
UNDP is one of the four agencies designated by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, to implement projects for the phase-out of ozone depleting substances (ODSs).
At its 63rd meeting held in April 2011, the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (ExCom) approved the HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (HPMP) for Chile with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as lead implementing agency, the United Nations Environment Programme, as cooperating agency, and the Ministry of Environment (MMA) as the national executing agency.
The purpose of the HPMP is to phase out HCFCs through the use of sustainable alternatives with a low global warming potential (GWP), in compliance with the goals of the Montreal Protocol. This plan will be developed in two phases: the first involves actions to meet the 2013 and 2015 goals. The actions required to meet the next goals will be prepared in 2014 and presented in 2015.
Five general strategic lines have been defined based on which concrete actions will be developed to reduce and phase out HCFC:
  • Strategic line 1: Implementation of the HCFC regulatory framework.
  • Strategic line 2: Foam sector support programme, to be developed after 2015.
  • Strategic line 3: Refrigeration sector support programme.
  • Strategic line 4: Awareness-raising Programme
  • Strategic line 5: Monitoring Programme 
The following four projects will be developed under Strategic Line 3, “Refrigeration Sector Support Programme”: Training of good practices in refrigeration and implementation certification system of technicians; technical assistance to the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector; regeneration programme; and a fourth project on the phase-out of HCFC 141-b use in flushing activities.
Specifically, the project for Training on good practices in refrigeration and implementation certification system of technicians entails training courses on good refrigeration practices using alternative HCFC free technologies. The main objective is to promote good practices in the use and handling of refrigerant gases and thus, to reduce the use of HCFCs and minimize its release into the environment.
These Terms of Reference are the framework of terms, duties and responsibilities for the position of the International Consultant who will impart a Seminar for trainers on good practices in refrigeration,  that emphasizes the use of new technologies alternative to HCFCs.
Best value for Money approach will be used in the evaluation and will lead to a combined score for technical capabilities and the financial offer.
The short listed candidates based on their technical capabilities will receive the standard format that they must fill out for their financial offer.

Duties and Responsibilities

General Objective of the Consultancy
Design, preparation and facilitation of seminar for trainers on good practices in refriferation and alternative HCFC free technologies. A complementary Good Refrigeration Practices manual must also be included.
Duties and Responsibilities
The consultancy specifically involves, for the purpose of attaining the objectives established by the Phase-Out Plan:
  • Developing a trainer preparation programme on Good Practices in Refrigeration that will introduce non-HCFC alternatives with a low GWP. The course will be held in Santiago de Chile, Chile with an expected duration of minimum 3 days and a maximum of 5. It must be both theoretical and practical, including a leveling and/or refresher module on refrigeration know-how.
  • The consultant must determine the requirements for adequate facilities and necessary equipment to carry out the seminar.
  •  Developing guides, presentations, evaluations and all the materials needed to impart the “train the trainers” course.
  • Imparting “train the trainers” seminar on Good Practices in Refrigeration, including alternatives to HCFCs, according to the programme indicated above.
  • Delivering to the Ozone Unit the course programme, course teaching guidelines and/or checklist, presentations, evaluations and all materials needed for trainers to replicate the course.
  • Writing a manual on good practices in refrigeration that includes alternatives to HCFC with low GWP.
  • Product #1: Training of trainers in Good Practices in Refrigeration course programme, in Spanish or English with translation services (the translation services will be provided by the project).
  • Product #2: 20 trained trainers.
  • Product #3: Manual on Good Practices in Refrigeration that includes alternatives to the use of HCFC with low GWP, in Spanish or English.
  • Product #4: Inputs to replicate the course.
The contract will enter into effect upon signature by both parties, expected to extend for six (6) months.
Duty Station
Home based, with one (1) mission to Chile, with an expected duration between three (3) to five (5) days.
The consultant will receive payments based on delivery of the expected products listed before. The candidate is expected to quote his/her services INCLUDING the travel and all others related costs.


  • Demonstrate integrity by modeling UN values and ethical standards
  • Promote the vision, mission, and strategic in goals of the UNDP and the CPR Unit
  • Displays cultural, gender , religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism

Required Skills and Experience

Consultant Profile
The Consultant is expected to meet the following requirements:
  • Professional degree in refrigeration,  air conditioning engineering, mechanical engineering or related fields.
  • Experience in training, in the design of training and improvement programmes and instruments for the evaluation of knowledge/learning.
  • Experience in practice and field activities in refrigeration and air conditioning, knowledge of low GWP alternatives will be considered an advantage.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in English. Knowledge of Spanish will be an asset.
Criteria for Evaluation
Best value for Money approach will be used in the evaluation and will lead to a combined score for technical capabilities and the financial offer.
The short listed candidates based on their technical capabilities will receive the standard format that they must fill out for their financial offer.
Educational and Professional Background: 70%
  • General Experience
  • Professional degree in refrigeration or air conditioning engineering or related fields:
  • Does not have the required university degree: 0 pts.
  • Holds the required university degree: 10 pts.
  • Experience in training and/or teaching, in the design of training programmes and evaluation instruments:
  • No experience: 0 pts.
  • 1 to 2 years of experience: 10 pts.
  • 3 to 4 years of experience: 20 pts.
  • 5 or more years of experience: 40 pts.
  • Specific Experience
  • Know-how and practice experience in the use of refrigerants alternative to HCFC, with low GWP:
  • No experience: 0 pts
  • 1 to 2 years of experience: 10 pts.
  • 3 to 4 years of experience: 20 pts.
  • More than 4 years: 50 pts.
Maximum score: 100 points. Candidate (a) s with less than 70 points will be disqualified.
Technical qualification * Total Score = 70%
The financial offer will count 30% and will be evaluated according to the following formula:
Most economical offer * 30 / Candidate’s offer
The final result is calculated according to the following formula:
Final rating = (Technical Score) + (Financial Score)
FC: 63080