
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), acting as an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is providing assistance to the Ministry of Environment of Moldova in the implementation of the GEF Biodiversity Enabling Activity Project “National Biodiversity Planning to Support the implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Republic of Moldova”.

This project is part of the second generation of Biodiversity Enabling Activities under the GEF. Republic of Moldova has been Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since October 1995. The project addresses the country’s need to continue to fulfill its obligations under the CBD, with particular focus on the Convention’s Article 6 and the CBD COP Decision X/2. Above all, the project is a significant contribution to Moldova’s efforts towards implementing the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 at the national level.

The project builds on the current status and achievements of Moldova with respect to biodiversity planning and reporting. It aims to integrate Moldova’s obligations under the CBD into its national development and sectorial planning frameworks through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process. This process is expected to produce measurable targets for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. It will equally ensure that the value of ecosystems’ goods and services, as well as the challenges and opportunities for ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience are taken into consideration in the process.

The project will achieve its objective through the implementation of three components (1) A participative stocktaking exercise on biodiversity planning takes place and national biodiversity targets are developed in response to the global Aichi Targets; (2) The NBSAP is developed and it fully integrates new aspects of the CBD strategic plan, such as mainstreaming and anchoring the implementation of the plan into national development frameworks, valuing ecosystem services and promoting ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience; and (3) National frameworks for resource mobilization, Convention reporting and exchange mechanisms are strengthened.

Duties and Responsibilities

In order to ensure that the new National Biodiversity Strategy and Actions Plan incorporates the aspect of valuing of ecosystem services and goods and that the national framework for NBSAP Implementation is in place the consultant will be responsible for:

  1. Identifying and, to the best extent possible, quantifying the economic benefits provided by Moldova’s biodiversity, including ecosystem services.   
  2. Developing a resource mobilization strategy for the implementation of the NBSAP   

The international consultant will be assisted by a national environmental economist and finance specialist and will cooperate closely with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment and other stakeholders as identified by the Project Management Team.  


  • Guide the team of national consultants on the collection of biodiversity economic value information during the stocktaking process and incorporate the resulting information in the National Biodiversity Strategy and Actions Plan;
  • Provide examples of similar and comparable studies from other countries;
  • Identify, assess and, to the best extent possible, quantify the full range of economic benefits delivered by Moldova’s biodiversity, including the values of key ecosystem services in Moldova, based on existing local, national, regional and global studies on the value of ecosystems and biodiversity. This would include:

-  National TEEB valuation results (if any);

-  Valuation of protected areas in terms of the direct and indirect income they generate and of the ecosystem services they provide;

-  Any other national biodiversity valuation, protected area economic assessments and ecosystem services studies that have been conducted (e.g. water, carbon);

-  Existing global and regional studies, maps and overlays of key ecosystem services;

-  Any other studies related to the quantification and evaluation of biodiversity and ecosystems services (e.g. forestry, water, biodiversity etc.)

-  Identify the implications of these services for different stakeholder groups within the country, including those who benefit from, and pay for, the maintenance of these ecosystem services, and those that degrade ecosystems through unsustainable use;

-  Estimate and demonstrate the value of key ecosystem services (using methods appropriate to each service), including the value of the ecosystem service in contributing to climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation; reducing poverty, and sustaining livelihoods;

-  Where appropriate, this activity will also identify potential means of capturing the value of targeted biodiversity and ecosystem services including through policies such as payments for ecosystem services and other positive incentives.

Financing implementation of the NBSAP:

Identify and analyse and where possible quantify internal sources of finance for action in the NBSAP including:

  • National budget cycle and the allocation to public administrations (ministries);
  • Budget of local governments (municipalities, village authorities);
  • National funds to support local development;
  • Fiscal and economic instruments.

Analyse and where possible estimate external sources of finance for actions in the NBSAP including:

  • Bilateral sources (e.g. trans-boundary level, bi or tri-lateral cooperation);
  • Multilateral sources;
  • Regional development banks;
  • International foundations and non-governmental organisations;
  • Other opportunities.

Identify, analyse and where possible estimate innovative sources of finance for actions in the NBSAP, especially fiscal measures related to:

  • Tourism (eco-tourism, agro-tourism), including its real potential and possible impact on ecosystems and their biodiversity;
  • Infrastructure development (to encourage the mainstreaming of biodiversity into their operations; Bank loans for investment projects);
  • Other alternative sources for sustainable biodiversity conservation.

Lead and contribute to development of NBSAP Integrated Financing Action Plan summarising concrete activities required to mobilise BD finance for the 10-year period of the implementation of the NBSAP.

