
Announced at the Sirte talks in October 2007 the Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF) is a pooled funding mechanism that seeks to restore trust and confidence among diverse communities that have historically disputed the sharing of scarce assets and resources. Delivered through national and international NGOs and UN agencies, the DCPSF seeks to support activities and processes that draw communities closer together and enable them to resolve the range of issues that have hitherto divided them. To ensure community engagement in often protracted processes of dialogue and consultation, the DCPSF will respond to the material needs of communities be they educational, health, livelihoods or watsan etc.

The Darfur Development Strategy (DDS), which emerged from the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) was collectively endorsed by participants at the International Donor Conference for Darfur in April 2013. It lays the foundation for long-term recovery, development, peace and stability in Darfur. The DCPSF will align its programmes to contribute to the DDS and thus support the implementation of the DDPD.

The DCPSF is planning to commission discrete pieces of work that complement programming approaches, whilst serving to deepen contextual understanding of what drives conflict in Darfur. In this the DCPSF will work in partnership with civil society, UNAMID, UN agencies, INGOs and specialist for a as the Darfur Dialogue and Consultation process. Through civil society, UN and INGO partners the DCPSF continues to reach across communities (Arab/non Arab, nomadic, farming and IDP, rural/urban), exploring community dispute resolution and processes of reconciliation. A Small Grants Mechanism has been established to systematically strengthen the capacity of CSOs/NGOs and improve operational service delivery. The DCPSF is overseen by a Steering Committee (SC), chaired by the Resident Coordinator. A Technical Secretariat (TS) has been established to facilitate the workings of the DCPSF and shape policy and programming approaches.

Scope of the DCPSF

Based on empirical evidence the DCPSF is keen to support a wide range of innovative, community-oriented approaches to peace building that may include the following:

  • Activities and processes that improve community democratization. Working with and through traditional authorities, and amplifying the voices of women and young people, facilitate processes that allow communities affected by conflict to play a prominent role in its resolution. Programming may focus on conflict mediation training, community workshops and/or arbitration forums, capacity building and community problem solving; 
  • Activities and processes that incentivize peace through improved service delivery. Responding to needs within the health, water etc. sector can act as entry points to dialogue and consultation that, in turn, leads to a greater sense of trust and confidence amongst communities; 
  • Activities and processes that provide equal livelihoods and educational opportunities thereby defusing inequity as a source of tension and driver of conflict; 
  • Activities and processes that strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations/communities as facilitators of peace building processes. Training and improved organization of networks/fora will enhance the credibility/legitimacy of CSOs in the eyes of affected communities.
The Technical Secretariat of the Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund is responsible for 1) preparing key policy, planning and prioritization documents for use by the Steering Committee, working groups and end-users; 2) manage  programme and project appraisals and providing recommendations for funding allocations to the Steering Committee; 3) undertaking monitoring reviews, 4) providing regular narrative reporting of progress of DCPSF-funded programmes and projects, and 5) fulfilling the secretariat function to the Steering Committee. In line with the Steering Committee decision in February 2012, the Technical Secretariat is housed by UNDP. The Technical Secretariat falls under the supervision of UNDP’s Country Director and will be supported by relevant UNDP programme and operation units.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the UNDP Country Director and the day-to-day management of the UNCP Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit Team Leader, the Head of the Technical Secretariat will be responsible for the overall effective functioning of the DCPSF Technical Secretariat and substantive performance of the Fund.

Summary of key functions:
  • Ensure effective management of the DCPSF and provide technical/policy advice to UNDP and the DCPSF Steering Committee to achieve DCPSF objectives;
  • Develop strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including governments, movements, peacebuilding and recovery focal points, UN agencies, donors, international and national NGOs, and other civil society organizations.
  • Act as Project manager for the DCPSF Technical Secretariat support Project and supervise the DCPSF Team;
  • Facilitate ion of knowledge management on community level peacebuilding and conflict resolution and provision of strategic direction and effective implementation of the DCPSF supporting programmes.

Ensure effective management of the DCPSF Technical Secretariat and provide advice to UNDP and the DCPSF Steering Committee to achieve DCPSF objectives:

