“UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, UNDP offers global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.”
UNDP Indonesia’s mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We, the UNDP Country Office (CO), aim to be a bridge between Indonesia an all donors as well as maintaining our status as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.
The Government of Indonesia recognizes that unrestrained natural resource exploitation will undo existing development gains and render certain development goals unachievable. Neither do turnkey solutions for low carbon development exist. Thus, Indonesia continues to work to pioneer solutions for sustainable development. The commitment to balance and enable social equity, environmental health, and economic growth is clearly outlined within Indonesia’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM-N) 2015-2019. These goals are underpinned by Indonesia’s unprecedented voluntary commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26% and up to 41% by 2020, with international support including the REDD+ Indonesia-Norway Partnership. Indonesia’s successful actualization of sustainable development, including the protection of its vast forests, is critical not only for its own national development and wellbeing, but in its significant contribution to global climate change mitigation.
To this end, Phase 1 of the REDD+ Partnership persistently emphasized collaborative ways to create enabling conditions for sustainable development: Work to strengthen the nation’s geospatial infrastructure reinforced cross-ministerial collaboration. Information sharing under initiatives like the moratorium—and tackling unsustainable environmental exploitation through a Multi-Door Approach to regulatory due diligence and law enforcement—emphasised coordination and information sharing. Decade long participatory mapping efforts by masyarakat hukum adat (MHA) were integrated into the national One Map initiative. Key achievements include the release of the National REDD+ Strategy (Stranas) in September 2012, completing the groundwork for a Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, the design and preparation of a Fund for REDD+ (FREDDI) and the development of safeguards called Principles, Criteria and Indicators for REDD+ Safeguards in Indonesia (PRISAI).
Following the completion of Phase 1, the National REDD+ Agency was established through Presidential Regulation 62/2013 to ensure the continued implementation of REDD+ in Indonesia. The Partnership entered into an Interim Phase centered on building the institutional capacity of the REDD+ Agency. This ensured that the foundational work completed by the Working Groups of the National REDD+ Task Force (SatGas REDD+) in gathering baseline information, supporting the establishment of and monitoring the moratorium, and ensuring the overall body of knowledge from Phase I was transferred. The Interim Phase also included a portfolio of time sensitive issues including preventing forest and peat fires, implementing the Constitution Court Ruling No. 35/2012 (MK 35) recognizing the tenure rights of masyarakat hukum adat, land conflict resolution in national parks, and strengthening gender inclusion.
Integration into Ministry of Environment and Forestry
In 2014, the newly elected Jokowi-Kalla administration laid out their priority agenda, Nawa Cita, and decisively integrated Indonesia’s on-going reforms for more efficient, transparent, and accountable government with the country’s commitment to achieve the “triple wins” of sustainable development: social equity, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. REDD+ serves a critical role in helping fulfil the prioritization on alleviating rural poverty and enabling development, emphasizing good governance and anti-corruption as keys to improve forest and peat land management, and supporting the shift towards low emissions development, a commitment reflected by the decision of the Administration to reduce fuel subsidies by 70% between 2014 and 2015.
Most markedly, these priorities resulted in merging the ministries of environment and forestry, and—through Presidential Decree No. 16 of 2015 issued on 21 January 2015—consolidating ad hoc climate change related institutions—including the REDD+ Agency and the National Climate Change Council (DNPI), previously responsible for representing Indonesia at the UNFCCC—under the new Directorate General for Climate Change Control (DG-CCC) within the new Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF).
For the Partnership, this means continued implementation is lead by a new Directorate General, where it is understood that REDD+, as a multi-sector programme, will be mainstreamed in policies and plans across several Directorate Generals (Echelon I) within the ministry, as well as with the requisite engagement of other relevant ministries. The new, more streamlined bureaucracy has the potential to ensure better coordination of climate change issues by one mandated body, including REDD+.
