
The Government of Nepal (GON) has prioritized microfinance as one of its key policies for improving the livelihoods of the poor people especially those living in rural remote locations of Nepal.  To that end, the Central Bank of Nepal (Nepal Rastra Bank -NRB) with the funding and technical support from UNDP and UNCDF is implementing a four year “Enhancing Access to Financial Services (EAFS)” project.  NRB - EAFS is a national initiative that supports creation of an inclusive financial sector in Nepal.  Designed to support the GON’s efforts to improve access to finance for low income households and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) NRB - EAFS supports 17 financial institutions in scaling up, deepening and broadening outreach especially in rural areas.  By 2012, the project efforts will lead to additional 330,000 unbanked individuals accessing the formal financial sector.  To achieve this, NRB - EAFS project employs a sector wide approach working on micro,  meso and macro level. On micro level the EAFS strengthens the capacity of retail providers to develop appropriate financial products and extend financial services to the geographically excluded poor.  On meso level the EAFS strengthens the capacity of the broader sector through research and technical assistance.  On macro level the EAFS works with policy makers to support the creation of effective and enabling environment. NRB – EAFS project aims to extend financial services to all regions and areas of Nepal. 

In Nepal, about 26% of the households have a bank account and 38% have outstanding loans exclusively from the informal sector (World Bank, 2006) suggesting that most of the population is unfamiliar with formal financial services.  Therefore, one of EAFS goals is to enable financial services providers to offer a broad range of relevant, accessible, affordable and cost effective financial services to low income people in Nepal.  Apart of that goal is also strengthening the ability of the users to participate in the financial sector; therefore financial literacy is one of the project strategies to build households financial competencies to enable households not only to manage their resources well, but also to benefit fully from the use of financial services.
Access to financial services is particularly hard for people living in the remote hills and mountains, many of whom still lack access to financial services.  Poor are often not aware of the potential benefits that can derive from the use of financial services, however an effective interaction with the financial sector can help the poor build assets, manage risks, and plan for the future.  Those that have access to financial services however, often do not appropriately match their needs with financial products, or their capacity to repay. Many wishing to enter the formal financial space are often inexperienced with the formal banking services and are, therefore more vulnerable to fraud, abuse or they simply make bad financial decisions. 
In such an environment, EAFS project felt that financial literacy can make a difference. By communicating new knowledge, skills and attitudes that people need to adopt good money management practices for earning, spending, savings, borrowing and investing, it prepares individuals to use scarce financial resources more effectively and to choose the financial services and products that best meet their requirements. Additionally, increase knowledge and understanding of financial services helps increase demand for the financial products and services.
As a part of its Financial Literacy strategy, in 2012, NRB – EAFS plans to produce Financial Literacy training manual. This training manual will be used to deliver financial education lessons to low income users in Nepal.  NRB – EAFS purchased financial education materials from the Global Financial Education Program (GFEP), these financial education materials will be adapted to Nepalese context. To that end, NRB - EAFS project is looking for experienced consultants with a strong track record in training manual design to adapt GFEP existing financial literacy training manuals. The adaptations of these GFEP materials will be based on research previously conducted by NRB – EAFS project.

Duties and Responsibilities


The GFEP material consists of four components:
  • Training of trainers manual – this component provides guidance on learning methodology and provides a tool for training trainers on how to conduct financial literacy trainings to low income users ;
  • Training guide – this component provides technical sessions on financial literacy topics developed for low income users;
  • Training tool kit – this component provides all handouts to be used during the training;
  • Training concept note – this component provides a short technical note about the key training concepts. 
The objective of this assignment is to adapt GFEP generic financial education materials Nepalese cultural context.  In specific, the objective is to:
  • Adapt component a. Training of Trainers Manual - review the training of trainers manual for its applicability to Nepalese context, and ensure that the training methodology proposed is suitable for learning style of Nepalis;
  • Adapt component b. Training Guide – review the material and ensure that the style and learning topics are applicable for learning style of Nepalis including illustrations and the like. NRB – EAFS will develop technical content of the sessions (i.e. topics that will be covered);
  • Adapt component c. Training tool kit to ensure handouts are appropriate and in line with newly adapted material.

The consultant, if need arises, may have to develop new sessions should existing sessions not be adequate. However, the likelihood of developing completely new sessions is low

The national  consultant will be required to undertake the following two major tasks:
Task 1: Audit current national and international financial literacy training materials
  • An audit of current national and international financial literacy training materials available as well as teaching resources, such as Global Financial Education Program (GFEP) materials, Money Smart, ILO Nepal Financial Literacy materials  and other national and international  materials to familiarize him/herself on materials and methodologies available.
Task 2: Adapt and design of financial literacy training guide  for the beneficiaries (Component b. Training Guide)
  • Adapt and design a training manual for beneficiaries to ensure that the beneficiaries understand the content in the curriculum, thus the content has to be tailored to low literacy levels and illustrations need to be included;
  • Training manual content needs to include financial literacy technical content on budgeting, savings, debt management and insurance;
  • Training manual content has to be culturally appropriate including activities and examples for each session;
  • Training manual content has to be easily modified to different cultural contexts of Nepal and a simple guidance on how to modify the example and activities to alternative context needs to be included;
  • Training Manual Content has to be easily adaptable to other dissemination channels apart from training (such as learning circles, radio, TV, comic books and other channels).
  • Training manual needs to include a monitoring and evaluation system for trainer and participants as well as measurement for learning outcomes and behavior changes.
  • Pre – test the curriculum with a selected institutional partner of EAFS.
  • Orient/train EAFS technical team on the financial literacy manual develop for the beneficiaries so that that EAFS team can develop a Training of Trainer (TOR) TOT can be provided by the team in the future;
  • Core Learning Outcomes for learning Areas/Curriculum Stages and core learning outcomes have to be clearly stated;
  • Each section of the training manual will have to clearly establish types of understanding, skills, competencies and attitudes essential for the learning topics ;

