
In the African continent, UNDP is committed to follow up on the recommendations from the Report of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law. Additionally, in 2013, with support from the governments of both Sweden and Norway, UNDP RSC-ESA is launching a project titled “Strengthening Regional and National Legislative Environments to Support the Enjoyment of Human Rights of LGBT People and Women and Girls affected by HIV and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa”. The overarching development objective of this project is “to reduce the HIV-related vulnerability of LGBT people and women and girls affected by HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa by helping ensure that their legal rights are realised and stigma and discrimination is addressed. The programme objective is “to strengthen national and regional legal environments to support the enjoyment of human rights of LGBT people and women and girls affected by HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa”. To achieve the purpose and objective of the project, in 2013, UNDP will work with partners in at least eight countries, and depending on country and regional needs, to:

  • Develop the evidence base on how countries can use law, human rights, action on stigma and access to justice to improve HIV outcomes.
  • Catalyze, convene and support multi-stakeholder coalitions to review and to promote improvement in HIV-related laws and legal environments.
  • Strengthen attention to HIV-related legal issues in UNDP’s overall work on rule of law and strengthening of national human rights institutions, including efforts to empower marginalized populations, to address police brutality and inhumane prison conditions.
  • Catalyze, improve and expand HIV-related legal services and legal literacy for people living with HIV, key populations and women, both through HIV-focused programming and through integration into broader access to justice efforts.

Key project activities to fulfil the objectives and expected outcomes of the project will include:

  • Conducting regional capacity building activities
  • Organizing and supporting countries in conducting legal environment assessments (LEAs) and  National Dialogues
  • Developing and disseminating relevant Guidance material
  • Supporting country level LEA/Dialogue follow-up activities – determined by LEA findings and then prioritised.
  • Supporting technical activities with Member States of RECS
  • Supporting AUC/Regional Advisory Group meetings and capacity building.


  • Geographic spread: the assignment is expected to cover at least the following countries in Africa – Cameroon, Cote D'ilvoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia.
  • The overall goal of the consultant’s work will be to ensure that in the selected countries, UNDP country offices receive technical support as required to understand, to support and to establish enabling legal and policy environments for HIV prevention, treatment and care. 

Devoirs et responsabilités

  • Developing a workplan in collaboration with the UNDP RSC/ESA and UNDP country offices (COs), indicating the countries and activities to be undertaken to provide relevant backstopping and technical support.
  • Providing support to CO teams and national consultants to plan for and implement legal environment assessments (LEAs) and / or national dialogues on HIV and the Law, as relevant to the country contexts and requests.
  • Reviewing available documents on international, regional and country-specific human rights obligations, particularly those relevant to HIV and AIDS; specifically all relevant country-specific laws and policies that impact on vulnerable and key populations [people with HIV, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people, sex workers, injection drug users (IDU), migrants, women, etc.], as well as recent law reform initiatives and ongoing law reform proposals.
  • Reviewing access to justice and law enforcement in the context of HIV and AIDS and institutional frameworks for justice and law enforcement in relation to HIV and AIDS response.
  • Providing support to COs in identifying protective laws, regulations, policies and programmes which support human rights and access to health within the context of HIV and AIDS as well as identifying punitive laws, regulations and policies which pose barriers to human rights and access to health within the context of HIV and AIDS in the selected countries.
  • Providing technical guidance to UNDP National consultants in preparing presentations for reference group meetings and validation workshops.
  • Providing support to COs in documenting and analyzing the interaction between the legal environment, human rights and HIV regarding criminalization, women and girls, access to medicines and young people.
  • Providing regular updates and reports on specific activities supported that could include desk reviews, reference group meetings, and activities for LEAs and dissemination meetings/workshops.


  • Commitment to the principles set forth in the UN High Level Declarations on HIV and AIDS.
  • Very good understanding of the legal systems of the region as evidenced by experience/scholarship.
  • Very good understanding of the legal and practical aspects of HIV and co-infections in the region.
  • Familiarity with national healthcare systems and legal and practical issues surrounding non-communicable diseases.
  • Familiarity with the social determinants of health and health inequities.
  • Excellent organizational skills, ability to work independently, strict adherence to completing assigned tasks in a timely manner.
  • Quality-oriented professional, constructive approach to obstacles and delays in planned performance.
  • Excellent legal research and drafting skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, oral and written.
  • Advanced user of virtual communication tools. Advanced knowledge in developing and administering online resources such as websites and portals is a plus.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Advanced Degree in Law, Pubic Health, Development or Policy.


  •  At least 7 years professional experience working on HIV, Development and Human Rights in the Africa Region.
  • Extensive experience working on legal issues with governments, human rights bodies, civil society, development partners and community based organizations in multiple countries in the Africa Region.
  • Demonstrated expertise on policy and programmes relating to the Human Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity.
  • Experience working with the UN, donors, multilateral organizations and NGOs is necessary.
  • Verified practice on coordinating and producing peer reviewed publications for UN, development partners, government and academic journals

Language skills

  • Fluency and ability to communicate and write complex legal research in English.
  • Knowledge of French is a plus.