
Starting from 2013, UN Women, with the support of the European Union (EU), has been implementing the project “Innovative Action for Gender Equality in Georgia” (IAGE). The overall objective of IAGE is to adopt and implement relevant policies and legislation to address specific healthcare, social, and economic needs of women from excluded groups in Georgia, while the specific objective is to support women’s initiatives aimed at confidence building and social stability through addressing healthcare, social, and economic needs of national minority, imprisoned, IDP and conflict affected women and women living in remote mountainous areas in Georgia.

The project is aimed at realizing three interrelated outputs/results:
  • Capacity of gender equality and women’s rights advocates increased to advocate for integration of issues of excluded groups of women and girls in relevant policies and legislation;
  • Willingness and capacity of state structures increased to incorporate issues of excluded groups of women and girls in relevant policies, legislation and services on national and local levels;
  • Partnerships among the government and women’s civil society groups as well as women’s people-to-people diplomacy initiatives increased for promotion of social stability and confidence building.

The final beneficiaries’ of the IAGE are four groups of women and girls: 1) national & ethnic minorities, 2) imprisoned women, 3) women residing in isolated mountainous settings and 4) single, elderly and disabled women, and female headed households among the groups of IDP and conflict affected women.

As a first step in achieving the first output of the project, the programme is currently conducting a mapping of the capacity needs of civil society actors in order to design tailor-made capacity development interventions, from the viewpoint of evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies, which will be finalized in October 2013. NGOs and research organizations participating in the mapping study on a voluntary bases will participate in the follow-up training to be designed based on the findings and recommendations of the study.

Focus of the IAGE is to strengthen the voice and capacity of gender equality and women's rights advocates for gender sensitive policymaking. Furthermore, it will tackle a challenge of bridging the gender equality gaps in policies and legislation through increased involvement of civil society and policymakers in addressing the needs of excluded groups of women and girls. Based on the above, strengthening and equipping civil society actors with knowledge and tools to demand human centred and gender sensitive policies and legislation is crucial in achieving this objective.

Therefore, IAGE programme intends to hire Local Consultant / trainer to work in team with the International Consultant and provide assistance in designing the training manual based on the results and recommendations of the mapping study on capacity development needs of civil society from the viewpoint of evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies and conducting trainings for NGOs and research institutions.

Duties and Responsibilities

The local consultant/trainer will work under the direct supervision of the IAGE Programme Manager and overall guidance of UN Women National Programme Officer and will benefit from technical and operational support of UN Women Office in Georgia and will be responsible for the following:

  • To provide assistance to the International Consultant in designing the training manual based on the results and recommendations of the mapping study on capacity development needs of civil society from the viewpoint of evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies;
  • Together with International consultant, to co-facilitate at least four trainings (two pilot and two finalized) for NGOs and research institutions using the manual.
Training logistics will be taken care of by UN Women in Georgia
To fulfill the expected task the local consultant/trainer is expected:
  • To support International Consultant in the preparation of a detailed work-plan of the assignment and submit it to the UN Women IAGE Programme Manager for feedback and approval;
  • To carefully review the existing educational materials in the field of evidence based advocacy and gender-mainstreaming in the policies together with the International Consultant; collect information on the best practices of evidence-based advocacy in Georgia and provide the information to International Consultant in order to enrich the module with the best practices of evidence-based advocacy work that speak to the Georgian context;
  • Provide translation of relevant key documents for review of the International Consultant;
  • To carefully review the recommendations of mapping study on capacity development needs of civil society;
  • To contribute to designing of tailor-made training manual for civil society on evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies;
  • Together with International Consultant/trainer, to co-facilitate and lead some of the sessions of the two pilot trainings in Tbilisi (2.5 days each) on evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies for NGOs and research institutions using the designed manual;
  • To provide assistance to the International Consultant in testing the designed manual during the pilot trainings and make notes on required adjustments/changes, if necessary, and finalizing the manual;
  • Together with International Consultant/trainer, to co-facilitate and lead some of the sessions of the two more final trainings in Tbilisi (2.5 days each) on evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies for NGOs and research institutions using the designed manual. These two finalized trainings should be held after finalizing the manual and incorporating the observations made during the first two pilot trainings into it;
  • Evaluate the level of the participants’ knowledge prior and after the training via ad hoc questionnaires to be disseminated respectively ahead of training for tailoring of the module to real trainees needs and capacity and after the training for evaluation purposes;
  • Contribute to writing of a comprehensive report. The report shall include activities conducted, including work on the manual, comprehensive information on conducted trainings, its evaluation based on filled in questionnaires and observations during the training (with clear reference to the trainees, their potential and weakness to be addressed).
Key Deliverables and Timeframe:
  • Detailed work plan (to be developed together with International Consultant-two working days) – 7 October, 2013
  • First draft of training manual (to be developed together with International Consultant – thirteen working days) – 21 October, 2013;
  • Co-facilitate two pilot trainings in Tbilisi (2.5 days each) on evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies (preparation and training - eight working days) – 31 October, 2013
  • Finalized manual (to be developed together with International Consultant - seven working days) – 11 November, 2013;
  • Co-facilitate two finalized trainings in Tbilisi (2.5 days each) on evidence-based advocacy and gender mainstreaming into social and healthcare policies using finalized manual (six working days) – 19 November, 2013 
  • Comprehensive report on activities conducted (to be developed together with International Consultant – eight working days) – 29 November, 2013.
The timeframe for the work of the consultant is tentatively planned in the period of 1 October- 29 November, 2013 for a total of 44 working days.