 Deliverables and timeframe:

The following deliverable will be produced by the consultant:

  1. Complete collection of biodiversity economic value information for the stocktaking process and contribute with the necessary inputs for the launching workshop and national target setting process by December 31, 2012;
  2. Complete the Study on the economic benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Moldova, through assessing and capturing economic value of ecosystem services and goods by June 30, 2013;
  3. Contribute with the necessary inputs to the economic component of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Actions Plan by October 30, 2013;
  4. Lead and contribute to development of Resource mobilization strategy and Financing mechanism for NBSAP activities by October 30, 2013;
  5. Lead and contribute to development of a costed and prioritized implementation plan for the NBSAP by October 30, 2013.

 All the deliverables should be agreed with the UNDP’s counterpart at the Ministry of Environment and UNDP and be provided in English in electronic copy.

 The timeframe for the work of International Consultant is planned from August 2012 to December 2013. The consultancy should involve about of 7 working weeks (35 working days), of which at least 3 weeks in the country structured in 3 missions (two on 2012 and one in 2013).


  1. Aspects of conservation of biological diversity;
  2. Strong skills in economic and financial analysis, evaluation and reporting;
  3. Proven experience in implementing GEF Projects under Biodiversity Focal Area (BD1 or BD2);
  4. Proven ability to collect, verify and analyze information, and to finish and present work with a high degree of accuracy and technical quality;
  5. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing, in order to communicate complex, technical information to both technical and general audiences;
  6. Prior experience with UNDP projects;
  7. Experience in working with government officials, civil servants and technical public administration agencies and authorities is desired;
  8. Proficiency in standard computer software (word-processing, excel, presentations, databases and internet).


Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree (at least MSc) in economics, finance and environmental economics or others relevant areas preferable with exposure to natural resources /biodiversity conservation;
  • Relevant education and/or trainings in one of the areas related to natural resources is a strong advantage. 


  • At least 8 years of experience in economics, finance, environmental economics or other relevant fields;
  • Extensive experience in conducting economic analysis in the biodiversity-related field;
  • Previous experience in developing economic information for the national biodiversity planning documents is a strong advantage.
Language requirements:
  • Fluent in written and oral communication in English;
  • Knowledge of Romanian or/and Russian will be a strong asset.


 Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

1.       Technical Proposal:

  • Explaining how applicant responds to each of the qualification requirements and why he/she is the most suitable for the work;
  • Describing a short vision on achievement of tasks.

2.       Personal information (as a detailed CV or as a Personal History Form /P11) including records on past experience in similar projects/assignments and concrete outputs obtained;

3.       Financial proposal (in USD, specifying a total lump sum amount and the number of anticipated working days).


Each candidate will be required to submit a financial proposal which specifies a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).  


All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP does not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between UNDP Moldova and the consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.

Payment will be disbursed upon submission and approval of deliverables and certification by the PMT and UNDP that the services have been satisfactorily performed.


Initially, consultants will be short-listed based on the following minimum qualification criteria: 

  1. Advanced university degree in economics, finance and environmental economics or others relevant areas preferable with exposure to natural resources /biodiversity conservation;
  2. At least 8 years of experience in economics, finance, environmental economics or other relevant fields.

 The short-listed individual consultants will be further evaluated based on the following methodology:

 Cumulative analysis

The award of the contracts shall be made to the individual consultants whose offers have been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

 * Technical Criteria weight – 70% (350 pts);

* Financial Criteria weight – 30% (150 pts).

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 245 points would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Technical Criteria :

  1. Advanced university degree in economics, finance and environmental economics or others relevant areas with exposure to natural resources /biodiversity conservation (MSc– 35 pts, PhD– 50 pts);
  2. Trainings in the environment related areas (Yes-25 pts; No-0 pts);
  3. At least 8 years of experience in economics, finance, environmental economics or other relevant fields (8 years-40 pts; >8 years - 60 pts);
  4. Extended experience in conducting economic analysis in the environmental area (5 pts shall be assigned for each year up to 3; >3 years - 35 pts );
  5. Proven experience in developing economic information for a national biodiversity planning document (3.3 pts shall be assigned for each year up to 3; >3 years - 25 pts);
  6. Knowledge of and working experience with Government sector (5 pts shall be assigned for each year up to 2; >2 years-20 pts);
  7. Proven experience in working with the international organizations (2.5 pts shall be assigned for each year up to 4; >4 years -15 pts);
  8. Previous successful experience in working with UN Agencies (Yes-5 pts; No-0 pts);
  9. Proficiency in English - 10 pts; knowledge of Romanian and/or Russian +5 pts
  10. Interview (55 – demonstrated technical knowledge and experience; 20 - communication/interpersonal skills; 15 – initiative; 10 – creativity/resourcefulness).

Maximum total technical scoring: 350 points

Financial: 150 points

Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula:

S = Fmin / F * 150

S – score received on financial evaluation;

Fmin – the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round;

F – financial offer under consideration.

Winning candidate

The winning candidate will be the candidate, who has accumulated the highest aggregated score (technical scoring + financial scoring).