
The purpose of this consultancy is to contribute to mainstreaming of migration into the emerging development strategies of seven cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this purpose, a Consultant for Mainstreaming Migration into Cantonal Development Plans (hereinafter the Consultant) will be engaged.
The main objective of the consultancy will be to provide technical support for embedding migration issues in the integrated development strategies of Sarajevo, Zenica-Doboj, Central Bosnia, Posavina, Tuzla, Bosnia—Podrinje Cantons and Canton 10. This will entail analytical and expert inputs in the relevant process steps, including situation analysis, definition of relevant integrated measures/programmes to tackle migration and/or utilise migration potential for socio-economic development.
Background Information
The Migration for Development Project, a partnership initiative of the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the UNDP, seeks to systematically mobilise and build up potentials of migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in relevant domains of transition and socio-economic development, providing for visible effects of their contributions to the country’s progress at all institutional and societal levels. Specifically, the project will pilot mainstreaming of migration for development within the integrated local development strategies of selected local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Planned activities are designed around three interconnected project components, as follows:
  1. Policies for effective integration of migrants’ contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 local governments;
  2. Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels (mainly partner local governments, BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and members of the inter-ministerial working group) on effective mainstreaming of migration into development are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organisations is being structured in municipal planning schemes;
  3. Key elements for the definition of a valuable mainstreaming of migration into development concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH (governmental institutions, civil society organisations, Associations of Municipalities and Cities, private sector, migrants’ organisations).
    The project is an integral part of the UNDP Rural and Regional Development Sector. Among other initiatives in the Sector, it closely cooperates with the Integrated Local Development Project, particularly with regard to local/cantonal level interventions.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of work
In order to contribute to the successful implementation of all three project components, the Consultant will provide the project team and seven targeted cantonal governments with inputs to, and quality control of mainstreaming the aspect of migration and development into the relevant cantonal strategies, as well as establishing functional vertical linkage between the cantonal and local level policies and action plans on the subject matter.
Although the impact of migration is felt primarily at the local level, most of the local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not have adequate local policies and capacities to design and implement productive measures effectively linking migration with development. To that end, the Migration for Development Project piloted the activities geared towards mainstreaming migration and development priorities into local planning frameworks of 10 local governments. Concretely, review of the integrated local development strategies, developed with the support of the SDC/UNDP Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP), was conducted, in particular of their strategic platforms and sectoral plans. As a result, specific recommendations were provided so as to ensure that the aspect of migration is logically embedded within the situation review and provides grounds for follow-up specific measures to address identified challenges or reinforce existing potentials. As a logical continuation of the aforementioned process, support to mainstreaming migration is to be provided in the process of cantonal development planning, also supported by the ILDP. Specifically, the ILDP is about to launch process-based technical assistance to seven cantons to assist them in the design of integrated and participatory development strategies for the period 2014 – 2020.
Against this background, the Consultant will provide relevant inputs and recommendations for effective integration of migration issues into the cantonal development strategies. This consultancy will take into consideration and ensure compliance and vertical linkage between local and cantonal development strategies on one hand, and with the Strategy on Migration and Asylum of BiH (including the Action Plan) 2012 – 2015  on the other. The Consultant is expected to follow the standard outlook and structure within each cantonal strategy, as enshrined in the Methodology for Cantonal Development Planning (to be provided by the project team).
As a result of this assignment, the aspect of migration from the viewpoint of development will be embedded within 7 cantonal development strategies, including specific programmes/measures to address this aspect by coordinating initiatives on cantonal and local levels, wherever possible. The Consultant will be ultimately responsible for the final quality (written) inputs embedded within the cantonal strategies and shared with the project team, as well as with the cantonal government planning teams. 
More specifically, the consultancy will comprise the following main tasks:

Task 1: Conduct desk review of relevant materials
Under this task, the Consultant will:
  • Review and get acquainted with all relevant materials (to be provided by the project team), including the project document, the Methodology for Cantonal Development Planning, existing relevant strategies as well as draft comprehensive situation analyses (including also aspects of migration) and the broader development objectives for the targeted cantons;
  • Have a briefing meeting with and obtain inputs and necessary information from the project team and lead institutional partners.
    It is envisaged that this task will be finalised by mid-October 2014, allowing for different pace of cantonal development planning. The level of effort will not exceed 2 expert/days.
Task 2: Provide analytical and expert inputs and recommendations towards embedding migration aspects into draft cantonal strategic platforms of 7 cantons

