
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through its project “Strengthening the System of Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia” is aimed at establishing the Georgian Parliament as a credible institution with an essentially greater role in national policy-making and European integration.

One of the strategic directions of the Project is enhancing the capacities of parliamentary committees to effectively exercise their policy- and law-making function, as well as the government oversight through developing the respective knowledge of Members and Staff of the committees. In the context of the new constitutional system, the Parliament assumes even greater role in the national policy processes. Therefore, it becomes absolutely essential that the Parliament through its committees is fully prepared to play a critical role within the framework of its mandate.

While the parliamentary committees have become more professional and active during the previous term of the Georgian Parliament, a number of substantial challenges remain. A comprehensive needs assessment commissioned by the EU Delegation and conducted by the Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) in 2013, identified a series of shortcomings in Parliament's operations, including in the legislative and oversight areas. Some of the most critical findings are as follows: lack of institutional capacities to conduct policy planning and evaluation; excessive speed of the legislative process and associated risks; deficiencies with legislative initiatives on the part of the MPs; insufficient public engagement into the law-making process; etc. One of the main reasons for the above deficiencies is a lack of vision and strategic planning of the committees over the upcoming periods that result in a rarely agreed and planned schedule of work.

Considering above, UNDP Project aims to closely work with the committees to support them in developing their strategic action plans for 2014-2016 through outlining the major directions of their work for the foreseeable perspective, including the list of legislation to be dealt with and communication of this timetable to relevant stakeholders.

UNDP in consultation with the Parliament selected four sector committees to provide the above support. These are: Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Health Care and Social Issues Committee, Agrarian Issues Committee and Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee.

The support shall be provided in a manner which stresses national ownership. This would include building a greater understanding of strategic planning within the committee, facilitating members and staff to consider the vision, mission and performance targets and preparation of a strategic plan which reflects these discussions. This process and the resulting plans shall help to form a base for future strategic planning processes at the committee level.

To assist the committees with the above, UNDP Project is announcing a tender to contract national consultants in the relevant fields. The given Terms of Reference is specifically designed for the National Human Rights Consultant to provide support to the Parliament’s Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the UNDP Project Manager and in close cooperation with the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, the Consultant shall perform the following tasks and activities:

Conduct an assessment of the Committee’s activities in the area of policy- and law-making and oversight, based on desk research, meetings and interviews with the respective stakeholders - MPs, staff, government, NGOs, etc. In the frames of the assessment, the Consultant shall consider the major strategy documents in the field which guide the reform process in Georgia (e.g. human rights strategy, etc.).

Besides, the Consultant shall assess the Committee’s interaction with other parliamentary committees, respective line ministries, Public Defender’s Office, and other agencies; as well as analyze cooperation scheme with local and international organizations and assess committee capacities for public outreach and communication. To support the Committee to better coordinate the donor assistance, a respective donor matrix shall be developed.

While conducting the assessment, the Consultant shall closely coordinate with the international experts of the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), one of the implementing partners under the UNDP Project tasked with enhancing committee’s operational capacities.

Based on the above needs assessment, support the Committee in developing a committee strategic action plan for 2014-2016 reflecting necessary reforms in the area of human rights, justice and rule of law. The document shall include overall vision, goals and strategic directions of the committee, define roles and responsibilities for concrete actions and set targets and indicators for monitoring the progress of implementation of the action plan.

Most importantly, the Consultant shall advice the Committee leadership to promote a participatory process of drafting of the committee action plan. This shall be achieved through a series of debates, discussions and informed consultations with various stakeholders. In this light, the Consultant shall facilitate:

  • One inception workshop with the Committee Members and Staff to discuss the Committee needs for more effective law-making and oversight and build an understanding of the basics of strategic planning;
  • One strategic planning workshop between the Committee and respective government bodies to discuss the reforms in the respective area and agree on coordination mechanisms;
  • One strategic planning workshop between the Committee and civil society organizations to exchange information and discuss the reforms in the respective area;
  • One strategic planning workshop with Committee Members and Staff to share the outcomes of different discussions and present the strategic action plan outline;
Final workshop with Committee Members and Staff to present and discuss final draft of the action plan and validate the document with the Committee leadership.

Throughout the process the Consultant shall ensure that the Committee drives the strategic planning process and has an ownership of its outcomes.

Within the framework of the action plan, the Consultant in close coordination with the Committee shall develop a legislative roadmap to undertake prioritized, inclusive and higher quality legislative reform. The roadmap will serve to identify laws that need to be reformed and/or drafts that need to be initiated to regulate concrete areas falling within the scope of the Committee mandate.

In addition, the action plan shall also include effective mechanisms for ensuring public outreach
on committee activities.

Draft a final report on performed activities.

  • Assessment report;
  • Strategic action plan outline;
  • Strategic action plan (final document), including legislative roadmap and donor matrix;
  • One inception, three strategic planning and one final workshops;
  • Final report on performed activities.

The Consultant will be paid a lump sum in two installments upon successful completion of the deliverables according to the following scheme:

  • Assessment report – August - 30% of the total fee;
  • Strategic action plan (final document) – October – 70% of the total fee.

Candidates will be evaluated against a combination of technical and financial criteria provided in the below table. Technical criteria consist of a desk review and an interview.

Offerors obtaining minimum 30 points as a result of the desk review will be short listed and invited for an interview.

Offerors obtaining minimum of 20 points as a result of the interview (i.e. minimum of 50 points in the technical criteria) will be considered qualified and requested to provide financial proposal for the assignment.

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism .
Functional Competencies:
  • Excellent intercultural, moderation, facilitation and negotiation skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with stakeholders, focuses on impact and result and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Ability to lead effectively, mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills;
  • Demonstrates strong oral communication skills;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Academic degree in Law - minimum qualification requirement - 10 points.


  • At least 5 years of working experience in the field of human rights, justice and rule of law at the public service institution, non-governmental and/or international organization - minimum qualification requirement - 5 years - 10 points; more than 5 - 15 points;
  • Experience in supporting strategic planning processes with justice sector agencies (assessment based on the number of similar assignments)   - minimum qualification requirement - 10 to 15 points;
  • Experience of working for the Parliament (in a capacity of a civil servant/consultant) is an asset;
  • Knowledge of the role, functions and responsibilities of the state and non-state actors involved in the human rights and justice sector;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the main trends, challenges and gaps in human rights and justice sector in Georgia;
  • Knowledge of the Parliament’s role and functions.


  • Fluency in English and Georgian languages.