
Under the guidance of UN Resident Coordinator, the UN Coordination Adviser is responsible to strengthen the capacity of the UN Country Team in coordination and planning through an integrated UN response to the challenges of development, UN reform, disaster risk reduction, early recovery and residual relief in Pakistan. The UN Coordination Adviser will team up with the Coordination Team and will ensure continuity beyond the surge in demand due to residual relief, early recovery and UN reform, apart from regular development work and joint programming.

The RC Office needs to strengthen coordination and interaction at the policy and operational levels among donors, government, UN system and civil society organizations for strategic planning; joint programming and real time M&E.

Through the integrated RC Office, the UN will provide unified strategic advice, planning operational support and M&E functions for the recovery and reconstruction phase while maintaining the regular development agenda. The incumbent is expected to support the RC in maximizing synergies among relief, recovery and development activities of the UN in Pakistan.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

  • Management of the UN RC Office
  • Implementation of the Delivering as One UN Reform Agenda
  • Coordination with the Government & Donors
  • Strategic Advice for early recovery
  • Policy Development through Heads of Agency and other meetings
  • Advocacy
Function / Expected Results

Management of the UN RC Office:

  • Supervise and coordinate all activities emanating from the residual relief, early recovery and regular inter-agency coordination.
  • Provide strategic guidance for the annual planning of the UNCT to ensure synergies among relief, recovery and development activities – all within the UNDAF.
  • Propose allocation of funds under the UN Development Group Office, the support to RC (SRC) funds, and the One Fund.

Function / Expected Results:

Implementation of the UN Reform Agenda:

  • Follow up on the implementation of the Secretary General’s reform program, particularly as it affects the UN Country Team
  • Focal Point for the SG’s high level panel for UN System cohesion.
  • Promote UN Program Coordination, including facilitation of the UNCT in the development and implementation of Joint Program.
  • Support implementation of the second One UN Programme for Pakistan 2013-2017 and its Operational Plan both at federal level and in the provinces

Function / Expected Results

Coordination with the Government & Donors
  • Support the Government in aid coordination and implementation of the Paris Declaration on simplification and harmonization.
  • Support the Government in M&E initiatives including the Development  Assistance Database
  • Facilitate UNCT support to Government in developing and implementing poverty reduction strategies and papers.
  • Promote and facilitate policy dialogue and program coordination within the donor community.
  • Assist the UNCT in engaging the donor community for resource mobilization for the UN System in Pakistan.
  • Facilitate policy dialogue, especially on MDGs and with regards to key policy events – e.g. Pakistan Development Forum.
  • Support the RC/UNCT in engaging bilateral and multilateral donors, including for resources mobilization, and to direct the initiation and development of related preparatory and follow-up action.

Function / Expected Results

Strategic Advice for Early Recovery

  • In close collaboration with OCHA, Operationalize field coordination for early recovery, building upon the cluster approach of the relief phase in close coordination with the federal and provincial authorities.
  • Ensure that interventions are smartly targeted on the neediest people to keep the promise vis-à-vis the vulnerable groups.
  • Facilitate, at the request of the RC, consultations with the Government, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, donors and organizations of the UN system, and provide technical support for policy and program development and related strategic initiatives.
  • Support integrated monitoring mechanism and report progress of UN activities

Function / Expected Results

Policy Development through Heads of Agency and Other Meetings
  • Supervise preparation of UNCT meetings and other important meetings chaired by the RC as required. In doing so, coordinate preparation of agendas for these meetings, alerting the RC of pending and important issues to be raised.
  • Draft and prepare records and conclusions of these meetings and act on the follow up of decisions/recommendations made.
  • Maintain working relationships with agency representatives, UN colleagues and other relevant partners, such as Government counterparts and NGOs, at all levels.
  • Participate, as representative of RC, in pertinent inter-agency meetings, ensuring that feedback from these meetings is adequately reported and reflected in the work of the RCS.
  • Identify and recommend to the RC, proposals/actions for enhancing inter-agency cooperation and coordination, and when appropriate and necessary-initiate under the RC’s guidance action for their implementation.

Function / Expected Results


  • Lead the One Voice advocacy program of UN activities and positions, in close consultation and coordination with the UNIC and the information/communication focal points of individual UN agencies.
  • Provide Strategic direction to an advocacy campaign on the Millennium Development Goals, targeting the public as well as government officials, at both central and provincial level.

Impact of Results:

The key results have an impact on the success of the UN Country Team activities, strengthening coordination and interaction at the policy and operational levels among doors, government, UN system and civil society organizations for strategic planning; joint programming and real time M&E, synergies among relief, recovery and development activities of the UN in Pakistan.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race,  nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management & Learning:

  • Promotes knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office
  • In-depth knowledge on development issues
  • Ability to advocate and provide policy advice
  • Actively works towards  continuing personal learning  and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development & Operational Effectiveness:

  • Ability to lead strategic planning,  results-based management and report
  • IT Skills
  • Ability to lead implementation  of new systems (business  side) and affect staff behavioural/attitudinal change

Management & Leadership:

  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback
  • Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution  skills
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
  • Remains calm, in control and good humoured even under pressure
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability  to manage complexities

Required Skills and Experience


  • Masters Degree in social sciences, political science, law, international relations, development studies, or related subjects.


  • At least 10 years of experience with international  organizations as an  international staff member or consultant (preferably with the UN and in  inter-agency coordination/cooperation);
  • Knowledge about the UN RC system will be an added advantage.

Language & Miscellaneous Requirements:

  • Excellent drafting skills in English and presentation/facilitation skills
  • Cultural sensitivity, inter-personal skills and ability to work smoothly under pressure.
  • Excellent organizational  skills and ability to handle multiple tasks effectively without compromising quality, team spirit and positive working relationships with all colleagues
  • Reliability and Initiative