares knowledge and experience and contributes to UNDP Practice Areas and actively works towards continuing personal learning and development;
  • Ability to provide top quality policy advice services on economic issues;
  • Established track record of delivering strong analytical products with policy relevance;
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues.

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Abililty to go beyond established procedures and models, propose new approaches which expand the range of programmes;
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision;
  • Ability to function at both policy advisory and project implementation levels.

Management and Leadership

  • Ability to interact with policy officials at the highest levels of society;
  • Ability to function at both policy advisory and project implementation levels;
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback;
  • Encourages risk-taking in the pursuit of creativity and innovation;
  • Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
  • Proven competencies and knowledge on development issues, especially in the field of PAR and its impact on improvement in the lives of people through service delivery;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors;
  • Ability to work in interdisciplinary mixed ability teams;
  • Good interpersonal skills;
  • Experience of working in a multicultural team is an advantage;
  • The incumbent should also be well published, competent and knowledgeable on development issues, especially poverty reduction and human development concepts and methodologies.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master Degree in Social Science, Public Administration, Development Studies or related discipline.


  • At least 7 years of work experience in the area of local governance and/or fiscal decentralization including two years of experience in developing countries;
  • Experience in legal and institutional aspects of local governance;
  • Experience in designing local level planning, budgeting and training guidelines/modules;
  • Strong policy analysis and research skills;
  • Work related experience and knowledge with a proven track record in providing sound technical support and policy advice to projects/programmes in the area of his/her assignment;
  • Experience of working with government officials will be an added advantage;
  • International work experience in developing countries, preferably in Asia, or in Bangladesh writing skills, as well as strong analytical aptitude, communication and presentation skills is required;
  • Work experience with UN/UNDP/other development partners will be preferable;
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages and experience in handling of web-based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English, with strong ability to articulate complex issues verbally and in writing.