
The DRC faces major challenges in light of the political transition and the post conflict context of quasi-total destruction of basic socio-economic infrastructures in the conflict affected zones, the massive displacement of civilian population, widespread victims of sexual violence and major governance dysfunctionalities. The main challenges are in the following main areas: a) Transitional Governance b) Security Sector Reform and c) Recovery and Rehabilitation.

In this context, the Government of the DRC established the Stabilization and Reconstruction Programme for War-Affected Areas (STAREC) in June 2009. STAREC set the policy directions for the establishment of the normality in eastern DRC. In support of STAREC, the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy – ISSSS is a framework harmonizing the efforts of the international community – the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), the UN agencies, foreign representations and development agencies, as well as international NGOs, to assist the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in its efforts to build long-lasting peace in the war-torn provinces of eastern DRC. With the participation of UNDP through the two pillars of its country programme: democratic governance and poverty reduction, the ISSSS is a programmatic response to the challenges represented by the continued presence in eastern DRC of foreign and local armed groups, and of the weak, unreliable and predatory security forces; as well as the lack of delivery of basic services to the population.

In view of the high demands posed on UNDP in the DRC in critical programming areas, the CO needed to expand its presence throughout the country, especially in areas where post conflict transitional recovery, coordination and action are a priority. The expansion of UNDP presence in the various provinces is set against a background of difficult geographical access, logistics and communications challenges, security constraints, etc.

In 2010, the UNDP DRC country office decided to undergo a transformational change of its office structures, including for its local presences.  UNDP DRC managed seven local presences since 2006 in the various provinces of DRC, for which specific management arrangements were established to provide oversight of results and financial accountability. This process resulted into three local presence typologies of UNDP in the Congo DRC: Project Offices, Sub Office and Coordination offices. The Goma Sub-office is playing a key representational role for UNDP before stakeholders based in the East and providing operational support to a number of project offices based in the East.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under direct supervision of the Country Director (CD), the incumbent performs the following functions:

Office management:

  • Ensures the smooth running of Sub Office including good management and supervision of staff, finance and administrative matters in accordance with relevant UNDP rules and procedures;
  • Is accountable for the appropriate use and management of resources attributed to the sub-Office and to the portfolio of the geographic area;
  • Promotes team work, collaboration and synergies within his office among the project teams in his/her area of supervision and the programme units at the Country Office level;
  • Ensures timely and regular reporting.

Representation and Coordination:

  • Under guidance of the Country Director, represents UNDP in the geographic area and provides the orientation of the UNDP at local level and supervises all activities of the sub-office;
  • Provides strong coordination support to UN Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and national authorities through the establishment of a wider consultation process and appropriate fora to enhance coordination between humanitarian and transition-to-development partners, thus strengthening the links between relief, early recovery and development activities;
  • Ensures proper coordination and inputs to the IMPP (Integrated Mission Planning Process) process;
  • Responsible for the coordination and of programmes and projects;
  • Provides support to overall resource mobilization efforts of the Country office in close coordination with the Programme Units at the CO level.

Programme Development Strategic Analysis, Planning and Advice:

  • Is responsible, in close collaboration with the relevant Programme units at the Country Office level, for the implementation of the CO strategic direction and oversight and quality control of programme
  • Advises the Country Office, national counterparts and other aid partners on policies and strategies to adequately respond to transitional recovery and development challenges and needs;
  • Ensures identification and promotion of joint programming and planning opportunities;
  • Coordinates with MONUSCO at local level;
  • Based on monitoring and evaluation of the recovery and development situation, provides programmatic responses to the deficits in these area;
  • Promotes identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned for organizational sharing and learning.

Programme Oversight, Quality Control and Assurance:

  • Ensures proper implementation of programmes based on continuous monitoring and analysis of (a) the most critical recovery and development needs, response capacities, access situation, operational environment and applicable security issues and (b) implementation progress of the programmes in his/her geographic area;
  • Leads the UNDP programme and facilitates attainment of expected results in his/her geographic area in close collaboration with the DCD/Programme;
  • Ensures effective application of RBM tools, monitors field office and project unit work plans, programme effectiveness and achievement of results;
  • Ensures the integrity of financial systems, review of budget requirements and the consistent application or rules and regulations;
  • Performs any other related task assigned by the supervisor.


Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrate integrity and promote UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promote the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Demonstrate capacities to adapt to a multi-cultural context, and tolerance and respect to issues related to gender, religion, race and nationality;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge of and exposure to a wide range of humanitarian assistance, emergency relief, human rights and development-related issues;
  • Analytical capacity, including the ability to analyze and articulate recovery and development dimensions and related issues that require a coordinated UN response;
  • Ability to identify issues and to use sound judgment in applying technical expertise to resolve a wide range of problems;
  • Good knowledge of the country and region of assignment, including the political, economic and social dimensions;
  • Ability to work under extreme pressure in a highly stressful environment;
  • Knowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines pertaining to recovery and development issues and sound knowledge of the institutions of the UN system;
  • Willingness to keep abreast of new developments in the field;
  • Excellent communication (spoken and written) skills, including the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports and communications and to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style;
  • Ability to plan own work, manage conflicting priorities and work under pressure of tight and conflicting deadlines;
  • Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications;
  • Very good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • University degree (Masters Degree) preferably in political or social science, international studies, public administration, economics or the equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area; or
  • Bachelor's degree can be subsituted in lieu of Masters with 2 additional years of experience.


  • Minimum 7 years of progressively responsible professional experience in recovery and development affairs, crisis response and prevention, recovery and development, or other related area. 9 years with Bachelor's.


  • Fluency in oral and written French is essential;
  • Good knowledge of English (spoken and written) is a requirement.