
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Chief of the Environment Unit, the Programme Analyst is responsible for the management of UNDP programme within the thematic/sectoral areas assigned. The Programme Analyst analyzes political, social and economic trends and leads formulation, management and monitoring of projects activities within his/her portfolio, provides policy advice services.

The Programme Analyst works in close collaboration with the operations team, programme staff in other UN Agencies, UNDP HQs staff and Government officials, technical advisors and experts, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful UNDP programme implementation.

In Lao PDR, the UNDP Environment Unit Programme supports government of Lao PDR in integrating its environmental commitments within the national development goals, policies, plans and programmes; in developing capacity on environmental issues, and in particular in improving private investment management in the natural resources sector, promoting participatory natural resources management and responding to climate change in the agricultural, and water resources sectors. In partnership with other organizations, UNDP supports the government’s efforts towards sustainable use of natural resources with special focus on poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

In order to support the goals of the Environment Unit Programme, UNDP is seeking a qualified Programme Analyst to provide policy, technical and managerial support to projects in the agriculture and natural resources management sectors

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Implementation of programme strategies 
  • Management and monitoring of the UNDP Country Office agriculture and natural resources management project portfolio.
  • Creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy.
  • Provision of top quality policy advice services to the Government and facilitation of knowledge building and management.

Ensures implementation of programme strategies focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Thorough analysis and research of the political, social, and economic situation in the country and preparation of substantive inputs to UNDP strategic documents including Common Country Assessment (CCA), UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), Country Programme Document (CPD), Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) and other documents.
  • Identification of areas for support, cooperation, and interventions within the thematic/sectoral areas assigned, particular in strengthening existing policies, plans and programmes related to the agriculture and natural resources management sectors.

Ensures effective management and monitoring of the UNDP Country Office programme within the assigned thematic areas, focusing on quality control from formulation to implementation of the country programme, achieving the following results: 

  • Effective application of results-based management tools: establishment of management targets, monitoring of results and impact leading to timely programme/projects readjustments, including work plan and budget revisions.
  • Ensure regular and quality reporting on programme/projects activities, outputs, and outcomes and facilitate reporting to donors.
  • Facilitate planned programme/projects evaluations or Tripartite Review Missions and participate in NIM project audits
  • Review evaluation/audit reports with Government counterparts leading to corrective measures, policy recommendations(s) and required follow-up actions.
  • Design and formulate programmes/projects within the area of responsibility, translating Government and UNDP priorities into local interventions.
  • Perform functions of Manager Level 1 in Atlas (UNDP’s Financial Management System) and participate in recruitment and procurement processes for projects.

Supports creation of strategic partnership and implementation of the Country Office’s resource mobilization strategy, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Development of partnerships with UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector and civil society within the assigned thematic areas, based on strategic goals of UNDP, country needs and donor priorities
  • Identify potential donors for new priority programmes/projects, prepare substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation and contribute to the overall resource mobilization efforts
  • Assist in effective and systematic outreach to all government and non-governmental partners, advocating for UNDP’s goals and its thematic focus

Ensures provision of top quality advisory services and facilitation of knowledge building and management, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Identification of sources of information related to agriculture and natural resources management and synthesis of good practices and lessons learnt directly relevant to programme implementation and policy development
  • Support policy development and institutional strengthening in the agriculture and natural resources management sectors
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks, communities of practice in agriculture, natural resources management and related sectors
  • Contributions to trainings on agriculture and natural resources management issues for project and country office staff and other relevant stakeholders/partners.

Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the success of country programme within specific areas of cooperation. In particular, the key results have an impact on the design, operation and programming of activities, creation of strategic partnerships as well as reaching resource mobilization targets.


Functional Competencies:   

Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda                                                                                                             

Level 1.2: Preparing information for advocacy

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for a variety of audiences for advocating UNDP’s mandate                                                                                                                                                                        

Results-Based Programme Development and Management

Level 1.2: Contributes into results through primary research and analysis 

  • Assesses project performance to identify success factors and incorporates best practices into project work
  • Researches linkages across programme activities to identify critical points of integration
  • Monitors specific stages of projects/programme implementation
  • Analyzes country situation to identify opportunities for project development
  • Participates in the formulation of project proposals and ensures substantive rigor in the design and application of proven successful approaches and drafts proposals accordingly

Building Strategic Partnerships

Level 1.2: Maintaining a network of contacts

  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues
  • Analyzes and selects materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders

Innovation and Marketing New Approaches

Level 1.2: Enhancing processes or products

  • Generates new ideas and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
  • Documents and analyses innovative strategies/best practices/new approaches

Resource Mobilization

Level 1.2: Providing inputs to resource mobilization strategies

  • Analyzes information/databases on potential and actual donors
  • Develops a database of project profiles. Identifies opportunities for project proposals for presentation to donors

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Level 1.2: Basic research and analysis 

  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
  • Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new approaches

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

Level 1.2: Fundamental knowledge of own discipline

  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position 
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning 
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals

Level 1.2: Preparing information for global advocacy 

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for advocacy for UNDP’s goals for a variety of audiences
  • Identifies and takes advantage of opportunities for advocating for UNDP’s mandate

Client Orientation

Level 1.2: Establishing effective client relationships 

  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines 
  • Anticipates client needs and addresses them promptly

Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work 
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively
  • Creating synergies through self-control
  • Managing conflict
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge
  • management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member
  • Informed and transparent decision making

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s Degree or equivalent in agriculture, natural resources management, environmental management/science, water resources management, rural development studies


  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience in agricultural development and natural resources management at the national and/or international level, in providing management advisory services and hands-on experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects.
  • Proven experience in multi-stakeholder coordination,
  • Proven ability to work independently or under pressure and handle multiple activities,
  • Knowledge of UNDP and the UN system is an advantage,
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in spoken and written English and Lao is essential
  • Strong communication skills with ability to express ideas clearly, both orally and in writing.