
Applicants who previously applied need not re-apply.

The project envisages comprehensive activities to build up organizational capacity of the Russian energy sector to minimize negative impact on biodiversity and mainstream biodiversity in energy sector development policies in Russia and operations of energy resources extractive and power producing companies by conducting pilot events in seven demonstration territories across Russia. The project’s demonstration areas cover a number of ecosystems which allows building up a wealth of experience on preserving global biodiversity through long-term environmental sustainability of biomes in the Arctic, tundra and boreal forest areas, and vulnerable ecosystems of the Far East.

The project was developed to mitigate weakness in addressing biodiversity management in Russian energy sector. In the project document it was identified that the core of the weakness is the fact that the general principle of “avoid-minimize-restore-compensate” with respect to biodiversity is not followed.

Two mayor barriers are identified:

  • Barrier 1: The current legal and policy environment promotes quick maximization of financial returns in the energy sector, underestimates biodiversity risks and value of ecosystem services, and excludes positive incentives for biodiversity friendly investment;
  • Barrier 2: Inadequate knowledge, technology and management culture.

The project is characterized by a focus on practical validation and introduction in the demonstration territories of modern methods and practices within energy sector compatible with the principles of biodiversity preservation. It is simultaneously centered on three energy sectors – oil, coal, hydropower – with the purpose of mainstreaming biodiversity in business management practices.

Each energy sector has a unique set of issues that must be addressed, but there are also some key similarities such as the need for an ecosystem and biodiversity assessment process, and a biodiversity and ecosystem services valuation methodology.

The economic development will continue to place pressure on biodiversity outside protected areas. The current orientation of the economy towards natural resource exploitation is evidenced in the fact that export of minerals yields over 70% of currency income for the country. Biodiversity is by and large viewed as the source of a product that can be traded (such as timber, fish, peltry-ware); the value of natural ecosystems embodied in their biosphere function and ecosystem services are, thus far, not fully taken into account in the economic sphere. Damage to biodiversity from economic development is not being compensated fast enough by the establishment of new specially protected natural areas. The annual increase in areas disturbed by economic activities is faster than the annual increase in extent of reclaimed lands. Most importantly, Russia’s regions of globally significant biodiversity – namely the Arctic, Siberia, Far East, and Caucasus – are increasingly becoming the focus of energy development.

The federal laws on environmental protection, sub-surface resources, as well as the land and forest Codes, require oil and gas, and coal operations to restore land after resource extraction. However, there is a lack of a clearly defined methodology for pre-project determination of appropriate restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity once excavation is complete. For example, for the coal sector, the policy on post-excavation ecosystem restoration operates almost exclusively with two “re-cultivation” approaches – establishing a water reservoir or monoculture forest plantations – which result in species impoverishment and “ecosystem decay”. “Restored” ecosystems are unable to support native endemic and rare species.

The project works closely with the major coal companies in Kemerovo oblast, one of the project’s pilot regions in Russia, where the conservation of the rocky steeps is one of the emerging biodiversity issue specifically outlined as the separate indicator in the project document and logframe. One natural reserve “Karakan Ridge” (~ 1,000 ha) has been already established to prevent the natural ecosystems from the coal exploration. Another one “Kostenkovo Rocks” (~ 100 ha) is planned to be established in the vicinity of another coal mining site during the project lifecycle.

The international consultant will assist the project with ecosystem services concept and methodology and  conduct the economic valuation of ecosystem services at one of the project demonstration sites, whether Karakan Ridge or Kostenkovo Rocks depending on the existing baseline and other available environmental information in place to support the calculations.

Duties and Responsibilities

In line with The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study, an economic valuation of the ecosystem services associated with grassland systems, and in particular with the rocky steep ecosystems, can assist in highlighting the value of these areas for both the local communities that subsist on their natural resources, and for decision-makers at regional, local and corporate levels, those are in many cases unaware of the services provided, at no cost, by these ecosystems.

The consultant is expected to perform works in two stages:

Stage 1:

  • Review the relevant literature and available studies on the types of economic valuations of ecosystem services including successful models at the global and regional levels to assess applicability to the natural reserves for the rocky steeps;
  • Review existing models that have attempted to conduct cost benefit analysis of the trade-off the biodiversity and different ecosystem services and apply the appropriate model for valuation of ecosystem services for one of the targeted protected areas;
  • Prepare the report with the review of the relevant literature, concepts, methodology, studies and models for economic valuation of the ecosystem services. The review should include the description of the mechanisms of the selection of the suitable methodology and the appropriate models as well as the selection of the applicable ecosystem services and the set of the certain parameters.

