Project Description
The Republic of Mauritius (ROM) is a group of islands in the South West of the Indian Ocean, consisting of the main island of Mauritius, Rodrigues and several outer islands located at distances greater than 350 km from the main island. As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), the ROM is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, especially in the coastal zone, where a convergence of accelerating sea level rise and increasing frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones (with more intense rainfall events and stronger winds) will result in considerable economic loss, humanitarian stresses, and environmental degradation.
With assistance of UNDP, the Government of Mauritius has secured a grant from the Adaptation Fund for the implementation of the project “Climate Change Adaptation Programme in the Coastal Zone of Mauritius”. This fund, set up under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is targeted to assist developing-country parties to the above protocol that is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting the costs of concrete adaptation projects.
The Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management is the implementing agency for this project and intends to recruit a consultant for the preparation of Social Impact Assessment reports for coastal adaptation works at two sites in Mauritius: Mon Choisy and Riviere des Galets. A team of consultants has been recruited by the Ministry to undertake the site assessment for Mon Choisy and Riviere des Galets, identification of adaptation options, detailed design and preparation of tender document. The following reports have been delivered to the client:
Technical assessment report including bathymetry, baseline data, investigation of coastal processes and numerical modelling:
- Adapting to Sea Level Rise: A Baseline for Protection and Managed Retreat in Riviere des Galets, Technical Report;
- An Economic Valuation and Cost Benefit Analysis of Adaptation and Enhanced Ecosystem Resilience for Mon Choisy Beach;
- Cost Benefit Analysis for Adapting to Sea Level Rise: Protection or Managed Retreat in Rivière des Galets;
- Coastal Adaptation Measures for Mon Choisy Beach, Republic of Mauritius. Detailed Technical Assessment;
- Coastal Adaptation Measures for Rivière des Galets, Republic of Mauritius. Detailed Technical Assessment.
Options for coastal adaptation measures for the site including cost benefit analysis:
- Coastal Adaptation Measures for Rivière des Galets, Republic of Mauritius. Options for Adaptation;
- Coastal Adaptation Measures for Mon Choisy Beach, Republic of Mauritius. Options for Adaptation.
Feasibility study:
- Final Feasibility Study Coastal Adaptation Measures for Mon Choisy Beach, Republic of Mauritius;
- Final Feasibility Study Coastal Adaptation Measures for Rivière des Galets, Republic of Mauritius.
Results of these feasibility studies and stakeholder engagement processes have led to the following preferred alternative for adaptation for Mon Choisy is as follows:
- Offshore breakwater including extension of an existing causeway;
- Beach nourishment;
- Voluntary marine conservation;
- Removal of 400 number trees;
- Seagrass plantation.
For Riviere des Galets, a rock revetment was selected as the preferred approach for coastal protection.
An independent consultant has been hired to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment in compliance to the Environment Protection Act 2002 for the adaptation project at the two sites. This is expected to be completed by end February 2016 and reports will be made available by end of March 2016.
On behalf of the Ministry, UNDP Mauritius intends to recruit a social safeguard specialist for the preparation of Social Impact Assessment reports for coastal adaptation works.
Duties and Responsibilities
The objective is to conduct a Social Impact Assessment of the proposed coastal adaptation works at the following sites: Mon Choisy public beach restoration and (b) Riviere des Galets rock revetment, in line with requirements of the funding agency.
The SIA shall include the assessment of the Social risks and impacts, including: any project-related threats to human rights of affected communities and individuals; threats to human security through the escalation of personal, crime or violence; risks of gender discrimination; risks that adverse project impacts fall disproportionately on disadvantaged or marginalized groups; any prejudice or discrimination toward individuals or groups in providing access to development resources and project benefits, particularly in the case of disadvantaged or marginalized groups; negative economic and social impacts relating to physical coastal works or economic displacement (i.e. loss of assets or access to assets that leads to loss of income sources or means of livelihood) as a result of project-related land or restrictions on land/beach/lagoonal use or access to resources; impacts on the health, safety and well-being of workers and project-affected communities; and risks to cultural heritage.
Scope of Work
The scope of the Consultancy Services will include the following steps, as more fully described in Annex1:
- Review Project Details;
- Develop Baseline Information, Review Policy;
- Legal/Regulatory and Institutional Framework;
- Examine Project Alternatives and Revise Project Design;
- Analyze and evaluate social and socio-economic Risks and Impacts.
- Prepare a Social Impact Assessment report (including Social Impact Management Plan) for the coastal adaptation works at each site Mon Choisy and Riv des Galets.
