
Put Your Experience and Expertise to Work for European Integration of Montenegro

On 15 December 2008 Montenegro submitted its application for accession to the European Union. In July this year, for the purpose of preparation of the Opinion on the capacity of Montenegro to comply with the obligations resulting from membership of the European Union, the European Commission sent to Montenegro the Questionnaire containing over 2000 questions. At the moment, the Montenegrin administration is drafting answers to the European Commission?s Questionnaire. Therefore, it is a preparation of a new phase of the process, which has opened a broader road towards Montenegro?s future membership to the European Union.

The Capacity Development Programme (CDP) is a partnership programme of the Government of Montenegro, United Nations Development Programme, Foundation Open Society Institute, and, since last year, the Delegation of the European Commission in Montenegro. The CDP offers different types of assistance directed to strengthening institutional and administrative capacities for further course of the European integration process, and its activities are coordinated through the Ministry for European Integration.

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Having in mind a continuous need for deepening cooperation between the state institutions and independent experts, the Capacity Development Programme and Ministry for European Integration have opened a new Call of Expression of Interest to national experts, in the country and abroad, to get actively involved in this process. This Call for Expression of Interest is open until 1st of December 2009.
  • Therefore, the Capacity Development Programme, in cooperation with the Ministry for European Integration, will administer recruitment of a new generation of expert practitioners who would like to contribute to the European integration of Montenegro.
  • For further successful course of the European integration, we seek individuals with strong knowledge of modern public management, transition and EU Acquis Communautaire, who can communicate advice and promote new ideas across all strata of society.


  • For this reason, among other things, the CDP has developed a Database of national experts who wish and can offer additional professional assistance to the institutions in meeting important challenges on the road to the EU. The National Experts? Database may be seen on the Ministry for European Integration and UNDP?s joint web page: http://www.me-expert.org/cdp/default.aspx

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • If you have not applied so far, and if you have either of the following qualifications:
  • PhD or Master?s Degree in some of the areas of social, natural, humanitarian or technical sciences;
  • Distinguished knowledge in certain fields/chapters of the Acquis Communautaire;
  • Leadership experience in an international environment;
  • Strong will to work in and with Governmental institutions;
  • Speak fluently English, French, German or other EU languages;
  • Please, send your application in English, along with a Motivation Letter through e-mail: vacancy.me@undp.org and? cdp.me@undp.org? Contact phone number: +382 20 243 172.
  • As the next step you will be enabled to fill out the electronic CV format on the National Experts? Database web page: http://www.me-expert.org/cdp/default.aspx .
  • All applications that meet the requested criteria will be compiled in the National Experts? Data Base. In that way, Montenegrin institutions will be able to select individual experts from the Database and invite them on short or medium-term basis for different assignments when needed.
  • Please note that you will be contacted only if and when there is a vacancy corresponding to your field of expertise.