


The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.

In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded in long-established, ancient traditions of sharing and support within the communities. In this context, UN volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism and play a role in development and peace together with co-workers, host agencies and local communities.

In all assignments, UN volunteers promote volunteerism through their action and conduct. Engaging in volunteer activity can effectively and positively enrich their understanding of local and social realities, as well as create a bridge between themselves and the people in their host community. This will make the time they spend as UN volunteers even more rewarding and productive.

Type of assignment:   National UN Volunteer  

Project Title:  Administrative support for the implementation of projects and programme activities overseeing financial management and procurement related aspects in the Tanzania Office of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Brief Project Description: 

IFAD is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries.  It provides low-interest loans and grants to developing countries to finance innovative agricultural and rural development programmes and projects. It is among the top three multilateral institutions working in agriculture in Africa. In 2010, the largest share of new IFAD financing went to sub-Saharan Africa.

The decision to create IFAD was made in 1974 in the wake of the great droughts and famines that struck Africa and Asia in the preceding years. World leaders at the 1974 World Food Conference agreed that “an international fund…should be established immediately to finance agricultural development projects.” IFAD has a total membership of 165 countries from around the world including OPEC and OECD members, and developing middle-income countries.

IFAD brings the point of view of smallholder farmers and rural entrepreneurs to bear on international policy deliberations, and build their capacity so that they themselves can engage in and influence relevant policy processes. In Tanzania IFAD has provided loans totaling US$184.1 million to help 12 programmes and projects. The first projects were designed to cushion rural poor people from the effects of central planning. Early projects were followed by operations that worked to improve the household food security by ensuring support services, increased access to productive assets and dissemination of technical knowledge.

Host Agency/Host Institute: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Organizational Context:  The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United Nations, established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major. Since it was created in 1977, IFAD has focused exclusively on rural poverty reduction, working with poor rural populations in developing countries to eliminate poverty, hunger and malnutrition; raise their productivity and incomes; and improve the quality of their lives.

IFAD relies heavily on its country offices for enhancing its development effectiveness and achieving institutional efficiency.

Under the overall policy and management guidance of the Country Representative for Tanzania as well as in collaboration with the Country Programme Manager, the Procurement and Administrative Specialist is expected to perform functions related to IFAD’s mandate of improving rural food security and nutrition and enabling poor rural men and women to overcome their poverty, and to overall efforts of IFAD within the UN Common System to increase capacity-building and sustainable development in developing countries

Type of assignment place: Family Duty Station

Living Conditions:

Dar es Salaam is the largest City in Tanzania, as the major port and economic Center.  Most Ministries, Government offices, embassies and UN Offices are based in this City. Dar es Salaam is situated on the coast, overlooking the Indian Ocean. It is an International multicultural city with a mix of religions. There is a wide range of facilities available, including numerous shopping centers, movie theatres, restaurants and many new developments planned.  The living conditions in Dar es Salaam are comfortable although pricy.  It is a beautiful and safe location. There are good education facilities and some health facilities with good standards.

Conditions of Service

A 12-month contract; monthly volunteer living allowance (VLA) of TZS 969,131. It is intended to cover housing, basic needs and utilities; life, health, and permanent disability insurance; transportation to and from place of recruitment to duty station and resettlement allowance.


Description of Assignment prepared by:

Antonella Favio, IFAD

Date: 03/07/2015


Description of Assignment approved by: UNV Field Unit

Stella Karegyesa, UNV

Date: 23/07/2015


Description of Assignment approved by:

Francisco Pichon, IFAD

Date: 28/07/2015

Duties and Responsibilities

Description of Duties:

Under the direct supervision of IFAD Country Director/Resident Representative, the incumbent will be responsible for administratively running and overseeing all financial management and procurement-related aspects of all IFAD-supported Projects/Programmes in the country with the aim of facilitating the effective implementation of the Projects/Programmes. The incumbent will also provide implementation support to Projects/Programmes to address financial management and procurement-related constraints and avail an enabling environment for effective Project/Programme implementation through the following specification:

  • Review the Projects’/Programmes’ draft Annual Work Plans and Budgets (AWPBs) to ensure that the financial-related inputs in the AWPBs commensurate with the absorption capacity of the respective implementing agencies. In addition, ensure that the different Procurement Plans are realistic and duly implementable;
  • Ensure that the financial procedures  described in the different Financing Agreements and the respective Programme Implementation Manuals (PIMs) are adequately followed by the Programme Coordination Offices (PCOs) and implementing agencies at all levels;
  • Ensure that the different Projects/Programmes are being implemented in accordance with IFAD’s and the Government of the Republic of Tanzania’s (GRZ) financial directives and circulars;
  • Review procurement requests and withdrawal applications to ensure that they are correct and are supported with all necessary documents;
  • Receive and review the different requests for IFAD’s No Objections and advise the Country Director accordingly;
  • Provide technical support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock’s Procurement and Financial Management Units, the different PCOs and the implementing agencies on matters related to Procurement, financial management and reporting;
  • Oversee the budgetary control of all Projects/Programmes and regularly advise the Country Director on the Projects’/Programmes’ financial situation;
  • Liaise with the Financial Controllers of the different Projects/Programmes and ensuring that tax exemptions for the procurement of goods for the Projects/Programmes are secured in a timely manner;
  • Receive and review the six-monthly and annual consolidated financial reports for all Projects/Programmes and ensure that they have been prepared in in accordance with IFAD requirements;
  • Work with the different Financial Controllers of the different Projects/Programmes and ensure that the Internal Audit Function is dully provided and operating well for all Projects/Programmes;
  • Work with the different Financial Controllers of the different Projects/Programmes and ensure that external auditors are availed with all necessary documents during the audit as detailed in the Financing Agreement;
  • Receive and review bidding documents from the different Projects/Programmes and ensure that they are in compliance with acceptable bidding standards;
  • Provide a briefing to the different IFAD-led Supervision and Implementation Support Missions summarizing what you consider to be key financial management and procurement-related issues that the Missions should focus on; and
  • Undertake any other duties as may be assigned by the Country Director.


12. Results/Expected Output:

  • Technical analysis and synthesis of information and data, including database management, creating the foundation for IFAD’s decision-making and quality of programme advice provided to the government.

  • Analytical documents and linked monitoring frameworks (programme log-frames which support IFAD Results-Based Country Strategic Opportunities Programme objectives and results framework, to be used in the development and evaluation of IFAD’s country programme.
  • Indirect support to the country office’s reputation for capacity and for programme delivery and enhances its recognition as a reliable development partner.

  • A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.

    • Benefits brought by volunteerism to society at large and individual volunteer exhibited and promoted, by recognizing the fact that volunteering makes important contributions, economically as well as socially, and contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among citizens and girls in particular.


Furthermore, UN Volunteers are encouraged to:

  • Strengthening their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and taking active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark IVD);
  • Getting acquainted with and building on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;
  • Reflecting on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities;
  • Contributing articles/write-ups on field experiences and submitting them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;
  • Assisting with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers;
  • Promoting or advising local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encouraging relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.
  • A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for development during your assignment such as specific quantification of mobilized volunteers, activities, capacities.

Required Skills and Experience


  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Financial Management or Procurement Management or Business Administration from a recognized university;
  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in Project Accounting/Financial Management or Procurement Management. Experience with International Financial Institution-funded Projects/Programmes would be an added advantage;
  • Knowledge of Project/Programme  management and procurement cycle with emphasis on results-based work planning, budgeting, and accounting;
  • Excellent quantitative and analytical skills;
  • Strong computer skills, electronic spreadsheets and other accounting packages;
  • Capable of designing and using financial report formats that provide for variance analysis;
  • Strong managerial skills and demonstrated capacity to manage people and interact with a wide range of private sector partners and government representatives;
  • Working knowledge of banking, financial control procedures and GRZ accounting and procurement procedures;
  • Fluent in English language both written and oral and good report writing skills and
  • Good advocacy, communication and negotiation skills and ability to work as a team member.