- Carry out a comprehensive consultation with the statutory bodies, environmental groups, local residents, hotel and other economic operators and all stakeholders likely to be affected by the proposals. The consultant shall also hold consultations with the fishers of the respective areas under the aegis of the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, fisheries, shipping and outer island;
- A brief summary of their responses detailing the areas of concern shall be highlighted and their contribution to the SIA;
- Analyse the social and economic impacts of the proposed undertaking;
- Probe the acceptance of the proposed adaptation measures among the beach users and economic operators;
- Propose measures to avoid, where possible, and otherwise manage and mitigate potential social impacts;
- Assist the client in responding to any queries/clarifications.
Step 1: Review Project Details
The Consultant will review project documentation and details provided by the project team, including the following:
- Technical assessment report including bathymetry, baseline data, investigation of coastal processes and numerical modelling;
- Cost Benefit Analysis;
- Options for coastal adaptation measures for the site including cost benefit analysis;
- Feasibility study;
- Draft Design reports.
Step 2: Develop Baseline Information
The current and projected social, and physical/cultural baseline data must be presented for the project’s area of influence. This should include:
- Descriptions of the relevant existing physical, biological, gender, and socio-economic conditions;
- Evaluation of any changes anticipated in these conditions before the project commences, as well as any trends in or projections of data over time after the project commences that are anticipated independently of the project, including current and proposed development activities located in the project area but not directly connected to the project; and;
- Estimation of the reliability of the information sources used and the quality of the information available, including its accuracy, precision, completeness, representativeness, etc.
Step 3: Review Policy, Legal/Regulatory and Institutional Framework
Review the legal and permitting requirements as well as applicable social standards from:
- Applicable laws and regulations of the local and national jurisdictions in which the proposed project will operate;
- Applicable international obligations and agreements (e.g. Multilateral Environmental Agreements) that must be complied with;
- UNDP Social and Environmental Standards;
- Social and environmental safeguard policies and procedures of other donors (Adaptation Fund Board) and project partners.
Step 4: Examine Project Alternatives and Revise Project Design
The consultant is expected to:
- Systematically review and compare feasible project alternatives identified during scoping and initial public consultation and select the preferred or most socially sound and benign option(s) for achieving the objectives of the proposed project. Potential type and scale of likely social and environmental impacts associated with different alternatives should be considered;
- Consider all types of alternatives related to overall approach and project design, including the “no action” alternative. Based on the alternatives analysis conducted, suggest the most appropriate designs.
Step 5: Analyze and Evaluate Risks and Impacts
The analysis of potential social impacts will be done in close consultation with project stakeholders, ensuring key stakeholders and project-affected peoples understand what is being proposed and the potential impacts. This step of the assessment should consider the type, location, sensitivity and scale of the proposed project, analyze all of the likely and relevant social and related effects, including where relevant potential impacts on socioeconomic conditions, human rights, livelihoods, indigenous peoples, vulnerable or marginalized groups, gender dimensions, risks of physical and/or economic displacement, occupational health and safety, cultural heritage, community health and safety. Examine if individuals or groups may be differentially or disproportionately affected because of their disadvantaged or marginalized status, and if so, ensure adverse impacts do not affect them disproportionately.
Step 6: Prepare a SIA Report
A SIA Report will be prepared to provide an adequate, accurate and impartial evaluation and presentation of the issues and conclusions of the assessment. This report, which is usually technical, must be presented in an understandable format and in English. Draft assessments and reports, including any draft management plans, will be disclosed by the project team before project implementation.
Step 7: Prepare a Social Impact Management Plan
Taking into account the relevant findings of the SIA and the results of consultation with the project stakeholders, a Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) will be prepared. The SIMP will be integrated into the overall project design, including the Project Monitoring Framework and Monitoring Schedule Plan.
The SIMP shall consist of a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures, including policies, procedures and practices – as well as the actions needed to implement these measures to achieve the desired social sustainability outcomes.
The SIMP will define desired social impact management outcomes and specify social indicators, targets, or acceptance (threshold) criteria to track SIMP implementation and effectiveness. It will also provide estimates of the human and financial resources required for implementation and identify organizational structure and processes for implementation.
Recognizing the dynamic nature of the project development and implementation process, the implementation of an SIMP will be responsive to changes in project circumstances, unforeseen events, and the results of monitoring.
The SIMP will consist of:
- Social impact mitigation;
- Social sustainability monitoring;
- Stakeholder engagement;
- Implementation action plan.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
The SIA Expert shall be remunerated in accordance with the following time schedule deliverables:
Reports: Submission of draft SIA report for public beach restoration works at Mon Choisy, Submission of draft SIA report for rock revetment works at Riv des Galets.
Proposed Time Schedule: Two (2) weeks from start of assignment.
Fee (%):30%.
Reports: Submission of draft Social Impact Management Plan for Mon Choisy and Riv des Galets.
Proposed Time Schedule: Four (4) weeks from start of assignment.
Fee (%):30%.
Reports: Submission of Final Drafts SIA and SIMP reports for both sites.
Proposed Time Schedule: Six (6) weeks from start of assignment.
Fee (%):40%.
Note that:
The SIA reports to contain details of consultations done and list of people consulted;
- The consultant must submit the reports and documentations in draft form (hard and soft copy) in the first instance and will thereafter incorporate any comments the client may submit, prior to its finalization;
- The soft copy of the final draft reports shall be submitted in the following electronic format: word format, PDF format with security measures so that the document cannot be edited or printed when posted on the Ministry’s website;
- The deliverables will be reviewed by the project technical committee and UNDP. The Ministry and UNDP will endeavor to provide comments to submitted reports within 5 days following submission.
Institutional Arrangement
UNDP Country Office will provide administrative/contract management services and quality assurance oversight. The SIA specialist will work under the overall supervision of the project steering committee ad day to day supervision of the project management unit based at the Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management. The Ministry will provide office space for the consultant at the project office in Port Louis when needed by the consultant. The project team will provide facilitation to the consultant in organizing required consultations.
The Ministry and UNDP shall supply to the Consultant without charge the relevant data and information in their possession, including the technical assessment and coastal adaptation options report for both sites and shall give such assistance as shall be reasonably required by the Consultant in the performance of their services, particularly in the coordination of stakeholder engagement. The Consultant shall respect confidentiality of the information and shall not divulge any information, together with their findings to any third party. Any information not possessed by the Ministry and UNDP shall be obtained by the Consultant, at its own cost, and shall not be claimed separately from fees forming part of their financial proposal.
Duration of the Work
The duration of the assignment is 20 person days spread in 1.5 months. Planned starting date 29th February 2016. The consultant is required to spend a minimum of 5 working days in Mauritius to carry out consultations.
- Excellent organizational skills;
- Ability to manage and work with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team;
- Strong motivation and ability to work and deliver under short deadlines;
- Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback.
Required Skills and Experience
- At least a postgraduate degree in social science, sociology or any other related field of study.
- A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in conducting social impact assessments for donor funded projects;
- He/she should have worked on similar assignments with climate change and environmental issues;
- A good understanding of the Mauritian social environment and sustainability issues is advantage;
- Working experience in tropical small island/ developing countries and experience in dealing coastal communities and with sustainable development issues will be an advantage;
- Strong analytical, writing and communication skills;
- Excellent IT skills (MS office).
- Excellent command in written and spoken English. Working knowledge in French would be desirable.
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
Scope of Price Proposal
- The financial offer should be quoted as a lump sum amount, all-inclusive (professional fee, insurance, travel costs and living allowance etc). The contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.
Schedule of Payments:
- Payments will be effected based on deliverables as per section "Expected Outputs and Deliverables" above.
Recommended Presentation of Offer:
The following documents are requested:
- Duly completed Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
- Personal CV and P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
- Technical offer: Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment and a methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment;
- Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided by UNDP.
Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer:
The award of the contract will be made to the Individual Consultant whose offer has been evaluated using the “Combined Scoring Method” and determined as:
- Responsive/compliant/acceptable;
- Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specified below (Technical Criteria weight (0.7), Financial Criteria weight (0.3).
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 56 points out of 70 would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Technical Evaluation criteria:
Criteria and Max. Point
- Education - 10 points;
- Communication/ language - 10 points;
- Professional experience in conducting social impact assessments for donor funded projects and similar assignments with climate change and environmental issues - 30 points;
- Understanding of the Mauritian social environment and sustainability issues - 10 points;
- Experience in tropical small island/ developing countries and experience in dealing with coastal communities and with sustainable development issues - 10 points;
- IT skills (MS Office) - 5 points;
- Reports analytical, writing and communication Skills - 5 points;
- Total max. - 80 points.
An interview may be conducted if deemed necessary.
Financial Evaluation Criteria:
- The financial offers will be evaluated giving the lowest price proposal 30 marks and marking the other more expensive proposals reverse proportionally to the cheapest offer;
- The applicant receiving the Highest Combined Score that has also accepted UNDP’s General Terms and Conditions will be awarded the contract.
Annexes to the TOR
Annex 1 provides the Guidance for conducting a SIA. Relevant documents can also be accessed via the Dropbox link hereunder:
Important note:
- Interested offeror is strongly advised to read the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice, which can be viewed at
- For more detail about term of references,general terms and conditions of IC and templates to be included when submitting offer;
- Interested offerors above the age of 62: UNDP regulations require, at their own cost, to undergo a full medical examination including x-rays. Medical evaluation documentation does not need to be submitted with the other requested documents listed above, but will be requested should the candidate be chosen;
- Interested offeror is required to submit application via UNDP jobsite system, because the application screening and evaluation will be done through UNDP jobsite system;
- Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows ONLY ONE uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file. Your on-line applications submission will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary.