
The EU High Level Policy Advisory Mission (EU HLPAM) is a project financed by the European Union and implemented by the UNDP. The objective of the project is to support the Government to implement its EU-integration related reform Agenda and in particular to assist the government in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, as well as the Visa Liberalization Action Plan. Specifically, the project aims at strengthening the policy-making, strategic planning and policy management capacities of selected line Ministries and State Agencies involved in the implementation of the Association Agreement and Visa Liberalization and at enhancing stakeholders’ knowledge and awareness of EU policies, legislation and regulations in sectors strategic to the implementation of the Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and to the implementation of visa liberalization.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Adviser to the Director of Bureau for Migration and Asylum will provide policy advice on a number of complex migration-related areas including promoting well-managed legal migration and mobility; fighting irregular migration; facilitating the return, readmission and reintegration of migrants; protecting migrants against exploitation and exclusion; promoting asylum and protection of the stateless persons; promoting the integration of all categories of foreigners and their social inclusion; strengthening the capacities to design and implement European integration related reform agenda.

The Adviser will report primarily to the Director of Bureau for Migration and Asylum (of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), with a reporting line to the EU Delegation to Moldova, UNDP Moldova and the project manager. The Adviser will work closely with the other members of the team of EUHLPAM Advisers, especially the Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Key Responsibilities:
Raise stakeholders' awareness of the implications of the Government's reform agenda on migration policies in line with the Association Agreement with EU:
  • Acquaint the beneficiary with different policy options and EU best practices on a wide-array of migration-linked areas, in particular in the area of fight against irregular migration and inland detection - including the newly established regional offices; registration of migrants - including the regional one-stop-shop offices; integration of foreigners and refugees; detention and reception conditions; support to the development of the one-stop-shop offices at central and regional level; support reduction of statelessness and policy development in the area of naturalization; promotion of human rights of migrants; return and re-integration of migrants, in close cooperation with national key stakeholders;
  • Assist the beneficiary in identification and drafting of policy papers, including strategies and action plans in the above mentioned areas;
  • Draft reports for assessing particular capacity needs, propose recommendations for capacity development responses, and advise on design of monitoring and evaluation tools;
  • Provide advice and support to the implementation of the migration and asylum actions of the EU-Republic of Moldova Association Agenda;
  • Provide advice and support for the consolidation of the achievements of the EU-MD Visa Liberalisation Dialogue, in particular through strategic advice, capacity building activities and support to the migration-related component of the Budget Support for the Government on implementation of EU VLAP;
  • Support the development of regional offices on fighting against irregular migration and migration registration points and support policy development in this area with other key partners (in particular Border Police Department, General Police Inspectorate, Office for Reintegration, MTIC etc.);
  • Support the development of efficient public information strategies and tools to make the phenomenon of migration and the rights and obligation of all categories of migrants better known to the general population and civil society and to ensure that migrants are aware of their rights and procedures applicable to them and transparency is increased;
  • Support the development of efficient systems of monitoring and analysis of migration trend and flows - including in relations to the new registration offices for foreigners arriving through eastern border of Republic of Moldova;
  • Support the update process of the Extended Migration Profile Report, in particular through advice on data collection and analysis;
  • Provide input and advice on institutional building and the consolidation of inter-agency coordination activities in all areas of migration and citizenship, as well as coordination with main actors/donors at multilateral and bilateral levels;
  • Support the gender mainstreaming policy in all areas of migration, in particular through capacity building and advice on data collection and analysis;
  • Provide advice and support to the national legislative approximation process with EU acquis on migration and asylum and to its implementation, in particular trough support to the approximation process of the Law on citizenship and Law on legal status of foreigners.
  •  Advise the Bureau for Migration and Asylum on enhanced cooperation possibilities in the scope of the EU-MD Mobility Partnership.
  • Liaise with other projects, programmes, instruments in area of responsibility to ensure synergy, to promote effective downstream implementation of the policies and to avoid overlap and duplication, where appropriate and when requested by the beneficiary; Closely liaise and co-operate with the European Union Border Assistance Mission for Moldova and Ukraine;
  • Assist the beneficiary to prepare an exit strategy on how the advice will be mainstreamed and consolidated once this phase has elapsed;
  • Support the national authorities to network with EU institutions through the EU Delegation to Moldova;
  • Advise and assist the beneficiary to apply to relevant EU and other donors funding instruments and opportunities;
  • Provide relevant advice to the European Union Delegation, whenever requested in the areas of expert’s responsibility;
  •  Respect and promote EU visibility at all times.
The above responsibilities will be carried out through but not limited to: development of strategy documents, policy papers, advisory notes, methodologies, draft fiches and other relevant documentation as well as provision of technical on-the-job advice, support to networking with the institutions responsible for Government policies in justice and home affairs area.


  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Proven report writing skills;
  • Computer literacy;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Required Skills and Experience


  • A Masters’ Degree in Law, Public Administration, Economics, or similar or equivalent of professional experience relevant to the assignment;
  • A Bachelor degree in the same areas combined with 17 years of experience professional experience relevant to the area of required expertise will serve in lieu of a Master’s Degree.


General professional experience:

  • Preferably 15 years of professional experience
Professional experience:
  • At least 10 years of professional experience linked to the provision of high level policy advice in areas of required expertise; Preference to 15 years of such experience will be given;
  • At least 10 years of proven work experience in similar positions of advisory work for and/or implementation of reforms (legal, police and public administration), in providing advice to policy makers on related reforms issues, and/or in capacity building in EU Member States, current or former EU Candidate States/EaP countries would be an asset;
  • Previous work experience in Moldova would be an advantage;
  • A comprehensive knowledge of EU external assistance programmes and policies targeted at EaP countries;
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the EU acquis and policies in justice and home affairs area.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • A working knowledge of the Romanian or Russian language would be an advantage.

The detailed Terms of Reference and Procurement Notice can be found at