EAFS training manual needs to ensure the following basic principles are respected:

Leaner centered approach : The training manual (training guide) should be linked to individual experiences, interests and capacities. Learning needs to be meaningful. Training guide for  end users and learning experience needs to take differences among trainees into consideration (such as age, gender, caste, socio – economic background and so forth)

Competence based approach : The manual and sessions should show a set of learning outcomes so that material contributes to participants increased understanding, skills and competencies around financial literacy issues.

Integration of teaching and learning :A manual should offer a meaningful connection between practical and abstract concepts. There should be sufficient activities to promote learning by doing, using problem solving, small group work and the like techniques

Flexibility and ease of Adaptability: Materials need to be flexible in that a trainer can chose how to delivery topics in the session and in the manual, there should be time and resource flexibility in the materials. Additionally, materials need to be easily localized.

Task 3: Adapt and design of financial literacy training of trainer’s manual (component a. Training of Trainers Manual under Objectives)

  •  Review the GFEP manual and make necessary adaptations to the manual to ensure its applicability for training of trainers in Nepal.

Adaptation and design of both training manual and training guide will have to be mindful of the following:

  • Optimal consideration must be given to the teaching of financial literacy to females, lessons need to be accessible and appropriate to females of 16 years of age and above – without reinforcing traditional gender roles;
  • Existing human capacities and institutional structures of financial service providers, networks and NGOs that are likely to disseminate the training;
  • Ensure sustainability by minimizing the recurrent costs of curriculum changes also be mindful of over excessive use of training materials ;
  • Optimize ownership of financial literacy materials by the stakeholders;  Training manual will have to address skills and knowledge gaps identified during the research on financial behaviors
In response to the TOR the consultants need to submit the following:
  • Sample of Training Materials previously developed in the similar field (not older than 4 years);
  • Two references;
  • A four page proposal outlining one’s understanding of financial literacy (what it is and what it tries to accomplish), the plan to accomplish the tasks as outlined in the TOR, the proposal should also outline curriculum design approaches the consultant plans to undertake to meet basic curriculum design principles, the proposal also needs to outline the methodology/approach for assessing the training capacity.
Duration of assignment
The assignment will require 70 person’s days.
Duty Station

Primarily the duty station of the consultant will be branch offices located outside of Kathmandu. EAFS project will organize the logistical arrangements for any Kathmandu visits.
Expected Travel places

There will be one travel place in Nepal for pilot testing of the materials – areas will be determined

  • Draft Training of Trainers manual and Draft training guide (as outlined in the objectives);
  • Draft Training toolkit handouts;
  • Pilot testing report;
  • Final Training of trainers manual and trainer’s guide.  
Payment Schedule:
Fee is payable as follows:
  • Twenty percent  (20%) upon signing of a contract, submission and approval of the proposal;
  • Fifty percent (50%) upon submission of the assessment report of training capacity and draft training of trainers manual and draft training guide;
  • Thirty   percent (30%) percent upon submission of the pilot testing report and final training of trainer manual and trainer’s guide upon acceptation from NRB - EAFS.


The consultant will work closely with the Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) for the NRB - EAFS project and assigned EAFS staff and partnering MFIs. The CTA will provide advice and technical inputs throughout the consultancy assignment. The consultant will report to National Project Manager and National Project Director of NRB-EAFS project.


  • The scope of work will minimally require a team effort comprising of 2 specialists with relevant expertise in financial education curriculum review, development and implementation. One is expected to have expertise at the financial literacy and the other one has to have expertise in development of curriculum for illiterate or semi-literate populations;
  • Familiarity with financial literacy and experience with developing and delivering training specifically for financial institutions will be considered as an advantage;
  • Knowledge of pedagogy and theories of learning will be considered as an advantage;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of microfinance,  and finance will be considered as an advantage
  • Additionally one or both of the consultants must have strong expertise in curriculum design for adults as well as for youth in academic and/or non-academic environment;
  • Strong knowledge of pedagogy;
  • Good working knowledge of adult participatory leanings methodologies;
  • Excellent English and Nepali writing and communication skills (with submitted proof of writing skills as a must);
  • Good inter-personal and computer skills;
  • Strong understanding of financial behaviors in Nepal;
  • Strong writing and analytical skills;
  • Strong track record in developing practical quality assurance systems for training evaluation as well as behavioral outcomes
  • Good understanding of financial concept and matters will be added advantage.

Required Skills and Experience

Education and expereince:

  • A Bachelor degree in Education, Social Sciences, Economics Development will be considered if applicant has more than 10 years of experience in training manual preparation;
  • Master’s degree, Education, Social Sciences, Economics Development and the like fields; and at least 5 years of work experience in designing and developing education and literacy training materials for adults and youth, a proven track record of similar work in other similar task environment, is considered a prerequisite;