Stage 2:

  • Assess the existing baseline and other available environmental information for Karakan Ridge and Kostenkovo Rocks to be provided by the project in order to determine which of the demonstration sites will be chosen for the trial economic valuations of ecosystem services;
  • Advise to the project on the selection of the key ecosystem services to be examined under the economic valuation, the set of the parameters for the calculation and the model to be applied for the study as the subject for the discussion and adoption before the execution of the study. The carbon stored by the rocky steeps should be included into the model;
  • Conduct economic valuation for the selected demonstration site and prepare the study report to be submitted to the project.

Stage 1 will be based on documents review. There is a great number of publications on biodiversity and ecosystem services, mitigation hierarchies and biodiversity offsetting including implementation guides, checklists and background documents. For the selection of advanced biodiversity compensation mechanisms it is important to review available solutions from all sectors, including governmental plans, policies and legal background.

The following information sources have been identified:

  • Energy sector documents (industry and branch organisations);
  • Guidelines and recommendations of the international organizations and associations;
  • Numerous resources including Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program (BBOP) describing relevant issues in great details;
  • Case studies for each of three energy sectors: hydropower, oil&gas and coal mining;
  • Internal documents and policies from energy companies, not publicly available;
  • Governmental (the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, Asia, South Africa and others) and supra governmental (mainly EU) documents;
  • Documents and case studies from other sectors;
  • NGO documents.

The international consultant will work under general supervision of the project manager and in close cooperation with the project senior technical advisor. He/she will bear responsibility for the technical implementation of the project activities related to economic valuation of ecosystem services at one of the demonstration sites in Kemerovo oblast, Russia.

In relation to practical overview of current international best practice (Stage 1) the international consultant is expected to:

  • Analyse international experience (BBOP, EU and other necessary materials) to be used as a biodiversity offset basis and institutionalisation (political, legal, economic and other tools supporting and providing incentives for biodiversity compensation mechanisms implementation;
  • To assess gaps and problem areas in practical implementation, provide recommendations;
  • Find and assess best case studies (not less than 3) for each of the three energy sectors: hydropower, oil&gas and coal mining. The focus should be given to Coal mining.

The stage 2 also will be based on documents review but may require two business trips to Moscow and Kemerovo oblast for the engagement with the key stakeholders. The approach of the economic valuation is expected to undertake a rapid valuation based mostly on such existing data, and limiting the collection of additional data to the cases where the study’s robustness will suffer and its integrity will be cast in doubt. The collection of the additional data is potentially available during the 2016 spring and summer-fall season by the 3rd party Russian contractor pending receipt of a clear guidance from the international consultant. This may require the international consultant to visit one of the sites in Kemerovo oblast, Russia, in order to supervise the process of the additional data collection.

During the stage 2 the international consultant will analyse the environmental and other information provided by the project to support the decision-making on the proper site to be chosen for the study which expected to cover:

  • Analysis of the distribution of current and future costs and benefits arising from the rocky steeps reserve and with full consideration of the range of ecosystem services provided by the grassland ecosystem;
  • Detailed valuation of the ecosystem services provided by the selected rocky steep reserve in current terms and in the future, assessing its role in reducing vulnerability to the anthropogenic factors and valuing future avoided needs;
  • Detailed valuation of the ecosystem services provided by the rocky steep reserve and a “toolbox” (e.g. regression equations, spreadsheets) which can be used to extrapolate the results (e.g. by changing variables) in order to value similar rocky steep areas in Kemerovo oblast;
  • Comparative analysis of the costs and benefits of the involvement in the exploration versus rocky steep reserve with a potential ecotouristic lodge, taking into consideration ecosystems services, social and economic variables;
  • Calculation of the value of the rocky steep reserve carbon.

Expected outcomes and tentative timeframe

The results will be delivered in the form of reports with appendices. Based on comments to draft reports the final versions shall be prepared and submitted to the client. All reports shall be submitted in concise and grammatically correct English and presented in electronic form in MS Word format.

The Consultant is expected to work 36 weeks within the following tentative framework:

16 weeks. Stage 1 Report: preparation of the Review of current international best practise, approaches and models for the economic valuation of Ecosystem Services.

20 weeks. Stage 2 Report: conduct economic valuation of Ecosystem Services of one of the rocky steep reserves in Kemerovo oblast, Russia.

There will be one mission to the particular site in Kemerovo oblast, Russia, and one business trip to Moscow to represent the conducted case study for the stakeholders.

The consultant shall submit the results of his/her work in accordance with the established stages and time schedule. The beginning and end dates of the stages, as well as the work scope under each stage may be adjusted by the project manager subject to the consultant’s sound reasoning.

Payment terms

The international consultant on biodiversity compensation mechanisms for energy sector will be responsible for all personal administrative and travel expenses associated with the assignment which includes all printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies included in this assignment.

The remuneration of work performed will be conducted as follows:

  • First payment: 40 % of the total contract amount upon submission of Stage 1 report;
  • Second payment: 60 % of the total contract amount upon submission of Stage 2 report.