Under this Task, the Consultant will assist with tailored embedding of migration issues within draft strategic platforms of seven targeted cantons.
Based on thorough review of cantonal strategic platforms and available data, the Consultant will provide concrete inputs on improving the draft analysis with regard to the aspect of migration, by reinforcing, as needed, migration matters into the socio-economic situation analysis, including a snapshot of the current situation with regard to migration within the targeted cantons, the situation with regard to current and/or potential contribution to the canton from migrants and their groups, as well as a summary of key challenges and potentials in this area.
The Consultant will particularly underscore and elaborate the aspects and potentials related to vertically harmonising the mainstreaming of the concept of migration for development from cantonal to local level.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered in October, 2014 and the level of effort will not exceed 14 expert/days.
Task 3: Provide analytical and expert inputs and recommendations towards embedding the migration aspects into draft programmatic parts of cantonal strategies
Under this Task, the Consultant will have several responsibilities, ultimately to result in tailored embedding of migration related interventions within draft programmatic parts of seven cantonal strategies:
  • Based on the key findings and potentials related to migration, the Consultant is then to review and provide inputs into the programmatic part of cantonal strategies comprising a set of measures by defining 1 - 2 migration-related measures/programmes, so as to enable placing migration in development function (both in terms of problem-solving, as well as reinforcing potentials), and achieving concrete effects for canton or specific localities therein. In this step, the Consultant should consider the broader socio-economic context described within the draft analysis and provide tailored and integrated inputs. The measures/programmes should also follow the standard format used and capture some general parameters, such as specific programmes/actions within the measure, indicative financial value, key target groups, expected results and result indicators.
  • Submit the draft measures with inputs addressing migration and development aspects to the project team and cantonal counterparts for their review and further consideration.


Under this task, the Consultant is expected to facilitate at least two practical workshops (one day each) with relevant cantonal representatives to discuss together possible migration-related measures and exchange ideas.
It is envisaged that this task will be delivered from early February to the end of March, 2015 and the level of effort will not exceed 16 expert/days.

Task 4: Provide a summary analytical note on piloting migration mainstreaming within cantonal development planning
As a final task, the Consultant is expected to draft a brief analytical note, which captures common trends, challenges and positive practices related to the piloting of migration mainstreaming within cantonal development strategies. Moreover, the Consultant is expected to summarise for consideration in future cantonal planning processes with view of mainstreaming migrations for development aspect. The written analytical note will be also presented to and discussed with the Working Group on Migration for Development, once it is formally established.

It is envisaged that this task will be delivered in March 2015 and the level of effort will not exceed 2 expert/days.
In delivery of above-described tasks, the Consultant is expected to work in close cooperation with the ILDP project team and cantonal development planning teams. 
Deliverables and timelines
The Consultant is responsible for the following deliverables:
Deliverables (outputs) Schedule and level of effort

Task 1: Conduct desk review of relevant materials:
  • The key relevant materials are reviewed by the Consultant and a briefing session organised with the project team and other relevant partners, allowing for further analytical and expert work.  End of September – mid October, 2014
    (2 expert days)

Task 2: Provide analytical and expert inputs and recommendations towards embedding the migration aspects into draft cantonal strategic platforms of 7 cantons in FBiH:

  • The aspect of migration is embedded within the draft socio-economic analyses / strategic platforms of seven cantonal development strategies, as per the specific requirements of the ToR.  October, 2014
    (14 expert days)

Task 3: Provide analytical and expert inputs and recommendations towards embedding the migration aspects into draft programmatic parts of cantonal strategies

  • The aspect of migration is embedded within the draft programmatic parts of seven cantonal development strategies, as per the specific requirements of the ToR. 01 February – 31 March 2015
    (16 working days)

Task 4: Provide a summary analytical note on piloting migration mainstreaming within cantonal development planning

  • A brief analytical note capturing the Consultant`s experience as well as the results of piloting migration mainstreaming within the cantonal development planning (including a summary of emerging migration-related programmes/measures, as well as recommendations for future cantonal planning processes) is drafted and approved by the project team. By April, 2015
    (2 expert days)


Core values
  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modelling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Core competencies
  • Demonstrates professional competence to meet responsibilities and post requirements and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Results-Orientation: Plans and produces quality results to meet established goals, generates innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;
  • Communication: Excellent communication skills, including the ability to convey complex concepts and recommendations, both orally and in writing, in a clear and persuasive style tailored to match different audiences;
  • Team work: Ability to interact, establish and maintain effective working relations with a culturally diverse team;
  • Client orientation: Ability to establish and maintain productive partnerships with national partners and stakeholders and pro-activeness in identifying of beneficiaries and partners’ needs, and matching them to appropriate solutions.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree in economics, political sciences and other relevant social sciences.
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, including in the area of migration policy and practice;
  • Previous professional experience in the area of local and regional development, preferably related to local strategic planning.
  • Proven ability to undertake professional research using both quantitative and qualitative methods;
  • Familiarity with key public documents, strategies, trends and practices related to migration and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an asset.
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualise and write concisely and clearly.
  • Fluency in the official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina is required.
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications) and ability to use information technologies as a tool and resource.
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the Cumulative analysis. The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (70%) and financial (30%) criteria specific to the solicitation.

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website .

•           For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 62 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
•           Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.
Applicants are required to submit completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (downloadable from online through this website.
Candidates must either be citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina or hold a valid work permit for BiH. Only successful candidates will be contacted.