The integration of the former National REDD+ Agency into the new directorate general includes responsibility for overseeing the entirety of the former Agency’s mandate, namely coordinating, synchronising, planning, facilitating, managing, monitoring, supervising, and controlling the implementation of REDD+ in Indonesia and ensuring the following:
1. Decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to deforestation;
2. Reduction of emissions from degradation of forest and peat lands;
3. Maintenance and enhancement of forest carbon reserves through conservation, sustainable forest management and rehabilitate and restoration of degraded forest land; and
4. Improvement in environmental quality, biodiversity, and welfare of local communities and masyarakat hukum adat (MHA).
While the integration of the REDD+ Agency into the new Directorate General delayed the start of Phase 2, this period has been instrumental to ensure thorough handover of the functions and responsibilities of the former REDD+ Agency to the DG-CCC.
Transition Phase
The above mentioned decision taken by President Joko Widodo adminsitration in January 2015, has not only structurally but also functionally altered the institutional landscape to address these issues, especially climate change. The REDD+ agenda, previously administered by the national REDD+ Agency, was forced to focus on handover activities rather than field implementation for over 6 months. This delay has had a direct impact on the REDD+ Interim Phase project, the implementation platform of the national REDD+ programme, supported by UNDP. As of August 2015 most of the ongoing program, project, activities, assets, and documentation have been smoothly transferred to the relevant sections of the MoEF, under the leadership of the DG-CCC, that has committed to pursue the implementation of the REDD+ programme in Indonesia.
The merger of the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Forestry has directly impacted the Ministry’s ability to deliver ongoing 2015 programs mainly due to its restructuring and staff appointments. While the leadership of the Ministry up to echelon 2 (Director level) has been successfully appointed, echelon 3 staff (Unit Managers) and below are currently being placed. From a budgetary perspective, the state budget allocation (APBN) of the Ministry, although approved since December 2014, could not be accessed and required major revisions to reflect the changes in the organizational structure. The Ministry has completed in August the budget revision allowing access to the 2015 APBN funds until December solely for the operations of the Ministry. A similar situation may arise for the 2016 APBN funds allocation, as the draft budget prepared by the Ministry between March and June 2015 does not fully reflect the actual organizational structure or programs and targets of the ministry. The Ministry may have to undergo another revision process for the 2016 APBN allocation to be released in January 2016. Such revision would take between three and four months until a budget is finalized and funds can be accessed for program implementation.
In the absence of an organizational structure or appointed officer-in-charge of the new Ministry’s budget, the REDD+ Interim Phase project supported by UNDP has provided a technical and financial lifeline for the Ministry to honour REDD+ commitments and integrate the programs of the former REDD+ Agency. With the expiration of the current agreement regulating the REDD+ Interim Phase at the end of September, this lifeline may be interrupted and the preparation of Phase 2 further delayed. The DG-CCC, in coordination with relevant DGs, requires timely support to continue the implementation of priority programs currently supported by the REDD+ Interim Phase. The overall objective and strategy of the six (6) priority programs that will be implemented under the direction of DG-CCC and with implementation support provided by UNDP.
The Interim Phase remains the implementation platform of the Partnership for nine (9) more months, pending approval of the expanded program outlined in Section 2, ‘Programmes and Strategic Approach’. Under this arrangement, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is mandated to establish both a REDD+ funding instrument and the mechanism for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV).
The Interim Phase will also focus on providing technical support to the MoEF on six priority REDD+ programs based on the foundational work completed in Phase 1 and by the former National REDD+ Agency, and in line with the objectives of Indonesia’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM-N) 2015-2019. These are:
1. Forest and Peat fire prevention in fire prone provinces;
2. Law enforcement, Legal review of licenses and compliance audit for fire management;
3. Improvement of community welfare and sustainable land and forest management through social forestry;
4. Resolution of land-related conflicts;
5. Participatory mapping of territories by masyarakat hukum adat and local communities; and
6. Institutional strengthening, stakeholder engagement and awareness raising on related social, economic, and environmental issues for the preparation of Phase 2
Context Of this TOR
National Project Manager / Chief Technical Advisor (NPM/CTA)
Transition program that are going o be implemented under MoEF is considered to be ambitious, as this would be implemented within (effectively) less than 9 months – targeting 26 districts in 6 provinces.
