
The Ministry of Environment Water and Climate has been implementing the project entitled National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Zimbabwe that was signed by Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate and the United Nations Development Programme and ended on 31 March 2015.  The project was extended by four months to 31st July 2015 to allow for additional work on spatial data analysis to be completed. The spatial data analysis was done and the Project has now been completed operationally with the production of a draft Strategy and Action Plan, the 5th National Report. A Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) for biodiversity has also been developed. However, there is need finalise and print project documents (5th National Report and the NBSAP) and to launch them officially. Towards the end of the project the NBSAP targets were revised. The revision of the targets in the 5th National Report has been necessitated by the comments from the NBSAP Peer Review and the PULSE Lab work. The documents are at the editorial stage and will need to be launched by the Honourable Minister of Environment Water and Climate once printed.

A consultant is therefore required to finalise the processes with the editor, to coordinate the launch and prepare a presentation for the launch.  Services required to edit the Fifth National Report to the CBD, is to review the revised targets incorporate them in the 5th National Report. The Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism which has been set up in the Ministry also need to be reviewed and finalised.

Duties and Responsibilities

A Biodiversity expert is thus required to undertake the following:

Specific Terms of Reference

  • Revise the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and incorporate the suggestions made at the validation workshop;
  • Incorporate spatial data generated from the spatial data analysis into the NBSAP and make the necessary changes in text and figures;
  • Proof-read the final version of the NBSAP document and ensure that all changes suggested by stakeholders are incorporated;
  • Revise the Fifth National Report and ensure that National Targets in the document reflect those in the NBSAP document;
  • Prepare both the NBSAP and Fifth National Report electronic versions of the documents for distribution to stakeholders on appropriate media (CD-ROMs and/or flash disks);
  • Coordinate the population of the Clearing House Mechanism and ensure the necessary access levels are installed for the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate staff and stakeholders;
  • Coordinate the process of installing the CHM online;
  • Facilitate launch of printed NBSAP and Fifth National Report documents by the Minister of Environment Water and Climate;
  • Prepare presentation for launch;
  • Make a presentation on the launch;
  • Prepare and facilitate hand over of project material to UNDP and Ministry of Environment Water and Climate.

Expected Output

NBSAP, 5th National Report printed and delivered.

CHM updated and activated

NBSAP, 5th National Report and CHM launched by MEWC


Technical Competence:

  • Demonstrates knowledge on biodiversity conservation issues in Zimbabwe;
  • Demonstrates editorial skills;
  • Good knowledge of national policies and priorities for Biodiversity Conservation and CBD requirements.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Demonstrates diplomacy and tact in dealing with sensitive and complex situations.

Knowledge, management and Learning:

  • Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment in the office through mentoring and personal example;
  • Promote knowledge building and sharing with regards to management and operations, organization of project staff training, synthesis of lessons learnt/best practices and sound contributions to UNDP knowledge networks and communities of practice.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead formulation and monitoring of management projects;
  • Ability to lead business processes and implement new systems;
  • Good coordination and interpersonal skills.

Required Skills and Experience


  • At least a Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences with a major in Biodiversity, Ecology, Botany or Zoology.


  • At least 10 years’ experience coordination and providing technical advisory services in the Biodiversity related issues;
  • Documentation and editorial experience in national strategy or related documents;
  • Experience working within a government agency or ministry desirable.


  • Fluent in English.

Computer literacy in Microsoft Software and IT packages.

The Consultant will be co-located at the MWEC and work under the overall guidance of the UNDP Country director and the Director, Environment in the MEWC. S/he will be under the direct supervision of the MEWC Environment Director.

Any request for clarification must be sent by standard electronic communication to the following e-mail:

The response will be sent by standard electronic mail and written copies of the response including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry will be sent to all consultants.

Application procedure: