
The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2013-2017 serves as an overall programme framework for all UN agencies in Sri Lanka. Following the signing of the UNDAF 2013-2017 with the Government of Sri Lanka, the UN Country Team established an UNDAF Architecture with a view to facilitating all UN Specialised Agencies, Funds and Programmes to collaboratively and effectively contribute to: (i) achieve the UNDAF outcomes under its four programmatic pillars; (ii) improve the monitoring and delivery of results; and (iii) engage in advocacy and knowledge-sharing.

Pillar 3 of the UNDAF focuses on achieving results and outcomes in the areas of Governance, Human Rights, Gender Equality, and Social Inclusion and Protection.  The UNDAF Pillar 3 Group, which comprises UN Specialised Agencies, Funds and Programmes, was initiated in April 2013 to coordinate and collaborate on achieving Outcome 3[1] related results of the UNDAF, and to report periodically to the UN Country Team on progress towards achieving results.

In addition, an Expanded Group is being established under the UNDAF Pillar 3 Group structure to provide a common platform for engagement between key actors within and outside the United Nations system on important policy matters and advocacy, as well as for developing synergies on UNDAF Pillar 3-related interventions.

Given that there are a number of broad thematic areas under the purview of Pillar 3, key thematic/sub-thematic areas will be identified as flagship(s) to be prioritized on a yearly basis.  The membership of the Expanded Pillar Group will be determined on the basis of representative actors that are extensively engaged in the chosen flagship area(s) for the given year.

[1] UNDAF Outcome 3: Communities empowered and institutions strengthened to support local governance, access to justice, social integration, gender equality, and monitoring, promotion and protection of human rights, in alignment with international treaties and obligations and in alignment to the constitution of Sri Lanka.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Following a scoping of potential areas, it was decided to focus on Access to Justice (A2J) for Women and Children as the flagship area for 2014 under the Expanded Pillar Group given the ongoing engagement of a number of UN agencies on various issues related to this theme.  The focus area would cover the different stages of the life cycle of women as well as the male and female child.

The main flagship deliverable will be an advocacy event on Access to Justice for Women and Children, to take place in December 2014. The consultant will be responsible for the overall organization of the ‘flagship’ advocacy event. His/her work will include:

  • Attending meetings of the UNDAF Pillar 3 Group, the Expanded Group and/or ad hoc meetings of its members, when required, in order to provide technical inputs to discussions and decisions on the advocacy event on Access to Justice for Women and Children as well as other thematic and sub-thematic areas which fall under UNDAF Pillar 3;
  • Undertaking a desk review of substantive research and work (service delivery) carried out in the area of access to justice for women and children;
  • Preparation of key background material for the advocacy event which would inter alia outline the most recent data, information and analysis available to facilitate discussion on key sub-thematic areas as well as the identification of recommendations and actions;
  • Organizing the advocacy event, including the coordination of all logistical matters related to the event; and
  • Developing a summary report of the deliberations of the advocacy event, including recommendations as a follow-up to the event.

The expected Outputs of the assignment are as follows:

  • Desk review: Conduct a desk review of all evidence-based research and work a broad range of actors have done so far in drawing attention to and addressing the A2J challenges facing women and children . (Deliverable 1);
  • Organizing the advocacy event: Management of all logistical aspects related to the advocacy event— from identifying participants; drafting, sending and following-up on invitations; managing contact and RSVP lists; finding and securing venue; organizing the catering; and all other aspects related to the effective organization of the event  (Deliverable 2). The consultant may retain an assistant for this purpose, which cost would need to be included in the all-inclusive fee for Deliverable 2;
  • Content and facilitation of the advocacy event: This includes finalising the potential sub-thematic areas that have been identified; and preparation of key background material analysing the status of laws, policies and service delivery to ensure that the event focuses on making the right type of recommendations for policy reforms and implementation going forward. Prepare and/or review briefing notes and talking points for speakers and key participants, and serve as the facilitator for the discussions taking place at the event (Deliverable 3);
  • Post-event follow-up: prepare a summary of, and key discussion points and recommendations emanating from the event, in order to inform the UNDAF Pillar 3 Group accordingly (Deliverable 4).

Monitoring and progress control:

The consultant is expected to meet with the UNDP Country Office every week on a mutually agreed date in order to report on progress on key deliverables and milestones and to agree on upcoming deliverables and milestones. Payments will be released upon the satisfactory completion of deliverables. UNDP Sri Lanka will review work in progress, quality of submissions and any other relevant aspects, to ensure final deliverables are in line with the TOR and identified scope of works.