The NPM/CTA position is created to ensure that those activities meet the key performance indicators set.
He/she provides guidance and oversight to the tasks identified by the Director General of Climate Change Control (DG-CCC) and related government bodies for effective implementation of these priority programs. The NPM/CTA will be a key actor in ensuring effective coordination between UNDP and all relevant government bodies (ministries) and also plays a significant role in ensuring coordination of relevan working units under the MoEF and managing the overall operations pertaining to planning and implementation of activities. The NPM/CTA works in close collaboration with all stakeholders to ensure their informed participation in the consultative process.
The NPM/CTA will work under direct supervision of the Director General of Climate Change Control (DG-CCC) as the primary supervisor. Additionally, for matters related to UNDP contractual administration the Head of Environment Unit will be the secondary supervisor..The NPM/CTA will be responsible for the implementation of operational activities as foreseen in Presidential Decree no. 16/2015 and Ministry of Environment and Forestry Decree no. 26/2015 on the setup of (the new) Directorate General of Climate Change under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). The NPM/CTA is responsible for coordinating the achievement of the goals set out in both regulations – and in the relevant project/program documents.
Duties and Responsibilities
II. Functions /Key Results Expected
Summary of Key Functions:
- Ensuring the coordination of relevant working units under the MoEF and managing the overall operations pertaining to planning and implementation of activities.
- Provision of top quality policy advice services to the Director General of Climate Change Control and work closely with other development partners,
- Ensures effective oversight of planning, implementing and support to the resource mobilization of the project.
- Facilitation of communication, knowledge building and management
1. Ensuring the coordination of relevant working units and managing the overall operations pertaining to planning and implementation of activities focusing on the following results :
- Effective coordination of the outputs from the relevant working unit set up by the Director General of Climate Change Control for achieving the goals set by the MoEF
- Effective monitoring on progress periodically and provide feedback to DG-CCC on the progress achieved by the working units in their assigned tasks.
- Provision of solution to debottlenecking and addressing gaps on REDD+ activities in the REDD+ Partner Provinces and other provinces where REDD+ activities may be initiated by the Director General of Climate Change Control.
- Effective management of the overall operations pertaining to planning and implementation of activities under the Presidential Decree no. 16/2015.
- Provision of guidance to relevant working units of the MoEF for better planning and implementation
2. Provision of top quality policy advice services to the Director General of Climate Change Control and work closely with other development partners, focusing on the following results :
- Provision of high level technical advice to the DG-CCC and other Government bodies on the implementation of REDD+ priorities in Indonesia
- Provision of strategic and operational advice to the DG-CCC on matters pertaining to the establishment of the REDD+ unit and MRV agencies as well as on project strategy and other matters related to the implementation of the REDD+ Project.
- Effective coordination with the Secretariat of Directorate General in ensuring effective delivery of DG-CCC priorities,
- Effective support to the Director General of Climate Change Control in donor coordination and effective collaboration with the international community.
- Effective facilitation on the development of Pilot activities/programmes leading to evidence based results that can be show-cased nationally and globally.
- Effective communication with national government and sub-national REDD+ stakeholders to ensure smooth implementation of REDD+ activities in Indonesia
- Effective support to the Director General of Climate Change Control in all other matters, as requested.
- Provision of technical advice to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on overall national ownership of the programming activities.
3. Ensures effective oversight of planning, implementing and support to the resource mobilization of the project, focusing on the following results :
- Provision of high level management advice to the Director General of Climate Change Control and other related decision makers of REDD+ on the planning, implementation and monitoring of REDD+ activities in Indonesia.
- Provision of policy and strategic inputs to the preparation of annual and quarterly work plans for the REDD+ initiative, and, propose revisions of the work plans for approval by the DG-CCC of MoEF.
- Timely recommendation for further development of the project activities in tune with the evolving priorites..
