
UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, UNDP offers global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.

UNDP has been working on democratic governance issues in Indonesia for many years, and has contributed significantly to consolidating democracy through provision of policy advice and technical assistance, and by promoting and brokering dialogue and engaging in knowledge networking. In the justice sector, UNDP has been involved in providing support to ensuring access to justice and is currently implementing a Strengthening Access to Justice in Indonesia (SAJI) project which was developed based on experiences and lessons learned from two previous projects: Aceh Justice Programme (AJP) and the Legal Empowerment and Assistance for the Disadvantaged (LEAD) Project.

With funding support from the European Union, and in partnership with the Government of Indonesia, UNDP is initiating a project aimed at supporting the Supreme Court (SC) to strengthen the rule of law and enhance public trust in the judicial system by increasing the transparency, integrity and accountability of the judiciary and the quality of justice services provided to the people. The Support to the Justice Sector Reform in Indonesia (SUSTAIN) project will support the Supreme Court in the implementation of its Blueprint for Judicial Reform 2010-2035 through the achievement of four results: (1) enhanced internal and external oversight mechanisms of the judiciary; (2) enhanced knowledge and skills of judges & court staff and strengthened capacity of the Supreme Court Training Centre; (3) enhanced Human Resource and Organisation Management via integrated Human Resources and performance management databases, an effective implementation of advanced Human Resources policies, and a strengthened Judicial Reform Team Office; and (4) enhanced Case Management System and procedures of the judiciary to improve transparency, quality of case data and decisions and timeliness of case handling.

Description of activity in Project context

An updated system of training database is essential for Balitbang Diklat Kumdil (The Supreme Court Training Centre) to collect and store data on training beneficiaries, training history for each participant, trainers, training modules, training programs that have been delivered and the training plans for future implementation.

The database integration is important part of the Project, especially in improving capacity of the Supreme Court Training Centre

Related stakeholder: The Supreme Court Training Centre, IT Department, Badilum, Badilag and Badimiltun.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Serve as a resource to SUSTAIN for assessing, identifying, and listing all functional specifications for the judicial training database application. Development of the functional specifications will include: close coordination with SUSTAIN’s Case Management Sector Coordinator on establishing the development timeline for each application and documenting findings, challenges, and recommendations for effective implementation each application;
  • Assist SUSTAIN in the development and implementation efforts. Relations with counterparts shall be led by SUSTAIN;
  • Attend and participate effectively in all regular and special meetings with representatives of the Supreme Court, Badilum, and SUSTAIN team in a timely and productive manner, as directed by SUSTAIN;
  • Provide necessary supporting application and/or system and/or peripherals and other related equipment and resources for development and implementation of the training database application;
  • Install and test the application under the direction of SUSTAIN;
  • Transfer knowledge on the design of the application to the Supreme Court;
  • Deliver and report weekly progress to SUSTAIN in weekly meetings on detailed development progress, challenges encountered, proposed solutions, and other directly relevant topics as they may arise;
  • Provide supporting documentation for the development;
  • Develop user technical manual;
  • Conduct weekly remote monitoring through a web-based application and on-site monitoring as necessary. Note: All travel cost for the on-site monitoring will be based on actual, and will be reimburse separately;
  • Provide troubleshooting and maintenance services for software glitches as required;
  • Supreme Court Training Database application will be developed as two separate adaptations; one is development and two is the integration with another application in the Supreme Court, especially the personnel database of the Supreme Court. These adaptations may be done simultaneously or consecutively;
  • The development of these applications has a specific objective to improve data compliance on each database.

Therefore, the Consultant need to ensure these functions are included in the applications:

  • A function that enable the Supreme Court’s judicial training centre to monitor the completion of data input, percentage of the completion, and the incomplete data field;
  • A pop-up menu for user as a reminder to complete the data input;
  • An inter-users communication that could be used as an official memorandum concerning the data (data input, compliance, change of data, supervision etc.);
  • The Consultant may contribute to the project quarterly report and other project reports and deliverables, and he may be asked to provide oral and written progress reports to the CTA, UNDP and other projects;
  • As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the Consultant may also help coordinate work with other project staff working as a team.


Fuctional Competencies:

  • Familiarity with Web-based and desktop based application programming;
  • Mastered technologies: PHP, Javascript, JQuery, HTML/CSS, Database MySQL;
  • Familiarity with computer languages: computer language like Borland Delphi, Java, PHP, MS Access;
  • Familiarity with Troubleshooting, Computer Network Administration System, Firewall System, DNS, and Internet Security.

Communications and Networking:

  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high ranking members of national and international institutions, government and non-government;
  • Proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills and ability to build strong relationships with government and other external actors;
  • Excellent oral communication skills and conflict resolution competency to mediate inter-group dynamics and mediate conflict of interests;
  • Excellent written communication skill, with analytic capacity and ability to provide policy advice, recommendations and strategy.

Knowledge Management and Learning:

  • Shares knowledge and experience;
  • Ability to provide a strong analysis, policy advice, recommendations and strategy.

Management and Leadership:

  • Demonstrates ability to work in a team;
  • Demonstrates ability to accept critics and constructive inputs/opinions;
  • Have strong leadership to manage conflicting interests of varied stakeholders;
  • Demonstrates strong analytical skills;
  • Good time management to meet deadlines with quality outputs;
  • Highly creative attitude and self-starter mindset;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and positive/constructive attitude.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology/Computer Science.


  • Minimum 15 years for Master’s Degree or 17 years for Bachelor’s Degree of relevant hands-on experience;
  • Knowledge of UN/UNDP’s rules and procedures would be desirable but not essential.


  • Fluency (both oral and written) in English;
  • A second UN language is an asset but is not a requirement.