
The Republic of Moldova’s economy, population, and environment are highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. According to a range of studies, including the Republic of Moldova’s Second National Communication and Third National Communication  under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 2009/2010 National Human Development Report, the impacts of climate change are expected to intensify as changes in temperature and precipitation affect economic activity.

Responding to the risks posed by climate change requires a coordinated and concerted effort on the part of the Government of Moldova. The three year project “Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process” supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and implemented by UNDP Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and its Climate Change Office, is responding to this need.

The overall goal of the project is to ensure that Moldova has a system and capacities in place for medium- to long term adaptation planning and budgeting with the overall aim to reduce vulnerability of the population and key sectors to the impacts of climate change. The main project objective is to support Moldova to put in place its National Adaptation Planning process contributing to and building upon existing development planning strategies and processes and to implement priority adaptation actions.

This assignment will contribute to attainment of the Output 1 of the Project, which aims at developing country-driven, gender-sensitive and participatory National Adaptation Plan as well as an institutionalised, iterative adaptation planning process, taking into consideration vulnerable sectors, groups, communities and ecosystems and should engage all relevant stakeholders.

The Project will contract an International Consultant on policy development in Forestry (Silviculture) sector with knowledge in climate change adaptation (CCA) to support the national team of Forestry sector of Moldova (national consultants and Forestry sector working group, relevant stakeholders) to develop the Draft of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS) and Action Plan of Forestry sector of Moldova for 2015-2025 as part of country’s efforts to address the growing challenge of climate change.  The Strategy and its Action Plan will contribute to developing sector’s capacity to adapt to climate change and reduce the costs of adaptation, where possible.  During the previous activities under the NAP Project Forestry sector was top rated by national consultants and stakeholders to receive further Project support in developing sector specific climate change adaptation policy.

Agency Moldsilva is the central public administration body on state policy in forestry and hunting in the country. The general task of the Agency is to implement the constitutional prerogatives and international ratified obligations of the Republic of Moldova on development, promotion and implementation of its policy in forestry, directed on the international trends of socio-economic sustainable development, rural development, rural employment, sustainable forestry, development, guarding, forests and wildlife protection, maintenance and conservation of biodiversity, professional training, access to environmental benefits and forestry research and education.

Agency Moldsilva is subordinated directly to the Government of the Republic of Moldova and performs its activity according to Governmental decision Nr. 150 from 02.Nr.150 from 02.03.2010.

The development of CCAS for Forestry sector of Moldova should be done in line with the provisions set out in national legislation (see below). While developing sectoral policy according to the national regulations is an important part of the assignment, considerations should be paid to EU regulations in relation to CCA policies of Forestry sector. As adaptation planning within Climate Change Adaptation Framework developed by the NAP Project is foreseen as an iterative process, it is envisaged that sectoral plans, including that of Forestry sector will be reviewed and updated every 4years.

Development of sectoral CCA policy documents will be done in an open, transparent, and inclusive manner, through intensive consultations with Forestry sector stakeholders. The process will allow for inputs from all relevant stakeholders, particularly those, who will be expected to play a key role in implementing the actions under the Action Plan. Policy decisions taken at sector level potentially, may also affect other sectors indirectly,  therefore, interested organisations form other relevant sectors will be consulted, as planned adaptation measures may require cross-sector stakeholders engagement thus, ensuring  that interdependencies are understood and effectively considered in policy and planning processes  of Forestry sector.

Development of Forestry sector CCA Strategy will consider the findings and results of sector NC assessment undertaken under NAP Project, in particular climate change impact on Forestry sector, vulnerabilities, risks/opportunities, barriers to implement CCA and measures to overcome them,   along with other relevant climate change studies and reports undertaken in the sector and at the national level.

It is expected  that the IC will contribute not only to the development of the CCA sector Strategy and its Action Plan, but also providing support  during Government  submission procedure, (particularly in developing the Promotion Note), while the working group of Agency Moldsilva retains primary responsibility for submission procedure. Development of CCA Forestry sector Strategy and its Action Pan it is seen as an an important step that complements the work on CCA mainstreaming in other priority sectors of NAP Project.

Duties and Responsibilities

The objective of this assignment is to support Moldsilva Agency in preparing the Draft of Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan of Forestry sector of Moldova. Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS) of Forestry sector of Moldova should be developed in line with the provisions set out in the Governmental Decision #33 dated 11/01/2007 on “Rules of and standard requirements regarding the development of policy documents”.

The scope of work of the International Consultant is to provide assistance to upgrade and strengthen the capacities of the Agency Moldsilva in relation to the development of a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and its Action Plan.

For detailed information, please refer to the Terms of Reference.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Functional competencies:

  • Knowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines related to NAP process;
  • Knowledge of the Forestry sector in Moldova would be an asset;
  • Excellent proven analytical skills in analysis, leadership and overall diplomatic skills;
  • Good organizational, time management and facilitation skills.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic Qualification:

  • Master’s degree in forestry or silviculture, forestry planning, environmental sciences or other relevant field.


  • At least 7 years of progressively international professional experience in silviculture, forestry sector planning and policy;
  • Proven experience in preparation of written reports in an accurate and concise manner, and public presentation skills;
  • Professional experience in Eastern Europe is an asset; development and at least 5 years of experience in climate change adaptation;
  • Proven ability to elaborate policy documents (strategies, action plans,programmes) inforestry.

Language requirements:

  • Fluency in written and spoken English is required for this assignment;
  • Knowledge of Romanian or Russian will be an advantage.

Important notice

The applicant who has the statute of Government Official / Public Servant, prior to appointment will be asked to submit the following documentation:

  • A no-objection letter in respect of the applicant received from the government; and
  • The applicant is certified in writing by the government to be on official leave without pay for the duration of the Individual Contract.

A retired government official is not considered in this case a government official, and as such, may be contracted.

The detailed Terms of Reference and procurement Notice can be found at