- Ensure that work plans are implementable and bring maximum impact to the performance of the REDD+ initiative
- Effective guidance on the preparation of activity progress reports on a quarterly basis and, on request coordinate the prepation of other reports and briefs as required by the Director General of Climate Change Control.
- Effective support to the Director General of Climate Change Control in preparing and conducting relevant resource mobilization activities in relations to the needs and scope of works of the REDD+ in Indonesia
- Provision of advice and direction on strategic and policy issues and ensure gender sensitive activities are integrated in the programme plan and implementation strategy;
- Timely review the project status and provision of strategic and policy advice to the Project Board on required follow up and/or corrective action;
- Establishment of professional development opportunities and oversee the work of project staff and ensure quality and timeliness of delivery.
- Integration of cross-cutting issues, such as gender and human rights into rule of law project design, monitoring and evaluation;
- Good coordination and collaboration with suppliers, beneficiaries and other key stakeholders.
4. Facilitation of communication, knowledge building and management, focusing on the achievement of the following results :
- Provision of advice under the project framework is in accordance with global best practices of REDD+ as applicable to Indonesia.
- Effective guidance, mentoring, and encouragement of the professional development of national stakeholders, with a view to ensure full national ownership of the project.
- Effective support on the development of innovative and appropriate implementation mechanisms that respond to the uniqueness of the development context in Indonesia.
- Provision of regular briefings on the dynamics of the institutional and implementation environment of the REDD+ work programs and the related activities in Indonesia.
- Establishment of communication with stakeholders of REDD+ at the national and pilot provinces level
- Effective support the Director General of Climate Change Control in the interaction with the other line ministries and the international community in relations to the needs and effectiveness of the REDD+ in Indonesia
Perform any other task consistent with the scope and objectives of the project, as directed by the Director General of Climate Change Control.
III. Impact of Results
The key results have a direct impact on the quality of strategies, targets and project results. High quality technical advice contributes to sustainable capacity of the Implementing Partner and other Government of Indonesia institutions, and to the achievement of UNDP Country Programme outcomes.
IV. Competencies and Critical Success Factors
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the Indonesia-Norway REDD+ LoI.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge Management and Learning
- Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office
- In-depth knowledge on development issues
- Ability to advocate and provide policy advice
- Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills
Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
- Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects, mobilize resources
- Good knowledge of the Results Management Guide and Toolkit
- Strong IT skills
- Ability to lead implementation of new systems (business side), and affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change
- Sound knowledge of the GoI policies and procedures is an asset
Management and Leadership
- Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback
- Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
- Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
- Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
- Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
Communications and Networking
- Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills as well as strong diplomatic/mediation skills, and public relation skills.
- Has demonstrated solid knowledge and relevant experience in working on electoral, voters education and other related areas.
- Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior and high ranking members of national institutions, government and non-government.
- Proven networking, team-building and organizational skills and ability to build strong relationships with government and other external actors.
Specific Competencies
- Proven professional credibility, as well as senior-level working experience in a governmental, multilateral or civil society organization in a developed or developing country highly desirable.
- A sound knowledge of Indonesia and its government system and good understanding of the organization and functioning of technical ministries and provincial/local government in Indonesia.
- Cross-cultural management experience and sensitivity.
Required Skills and Experience
V. Recruitment Qualifications
- Master Degree or Bachelor Degree in development, social sciences, economics, environmental management, engineering, public administration or related fields
- A minimum of 10 years’ experience for candidate with Master Degree or minimum 12 years of experience for candidate with Bachelor Degree with progressive responsibilities in the field of program management, development, and environment-related fields.
- A minimum of 5 years of coordinating and managing large scale development programs that have substantial impacts to the national and international development progress.
- Proven experience in providing technical assistance and advisory services to Governments and/or multilateral development organizations in development programs.
- Proven experience in liaising with high-level policy makers, preferably in a developing country environment.
- Strong understanding of and experience in programming and capability to translate needs into project activities.
- Knowledge and understanding of REDD+ issues and political dynamics in Indonesia pertaining to REDD+ is an advantage, as is understanding of Government structures and procedures.
Language Requirements:
- Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply . All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements