
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is one of the 4 Implementing Agencies (IA) designated by the Multilateral Fund (MLF) to implement the Montreal Protocol´s Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS) phase-out projects.
The Parties to the Montreal Protocol agreed under the Decision XIX/6 on the "Adjustment to the Montreal Protocol with regard to Annex C, Group I substances (HCFCs)" to "accelerate the phase-out of production and consumption of the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)", and the Article 5 (A5) countries have been requested by the ExCom to adopt a staged approach to the implementation of their HCFC Phase-out Management Plans (HPMP). The preparation of the HPMP included the following::
  • Assistance to determine related institutional, policy and legislation framework;
  • Survey on the HCFCs consumption, use and trade;
  • Development of strategies and action plans for compliance with the 1st Stage;
  • Development and finalization of HPMP, including stakeholder consultation and support;
  • Individual HCFC phase-out investment project proposals.
The HPMP for El Salvador has already been approved and the HPMP for Peru is in the process of being approved. This Term of Reference (TOR) identifies and specifies the scope of services required by the international expert; therefore, a consultant is required to provide assistance for the countries (El Salvador and Peru) to be ready to start up the implementation of their HPMPs.

Duties and Responsibilities

The International Consultant, under the direct coordination of the UNDP MPU Programme Coordinator, and close consultation with the head of the NOU in the country, and other relevant national and international stakeholders will lead and coordinate the activities in the context of the HPMP for Peru and El Salvador, by carrying out the following services:
  • Define, in cooperation with the Government, and relevant consultant(s), a schedule for the implementation of the HPMP in El Salvador and Peru.
  • Analyze, in cooperation with the Government and the relevant stakeholders (the industry, government and academia, etc.) key inputs for the preparation of the annual work plans to be included in the UNDP Project Document.
  • Prepare in close coordination with UNDP Peru and El Salvador the Project Documents for the two HPMPs.
  • Prepare draft TORs for the HPMP implementation in both countries.
  • Assist the NOU and UNDP in the preparation, organization and delivery of the inception workshop by providing technical inputs necessary to ensure successful implementation.
  • Provide long distance support for identified difficulties / follow up on activities described in the TORs (when applicable).
The contract will enter into effect upon signature by both parties and will extend from November, 2012 until February 28th, 2013.
 Duty Station
Home based work, plus up to one (1) mission to each country ( Peru and El Salvador) for a minimum of five days each.
The candidate is required to quote their services based on the activities necessary for the delivery of the products described below. The quote shall include full costs of the mission. Other than the fees for the delivery of the product, it must also include the mission costs (on an all-inclusive basis, i.e.: subsistence allowance, visa cost, communication cost, local transportation cost, travel costs, meal and etc.) for the related missions to El Salvador and Peru. :
  • P1 upon delivery of mission report from visit to El Salvador. Estimated date: 01December, 2012.
  • P2 upon delivery of Project Document, Annual Work Plans and TORs for the HPMP implementation in El Salvador. Estimated date: 15 January, 2013
  • P3 upon delivery of mission report from visit Peru Estimated date: 10 December, 2012.
  • P4 upon delivery of Project Document, Annual Work Plans and TORs for the HPMP implementation in Peru. Estimated date: 15 February, 2013.


  • Working experience in the design, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of Refrigerant Management Plans and CFC Terminal Phase out Management Plans under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol,
  • Working experience in the design, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of technical assistance projects in the framework of the implementation of Montreal Protocol in developing countries.
  • Extensive knowledge of Montreal Protocol related issues and of environmental policy.
  • Full knowledge of Guidelines for project preparation from the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund
  • Full knowledge of latest decisions related to HCFC phase out by the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund.
Core Competencies
  • Demonstrate integrity by modeling UN values and ethical standards
  • Promote the vision, mission, and strategic in goals of the UNDP and the CPR Unit
  • Displays cultural, gender , religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Required Skills and Experience

  • Engineering or Advanced degree in relevant discipline.
  • Working experience of at least 10 years in environmental or related area.
  • Working experience of at least 5 years in Coordination or Management.
  • Proficiency in Spanish and English.
  • Knowledge of Montreal Protocol and/or environmental policy.
  • Full knowledge of latest decisions related to HCFC phase out by the Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund.