
Migration has shaped Bosnia and Herzegovina for centuries and its most recent wave, triggered by the  war from 1992-1995, led to the outflow of some 1.2 million people out of which only 450,000 later returned to the country. Even after the war, migrants continued to leave BiH for work, to study, and to reunite with family members abroad. Although no official census has been conducted since 1991, the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees BiH estimates that 39% of the total country’s population lives outside its borders. Hence, in the broader framework of sustainable development of BiH, the country needs to design and apply policies and measures geared towards reintegration of returnees in their pre-war societies, as well as engagement of Diaspora in the development processes.
The Mainstreaming the Concept on Migration and Development (M&D) into relevant Policies, Plans and Actions in BiH project seeks to systematically mobilise and build up potentials of migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in relevant domains of transition and socio-economic development, providing for visible effects of their contributions to the country’s progress at all institutional and societal levels. Specifically, the project will pilot mainstreaming of migration for development within the integrated local development strategies of selected local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Planned activities are designed around three interconnected project components, as follows:
1. Policies for effective integration of migrants’ contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 local governments;
2. Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels (mainly partner local governments, BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and members of the inter-ministerial working group) on effective mainstreaming of migration into development are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organisations is being structured in municipal planning schemes;
3. Key elements for the definition of a valuable mainstreaming of migration into development concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH (governmental institutions, civil society organisations, Associations of Municipalities and Cities, private sector, migrants’ organisations).
The project incorporates both vertical and horizontal lines of action that are mutually dependent and complementary. It provides for vertical interaction and support to the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in the process of developing of a joint policy road map as well as steering top-down process that would result in anchoring migration for development policies into the integrated local development strategies of partner local governments. At the same time, the project offers bottom-up support to partner local governments to effectively mainstream migration policies into their local development strategies and successfully implement, manage and monitor migration policy delivery, in line with the country priorities.
The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by UNDP BiH, while the responsible national partner is the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees (MHRR).

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and in close coordination with the Local Governance Programme, in particular the Integrated Local Development Project, the Migration Officer will have the following main functions:

  1. Providing advisory services to key actors at relevant government levels on effective M&D mainstreaming;
  2. Providing technical assistance in the process of identifying and mainstreaming migrants’ contributions to local development of 10 partner local governments;
  3. Advising on increasing awareness and knowledge about M&D potentials for BiH’s development;
  4. Ensuring gender mainstreaming within the project.

1. Providing advisory services to key actors at relevant government levels on effective M&D mainstreaming:

  • Advises on the establishment of an inter-institutional Working Group (WG M&D) for coordinating M&D mainstreaming process and enhancing cooperation among relevant stakeholders;
  • Organises and coordinates delivery of training assistance to the WG M&D on mainstreaming migration into development;
  • Facilitates meetings and provides regular guidance and support to the WG M&D, including on policy recommendations/ guidelines on vertical mainstreaming of migration into development;
  • Supports the BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees in facilitating cooperation with the BiH Diaspora by providing technical guidance and advice on best international practices;
  • Advises on the development of the national M&D policy roadmap, including recommendations related to the creation of a more coherent policy framework as well as vertical mainstreaming of M&D to the local level;
  • Supports the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and other relevant institutional partners in establishing connections of exchange and learning with national and regional M&D networks;
  •  Keeps up to date with good practices and successful initiatives in the area of migration for development globally;
  • Provides technical advice and support to the  BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in formulation of future (2014-2020)  strategic priorities in the area of migration and development;

2. Providing technical assistance in the process of identifying and mainstreaming migrants’ contributions to local development of 10 local governments;

  • Provides technical assistance and support to 10 partner local governments and their socio-economic partners in the process of mainstreaming migration into local development;
  • Advises on embedding of M&D elements in 10 local development strategies, including effective support to identifying and setting priorities for the inclusion of migrants’ contributions in local development;
  • Supports building of capacities of in relation to migration and development of at least 10 focal points within partner local administrations;
  • Provides / coordinates the provision of tailored training and expert assistance in the process of implementation of local priorities, particularly related to migration for local development;

3. Advising on increasing awareness and knowledge about M&D potentials for BiH’s development:

  • Provides technical advice in the process of preparing a manual on mainstreaming migration into local development planning and implementation cycle and facilitates its dissemination among stakeholders;
  • Provides guidance in conceptualising and organising awareness-raising and knowledge-sharing events on M&D potentials and lessons learned from mainstreaming migration for development at the local level;
  • Coordinates and supports organisation of study trips to expand institutional stakeholders’ understanding of M&D potentials;
  • Conceptualises, coordinates and actively engages in M&D awareness raising through BiH media;

4. Ensuring gender mainstreaming within the project:

  • Provides support to mainstreaming gender equality in the project implementation;
  • Ensures that all relevant project documents are written using gender sensitive language;
  • In the preparation of meetings/consultations/trainings ensures gender balance of participants as much as possible.


Functional Competencies:    
Results-Based Programme Development and Management
Level 1.2: Contributes into results through primary research and analysis
  • Assesses project performance to identify success factors and incorporates best practices into project work
  • Researches linkages across project activities to identify critical points of integration
  • Monitors specific stages of projects implementation
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
  • Very good knowledge of the Results Management Guide and Toolkit
  • Ability to lead implementation of new systems (business side), and affect staff behavioural/ attitudinal change
  • Strong experience in working with government authorities, as well as the ability to handle confidential and politically sensitive information;
  • Sense for initiative;
  • Ability to transfer challenges faced in a complex environment into strategic planning and implementation
Building Strategic Partnerships
Level 1.2:  Maintaining a network of contacts
  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues
  • Analyses and selects materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders
  • Initiates and sustains relationships with key constituents
  •  Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies

Innovation and Marketing New Approaches
Level 1.2: Enhancing processes or products

  • Generates new ideas and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
Resource Mobilization
Level 1.2:  Providing inputs to resource mobilization strategies
  • Analyzes information/databases on potential and actual donors
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Level 1.2: Basic research and analysis
  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
Level 1.2: Fundamental knowledge of own discipline
  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position
  • In-depth knowledge on development issues, especially those in the area of migration and development
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals
Level 1.2: Preparing information for global advocacy
  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for advocacy for UNDP’s goals for a variety of audiences
  • Ability to provide policy advice.
  • Formulates written information clearly and persuasively
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences
  • Excellent communication skills, both orally and in writing. Ability to negotiate
  • Agreements across parties, taking their needs and interests into account. Willingness to share information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences
Client Orientation
Level 1.2: Establishing effective client relationships
  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines
Core Competencies:
  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent, and credible behaviour
  • Respects individual/cultural differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Creating synergies through self-control
  • Managing conflict
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
  • Informed and transparent decision making

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree in economics, political sciences and other relevant social sciences.
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, including in the area of migration policy and practice, in particular in relation to development;
  • Understanding of development trends in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Familiarity with key public documents, strategies, trends and initiatives related to migration and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Proven practical experience in working with institutional partners at both local and central government levels;
  • Experience in research and reporting.Fluency in English and local languages, with excellent drafting and presentation skills.