Organization and logistics of the training will be taken care of by UN Women.

Management Arrangements:

The consultant will work under direct supervision of UN Women IAGE Programme Manager and overall guidance of UN Women National Programme Officer together with UN Women Georgia Country Representative.

Financial arrangements:

Payment will be disbursed upon submission and approval of deliverables and certification by the Programme Manager that the services have been satisfactorily performed:

  • Detailed work plan and the first draft of manual submitted – 15 days, by 21 October, 2013;
  • Two pilot trainings conducted – 9 days, by 31 October 2013;
  • Finalized manual submitted, two trainings conducted and final report submitted – 20 days, by November 29, 2013.


  • Sound understanding of gender-related issues in Georgia;
  • Strong understanding of gender mainstreaming concept; Sound understanding and demonstrated knowledge of gender equality and women’s rights principles.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic Qualifications:
  • University degree in international relations, social sciences or related field.
Year of Experience: 
  • At least three years of experience working as a trainer;
  • Experience in developing and adapting training manuals;
  • Previous experience in conducting training for people with different background, cultures and languages.
Language requirements:
  • Fluency in English  and Georgian.

Evaluation Process:

Technical evaluation criteria (including minimum qualifications):

Criteria/ Maximum points

  • University degree in international relations, social sciences or related field - 20;
  • At least three years of experience working as a trainer - 50;
  • Sound understanding of gender-related issues in Georgia - 60;
  • Experience in developing and adapting training manuals - 60;
  • Strong understanding of gender mainstreaming concept; Sound understanding and demonstrated knowledge of gender equality and women’s rights principles - 50;
  • Previous experience in conducting training for people with different background, cultures and languages - 30;
  • Technical proposal - 60;
  • Fluency in English and Georgian - 20.

Maximum total technical scoring:             350

Only candidates who have passed over the mandatory criteria and have accumulated at least 245 points under technical evaluation will qualify to the next round of financial evaluation.

Evaluation of financial proposal

Evaluation of submitted financial offers will be done based on the following formula: S = Fmin / F * 150

  • S – score received on financial evaluation;
  • Fmin – the lowest financial offer out of all the submitted offers qualified over the technical evaluation round;
  • F – financial offer under consideration.
Winning candidate
The winning candidate will be the candidate, who has accumulated the highest aggregated score (technicalscoring + financial scoring).

Submission package:

  • CV and P11 form;
  • Proposal explaining why they consider themselves the most suitable for the work and providing a brief methodology, if applicable, on how they will approach and conduct the work;
  • Financial proposal* in GEL – aggregated and with breakdown (total remuneration and any other expenses related to completion of the assignment).

*Each applicant will be required to submit an aggregated financial offer (“aggregated financial offer” is the total sum of all financial claims of the candidate for accomplishment of the task).

Financial offer should include all costs related to completion of the task under the current Terms of Reference.

The application consisting of a CV, PHF 11 form*, technical proposal and financial proposal for the position of National Consultant must be in English and submitted via online application system on

*All online applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from  

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly   created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater   impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.