[1] For further information, the following sub-areas have been proposed to be addressed under the A2J flagship and related advocacy event:

(i) SGBV: Building on the UNFPA-supported Forum against GBV, UNDP’s SELAJSI programme will support the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs to put in place a system of National bi-annual consultations bringing together service providers from all districts, and strengthen district level GBV Fora for the formulation of a National Action Plan to address SGBV.  Evidence-based findings and recommendations could be presented which could support the formulation of the National Action Plan.  This would include protection, health care, legal and judicial services (including case load and information management); (ii) Strengthening Women’s and Children’s desks in Police stations: Highlight findings from UNICEF’s recent study on the functioning of these desks as well as recommendations; (iii) Access to legal aid for women and children: Building on the UNDP-supported legal aid assessment and policy recommendations, look at consolidated evidence and potential solutions; (iv) Juvenile justice: Advocate for increasing the age of criminal responsibility, and address protection concerns whilst in detention and custody.  This would be useful to inform the work of the Ministry of Justice’s Sub-Committee looking at the age of criminal responsibility of children.

[2] The costs associated with the event (venue costs, catering costs, etc.) will be covered by UNDP. The consultant will however need to factor into his/her financial proposal any costs associated with additional Human Resources support (e.g., logistics assistants), telephone usage, printing cost, stationary and any other foreseeable expenses to fulfil the deliverables, as per page 4 of the Terms of Reference.


Technical work

  • Sound knowledge on the “flagship” area—Access to Justice (A2J) for Women and Children;
  • Strong expertise and  demonstrated knowledge about existing laws, policies, action plans and service delivery related to access to justice for women and children in order to advise UN senior management on content and messaging of the event;
  • Progressive experience in the development sector, with specific experience in analytical research and advocacy events, both from a logistical and substantive perspective;
  • Ability to multitask and coordinate a range of logistical and substantive issues with competing deadlines;
  • Strong analytical research capacity and ability to synthesize complex data into palatable, well-written products.


  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior members of national and international agencies;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religious, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Excellent coordination skills and result oriented collaboration with colleagues.  


  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN;
  • Commitment to quality and timely deliverables;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Good team player who has ability to maintain good relationships.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Master’s degree in  Gender, International Development, Human Rights, Social Sciences or other relevant areas.


  • More than five years of experience facilitating high-level discussions involving diverse stakeholders;
  • Previous experience organizing similar advocacy events is desirable.


  • Excellent command of English; along with
  • Working knowledge of Sinhala and/or Tamil.


  •  Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications, experience and suitability to undertake the assignment. All support documents and the financial module below must be part of the detailed CV and uploaded as one document;
  • The Service Provider’s CV, which should include name/contact details of 2 professional referees who can validate and recommend her/his professionalism, competencies and suitability to undertake this assignment;
  • Applicants are compulsorily required to provide samples of previous work which would demonstrate their capacity to carry out this assignment;
  •  Detailed financial proposal in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) with a clear indication of “all inclusive per deliverable basis” (to include consultancy fee/honorarium/stationery/admin costs/travel/ accommodation/incidentals/Human resources costs etc.);
  • Please duly fill the below financial model and attach to the last page of the CV along with all the other required documentation above.

 Please duly fill the below financial model

  • All Inclusive Fee for Deliverable 1 LKR ..........................     
  • All Inclusive Fee for Deliverable 2 LKR ..........................     
  • All Inclusive Fee for Deliverable 3 LKR ...........................
  • All Inclusive Fee for Deliverable 4 LKR.............................              

Total All Inclusive Fee    LKR .....................................


Payments will be based on invoices on achievement of agreed milestones, i.e., upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR and certification of acceptance by the UNDP. The applicant must factor in all possible costs in his/her “All Inclusive Fee” financial proposal, including his/her consultancy and professional fee, additional Human Resources support (e.g., logistics and/or research assistants), communication costs such as telephone/internet usage, printing cost, return travel from home to office, stationery costs, and any other ad-hoc foreseeable costs in this exercise. No costs other than what has been indicated in the financial proposal will be paid or reimbursed to the consultant. The UNDP will only pay for any unplanned travel outside of this TOR and Duty Station on actual basis and on submission of original bills/invoices and on prior agreement with UNDP officials. Daily per diems and costs for accommodation/meals/incidental expenses for such travel shall not exceed established local UNDP DSA rates.

For an Individual Contractor who is of 62 years of age or older, and on an assignment requiring travel, be it for the purpose of arriving at the duty station or as an integral duty required under the TOR, a full medical examination and statement of fitness to work must be provided.  Such medical examination costs must be factored in to the financial proposal above.