  • Advise the DCPSF participating organizations to alignment of their existing projects to the Darfur Development Strategy and the Darfur Doha Peace Document;
  • Ensure quality control of the DCPSF funded projects by reviewing reports by participating organizations, implement the DCPSF M&E plan, monitor fund level indicators and milestone, and advise on requests of financial and substantial project revisions in coordination with the DCPSF Steering Committee;
  •  Implement formal Calls for Proposals in line with the DCPSF TORs and Results Framework and based on the decision of the DCPSF Steering Committee including: drafting the guidance note for Call for Proposal provide guidance to participating organizations on submission of the proposals, prepare recommendations and necessary documentations for approval of projects ensuring prioritizations, identify complementarity and avoiding overlaps following the DCPSF TOR/results framework;
  • Prepare consolidated quarterly updates and annual reports highlighting key achievements, obstacles and challenges of the DCPSF and participating organizations;
  • Oversee regular conflict analysis to guide the DCPSF programming/fund allocation in cooperation with the Peacebuilding Programme Specialist;
  • Commission studies/researches based on the DCPSF Steering Committee’s decisions and needs for guiding the DCPSF programming/fund allocation;
  • Guide and oversee the DCPSF support to  improve and develop t M&E capacity DCPSF participating organizations;
  • Coordinate with the UNDP Fund Management Unit for timely preparation of quarterly financial reports for DCPSF Steering Committee review.
Develop strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including governments, movements, peacebuilding and recovery focal points, UN agencies, donors, international and national NGOs, and other civil society organizations:
  • Prepare the DCPSF Steering Committee meeting agenda and necessary documentation;
  • Prepare the DCPSF Technical Level meeting agenda and necessary documentation;
  • Update the Steering Committee on conflict/peacebuilding situation in Darfur and DCPSF policy/procedural issues;
  • Develop and maintain partnership with the Darfur Regional Authority;
  • Development and implementation of the partnerships and resources mobilization strategies to achieve peacebuilding and recovery program outcomes;
  • Raise visibility of the DCPSF by improving communications with the development partners and marketing strategically about the DCPSF;
  • Take lead of coordination on peacebuilding/conflict resolution initiatives in Sudan particularly in Darfur with the DCPSF playing a central role;
  • Deepen partnerships with consultation and mediation mechanisms such as the DIDC, JMST, UNAMID Civil Affairs;
  • Formalize practical engagement with BCPR with a view to institutionalizing the work of TS’ and developing a cadre of TS personnel with the SURGE mechanism.
Act as Project manager for the DCPSF Technical Secretariat support Project and supervise the DCPSF Team:
  • Manage the programme budget and facilitate budget approvals and revision processes as per UNDP policies and procedures;
  • Ensure appropriate recording and accounting documentation as required by UNDP and preparation of required financial reports. Facilitate transparent financial management of the programme that is able to stand up to regular audits and evaluation;
  • Approve requisitions, and follow up on purchase orders and payment requests in UNDP ATLAS and other relevant systems, and ensure monthly delivery of programme outputs;
  • Prepare work plans, produce timely reports – financial and progress reports – as required by UNDP and the DCPSF Steering Committee;
  • Ensure that UNDP rules and regulations concerning finance, procurement and human resources are adhered to;
  • Supervise, guide and mentor the Technical Secretariat staff and short-term consultants to achieve their individual goals, develop their capacities and conduct performance appraisal;
  • Plan, monitor, coordinate and approve the movements of Technical Secretariat Staff;
  • Ensure effective liaison with HR Unit of the Country Office for timely and efficient recruitment of the Technical Secretariat Staff;
  • Perform other duties as assigned by UNDP management.
Facilitate  knowledge management on community level peacebuilding and conflict resolution and provision of strategic direction and effective implementation of the DCPSF supporting programmes:
  • Ensure that lessons learned and good practice from the DCPSF funded projects are systematically recorded for sharing within and beyond Sudan;
  • Maintain the profile of the DCPSF through CPR Net postings, case studies and engagement with related initiatives.
Impact of Results:

The key results have an impact on the success of DCPSF programme. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design, operation and programming of activities and creation of strategic partnerships.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays strong cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity   and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
 Functional Competencies:
  • Knowledge Management and Learning;
  • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development;
  • Stimulates learning among TS team and applies newly acquired skills;
  • Development and Organizational Effectiveness;
  • Ability to conduct results-based management and reporting;
  • Solid knowledge in financial resources and human resources management, contract, asset and procurement, information and communication technology, general administration;
  • Management and Leadership;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Leads teams effectively and shows mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s Degree in Development, Peacebuilding, Public Administration, Political Science, Social sciences or related field.
  • At least 7 years of relevant experience at the national and international level in managing staff and operational systems and establishing inter-agency relationships among international organization and national governments; preferably in post-conflict countries;
  • Experience of full cycle of programme/project management (planning, implementing, monitoring and reporting in a results based manner);
  • Experience with resource mobilization, donor coordination;
  • Experience in crisis and post-crisis settings;
  • Experience/understanding of conflict analysis and conflict sensitive approaches;
  • Experience in the usage of computers, office software packages, and handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in spoken and written English;
  • A good command of Arabic, or local languages is an asset.