
UNDP CO Montenegro, together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Education and UNICEF implements a joint project: “Social Welfare And Child Care System Reform: Enhancing Social Inclusion” composed of 3 components funded by Delegation of European union (DEU) through IPA 2010. UNDP component No. 2 is dealing with Social welfare reform. This project component builds and strengthens the institutional mechanisms and capacities that will enable development of community-based social services. The services will be responsive to the needs of the vulnerable groups and will contribute to their social inclusion and improved quality of life.
The overall objective of the Programme is to establish a social welfare and education system that facilitates inclusion of vulnerable, socially excluded groups in Montenegro. The specific objective of this project is to build and strengthen the institutional mechanisms and capacities to develop community-based social services responsive to the needs of the vulnerable, contributing to their social inclusion. The project aims to develop and upgrade the capacities of the social system to plan, commission and manage the decentralisation process, and introduction of standardised community social services. In other words, the project builds national and local actors’ capacities to plan, manage and deliver community services.
At the local level, in 9 municipalities so far 23 community-based social services have been financially supported. In addition to financial support for provision of social services the project provides on-going support, guidance and expertise for local actors who plan, design, run/manage and deliver community service in order to make them capable to deliver standardised, quality social services to the vulnerable: persons with disabilities; elderly; families at risk; vulnerable long-term unemployed and single parents; youth at risk etc.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objectives of the assignment: 

The assignment contains three components. The first component’s objective is to provide advisory services to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in the field of drafting relevant secondary legislation (bylaws regarding standards of social services) and in relation to planning and coordination of development of social services in Montenegro. The second component’s objective is to provide consultancy to service providers (including institutions and NGOs) in achieving standards of social services. The third component’s objective is to provide technical expertise to the Elderly Home Grabovac in Risan and UNDP Project Office in preparation and organization of the 1st Regional Conference “Aging and seniority – Quality of life” that will take place on the 1st and 2nd October 2013.
Job content:
Under direct supervision of the respective Programme Manager, the Consultant will conduct the following activities:

Component 1:

  • Provide technical inputs to the draft bylaws and facilitate meetings of the Working Group responsible for drafting/finalizing bylaws referring to definition of minimum standards of social services;
  • Provide guidance to the Sector for Social Welfare and Child Care in the MoLSW in planning and coordination of development of social services throughout Montenegro.

Component 2:

  • Assess the needs for further capacity building of social service providers – project partners;
  • Provide individual or small-group consultations to selected social service providers.

Component 3:

  • Provide inputs to the program of the Conference;
  • Act as member of the Experts Committee with the main task to provide technical support to the lecturers of the Conference in preparation of the presentations (4  Elderly Homes from the region and the Elderly Home Grabovac in Risan);
  • Prepare and provide lecture during the conference.
The expected results:  
  • Inputs and recommendations to the MoLSW for the finalization of selected secondary legislation;
  • Inputs and recommendations to the MoLSW in the process of planning and coordination of social srvices in Montenegro;
  • Report on the assessment of the needs for further capacity building of social service providers – project partners;
  • Report on individual consultation to selected social service providers;
  • Power point presentation of the lecture for the Conference.
Timing and reporting: The engagement period will be in total 14 days in the period end-September 2013 – June 2014 according to the schedule to be agreed with the Programme Manager, including one visit to Risan, Montenegro in October 2013 and two visits to Podgorica, Montenegro, in the period January – June 2014. The consultant will conduct preparatory activities and shall work on production of outputs from home, but in close cooperation with the Programme Manager.
Time duration and travel:  fourteen days of consultancy work, with three visits to Montenegro for six days in total.


  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the United Nations values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UN/UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds
    positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates excellent social, communication, advocacy and presentation skills;
  • Demonstrates ability to manage complexities and work under pressure, as well as conflict resolution skills.

Required Skills and Experience


  • University degree in Social Sciences or other related field.


  • At least ten years of experience in social protection/social inclusion area in the Western Balkan Region;
  • Excellent knowledge of the local context in Montenegro in particular with respect to the social protection and child care system reform, institutional and legal framework and situation on the local level;
  • Previous work experience with UN organizations will be considered as an advantage.


  • Fluency in English (written and spoken);
  • Knowledge of local language will be considered as a distinctive advantage.


  • Excellent computer skills.
Application procedure:
Interested offerors are requested to submit their applications by September 15, 2013 by using the Apply now button.
The application should contain a duly completed Personal History Form (P11) that can be downloaded from
The short-listed offerors only will be contacted and requested to submit a letter of interest including a price quotation indicating the lump sum (in EUR) requested for the work and travel envisaged in the section "Duties and Responsibilities".