
UNDP’s support for country–led democratic governance assessments is a key element of the organization’s broader agenda on democratic governance: to foster inclusive participation, strengthen accountable and responsive governing institutions, and ground governance in international principles of Human Rights, gender equality and integrity. This approach to democratic governance and the role of assessment therein, is included in the approved UNDP strategic plan for 2008-2013. The Global Programme on Democratic Assessment is coordinated by the Oslo Governance Centre [OGC]; a unit of the Democratic Governance Group [DGG] in the Bureau for Development Policy [BDP].

Through the Global Programme on Capacity Development for Democratic Governance Assessments and Measurements, UNDP seeks to assist programme countries produce disaggregated and non-ranking governance indicators to enable national stakeholders to better monitor performance in democratic governance reforms. The aim of the Programme is to strengthen the capacity of governments, national statistics offices and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the collection, maintenance and analysis of governance related data and to assist the development of an inclusive and consultative framework for the systematic assessment and monitoring of democratic governance goals and targets expressed in national development plans.
The Programme will provide for focused organizational learning on various aspects of governance measurements and indicators through supporting learning events that bring together headquarter, regional and country-level colleagues with external expertise. A key undertaking of Programme is the Governance Assessment Portal which is a global hub for knowledge and practice on governance assessments and provides a one-stop-shop on governance assessments for practitioners around the world. With a membership of almost 10,000, the GAP is quickly becoming a flagship for UNDP on governance assessments showcasing knowledge products and guidance based materials for policy makers and UNDP programme staff.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Democratic Governance Assessment Team Leader and the Programme Manager at the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, the Communication Analyst participates in the implementation of the corporate communications strategy, as well as in the design, management and implementation of the OGC communications and publication strategies which are geared to influence the development agenda, promote public and media outreach and mobilize political and financial support for UNDP. 

The Communications Associate works in close collaboration with the Business Development, Programme and Operations teams, staff of other UN Agencies, UNDP HQs staff (Communications Office) ensuring successful UNDP communication strategy implementation.

A communications strategy tightly linked to program priorities helps position OGC in key development markets as a leader in ways that boost demand for various service lines and increase overall business opportunities.

The Governance Assessment Portal (GAP):

GAP is a global hub for knowledge and practice on governance assessments, and provides a one-stop-shop on governance assessment materials. The GAP aims to be a resource for users across the world, and especially in developing country contexts with limited technical resources and internet access.
Since its soft launch in 2007, the GAP has grown steadily in both use and features. With more than 1,000 pages, the site provides a quick global snapshot of activities and resources relevant to democratic governance assessment, including descriptions of national initiative and relevant organisations, a library of resource materials and publications, an overview of international donor practices and sources for indicators, and a how-to section providing guidance on each step of designing, conducting and using a nationally owned democratic governance assessment.
In order to maximize its usefulness and accessibility to actors at the national and sub-national level, the GAP is preparing to launch a number of social media profiles, to integrate interactive content, and launch a news service which aggregates relevant information on events, press, launches and activities from hundreds news sources across the globe. Each of these activities is aimed towards supporting and promoting the use of country-led governance assessments as a mechanism for social accountability. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Support to formulation and implementation of internal and external strategies for communications and outreach
  • Support to elaboration and implementation of the publications strategy and plan
  • Supervision of the design and maintenance of the UNDP web site, intranet, OGC web-based knowledge management system
  • Supervision of the design and maintenance of the Governance Assessment Portal (GAP):
  • Support to business development
  • Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing

Provides support to the planning and design of internal and external strategies for communications and outreach focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Conduct of communications needs assessments for OGC (projects and corporate change initiatives, etc)
  • Analysis of requirements and synthesis of proposals for elaboration of the OGC communications and outreach strategy based on the corporate communications strategy.
  • Development/production of communication and advocacy instruments and materials for marketing and awareness-raising campaigns, including briefing materials and press releases in coordination with the supervisor.
  • Synthesis of proposals for project formulations to integrate advocacy and communication strategies into all aspects of UNDP’s development programme.

Provides support to the implementation of the OGC publications strategy and plan focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Provision of inputs and information for elaboration of and implementation of the OGC publications strategy and plan.
  • Management of some OGC publication activities, such as drafting articles, OGC news-letter, content management, norms for publishing, design, maintenance of regular contact with printers and other suppliers to ensure production and publications dissemination.

Provides support to the maintenance of the UNDP web site, intranet, OGC web-based knowledge management system focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Management of the office web sites based on corporate requirements in cooperation with the ICT staff.
  • Preparation of the content for the web sites to ensure consistency of the materials.

Provides support to the maintenance of the Governance Assessment Portal (GAP), focusing on achieving the following results:

  • Increased usage and visits to the GAP, including resource downloads
  • Communication and dissemination of GAP content such as knowledge products and news stories

Supports the business development focusing on achievement of the following results:

Launches and campaigns

  • Promotion and dissemination of corporate advocacy materials for launching flagship initiatives and publications.
  • Promotion and maintenance of public information campaigns on UNDP activities, results of MDGs, UN Reform, under the supervision of the Democratic Governance Assessment Team Leader and the Programme Manager at the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre.


  • Preparation and dissemination of OGC newsletter to stakeholders (donors, COs, National Counterparts, National Statistical Offices, ThinkTanks, CSOs, etc),, donor reports, civic education and community awareness, where appropriate, to support projects professional growth through active learning.

Public information

  • Timely and effective responses to inquiries for public information materials.

Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to OGC goals and activities.
  • Contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice including corporate communications repositories.
  • Provision of  trainings, UNDP staff on communications for development


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Shares knowledge and experience and contributes to UNDP Practice Areas
  • Develops knowledge  in Practice Areas
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to implement communications and publications strategies
  • Advocates effectively
  • Ability to perform a vide range of varied, inter-related complex services
  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies
  • Excellent communication skills, excellent writing skills
  • Ability to conceptualize issues and analyze data
  • Demonstrates strong understanding of UNDP’s work on democratic governance
  • Demonstrates strong IT skills

Management and Leadership:

  • Focuses on impact and result for the client
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Ability to remain calm, in control and good humored even under pressure and tight deadlines
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view
  • Solicits feedback about the impact of his/her own behavior

Required Skills and Experience

  • Secondary education.  University degree or equivalent in media relations, journalism, publishing desirable, but it is not a requirement
  • 7 years of relevant experience at the national level in providing communication packages to promote the activities of international development organization.  Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.). Experience in handling of web-based management systems.
  • Fluency in the UN and national language of the duty station