  • Excellent communications and presentation skills;
  • Good analytical and writing skills;
  • Ability to use modern technology as a tool;
  • Ability to share knowledge and experience;
  • Client oriented, capable of team working;
  • Ability to perform under tight deadlines and timely task performance, ethics and honesty.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Higher education in the corresponding field (ecology, conservation research, natural resources management);
  • Ms. Sc. in natural resource economics, environmental economics or equivalent is an asset.


  • At least 5 years of the corresponding work experience in projects related to natural resources management, biodiversity conservation in extractive sector and hydropower operations;
  • Experience in economic valuation of terrestrial systems and/or valuation of grassland ecosystem services and at least one of the following: carbon assessments, cost-benefit analyses, economic valuation techniques, scenario testing;
  • Practical experience of application of  various approaches (TEEB/BBOP/EBI/ICMM) to biodiversity conservation in extractive sector (in particular, oil & gas and mining/coal sector) and hydropower sector operations;
  • Practical experience in designing, approval, and implementation of irreplaceable biodiversity losses offsets with participation of government and/or private partners;
  • Practical experience in preparation of educational materials and guiding documents on monitoring methods and ‘avoid-minimize-restore-compensate’ principle in extractive sector operations is an asset.
  • Experience in working with international organizations, including UN/UNDP, is an asset;
  • Good analyticalGood analytical abilities, including knowledge of economic theory, mathematics and statistics, quantitative methods to measure economic benefits and costs of projects and policies is an asset;
  • Experience of work in collaboration with government bodies and/or private companies;
  • Knowledge of PES and BES schemes is an asset.


  • Fluent English (spoken and written);
  • Good knowledge of the Russian language is an asset.

Evaluation of Applicants

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications (evaluated through P11/CV/cover letter desk review and interview) and financial proposal. The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as responsive/compliant/acceptable and having received the highest score.

Technical Criteria - 70% of total evaluation – max. 70 points (desk review – max 40 points; interview – max 30 points) distributed as follows:

  • Higher education in the corresponding field (ecology, conservation research, natural resources management),  Ms. Sc. in natural resource economics, environmental economics or equivalent is an asset (4 points);
  • At least 5 years of the work experience in projects related to natural resources management, biodiversity conservation in extractive sector and hydropower operations (5 points);
  • Experience in economic valuation of terrestrial systems and/or valuation of grassland ecosystem services and at least one of the following: carbon assessments, cost-benefit analyses, economic valuation techniques, scenario testing; knowledge of PES and BES schemes (10 points);
  • Knowledge and experience with application of TEEB/BBOP/EBI/ICMM approaches for biodiversity conservation in extractive and hydropower sectors, experience in designing, approval, and implementation of irreplaceable biodiversity losses offsets with participation of government and/or private partners (10 points);
  • Experience in preparation of educational materials and guiding documents on monitoring methods and ‘avoid-minimize-restore-compensate’ principle in extractive sector operations is an asset (2 points);
  • Experience in working with international organizations, including UN/UNDP, is an asset (2 points);
  • Good analytical abilities, including knowledge of economic theory, mathematics and statistics, quantitative methods to measure economic benefits and costs of projects and policies is an asset (3 points);
  •  Language skills: excellent English writing and communication skills (3 points), Russian language skills would be an advantage (1 point);
  • Interview – 30 points.

Financial Criteria - 30% of total evaluation – max. 30 points.

Application Procedures

The application should contain:

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work (based or commenting on the requirements indicated in this TOR);
  • Filled Personal History Form (P11) or CV including past experience in similar projects and contact details of referees;
  • Financial Proposal* - specifying a total lump sum amount for the tasks specified in this announcement. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (number of anticipated working days – in home office and on mission, international travel, per diems and any other possible costs), using the template below.

Please make sure you have provided all requested information. Estimates are indicated in the TOR, the applicant is requested to review and revise, if applicable. Rows can be added as needed. UN DSA for Moscow is US$464 per day but the international consultant can bid lower amount.

Fee costs

Home based work - No of days             rate per day/USD          total cost/USD

Work on mission   - No of days             rate per day/USD          total cost/USD                      

Mission 1, Kemerovo - No of days         rate per day/USD          total cost/USD

Mission 2, Moscow    - No of days             rate per day/USD          total cost/USD

Sub-total, fee         

Travel costs                               

International travel to/from country/ies - No of days   missions   rate per day/USD     total cost/USD

DSA                                                       No of days  overnights  rate per day/USD    total cost/USD

Local travel                                            No of days destination  rate per day/USD    total cost/USD

Sub-total, travel costs                                                                                               

Total cost                                                                                                                       

Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of service, etc.). All envisaged international travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

Individual consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when traveling to certain countries, as designated by the UN medical director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under

General terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.