
The Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG-F) is a new development cooperation mechanism created in 2014 by the government of Spain and UNDP, on behalf of the UN system, to support sustainable development activities. It builds on the experience of the previous MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F, 2007-2013), which supported 130 joint programmes in 50 countries, while expanding its activities towards sustainable development, a higher attention on public-private partnerships and updating its operational framework to the effective development co-operation principles.

The SDG-F Secretariat is the operational coordination unit for the Fund and services the SDG-F Steering Committee. The Secretariat sits in the Bureau for External Relations and Advocacy of UNDP headquarters. The Secretariat is delegated by the Steering Committee to ensure policies and strategies decided by the Steering Committee are implemented and adhered to. 

Communication and advocacy has been identified as a key priority both for reasons of accountability of a development global fund of this nature, but also as a means to advance and advocate for the MDGs and participate in the Post 2015 development agenda debate.

The communication and advocacy intern will work under the guidance and supervision of SDG-F Communications Analyst and in close coordination with the SDG-F Secretariat Team. This internship will provide the opportunity to experience first-hand how a fund for international development develops and implements a content strategy.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The purpose of this internship is to support the SDG-F Secretariat in its communication activities to develop and implement a content strategy to disseminate results, knowledge, experiences and lessons learned from the MDG-F’s 130 joint programmes across the world and at the same time participate in the launching of a new development mechanism aimed at achieving the future Sustainable Development Goals.


This will require closely following up the post 2015 development agenda debate, researching development activities of thinks tanks and development organizations and digging into MDG-F’s publications, website, videos and materials to produce content that is relevant and available for development practitioners.

The required tasks to be performed to support the MDG-F Secretariat include: 

  • Write and prepare stories, fact sheets, tweets and Facebook posts based on MDG-F’s programmes and experiences;
  • Devise and produce a SDG-F monthly newsletter and compile from existing databases an integrated mailing list that will allow tailor messages to different audiences;
  • Screen think tanks, development research centers and development institutions which could benefit of SDG-F’s knowledge products and experience;
  • Logistical and communication support in events;
  • Support the production of contents for the new SDG-F website;
  • Support the preparation of presentations, power points;
  • Provide research and editorial support for documents, papers, reports and other communication materials;
  • Support dissemination activities of the MDG-F global evaluation;
  • Other activities that may be required.


  • Results-oriented;
  • Quality Orientation;
  • Creativity;
  • Team Work. 

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Currently enrolled in in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher), preferably in journalism, communication, development or international relations, at the time of application and during the internship (if a candidate is graduating before the internship period begins, they are no longer eligible); or
  • Have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree, if pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages;


  • No previous professional experience required.


  • Fluency in English (written and oral). 


  • The start date is flexible. Please indicate availability in application materials. Internships can last for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 months. Internship can be part time or full time.

Other Information:

The candidates who are shortlisted for an interview must submit prior to the interview the following documents:

  • Official letter from the University confirming enrollment in a graduate-level degree programme (and graduation date);
  • Copy of school transcript;
  • Duly completed UNDP Internship Application form;
  • 2 relevant writing samples.

Before final acceptance, the selected candidate will have to provide the additional documents:

  • Letter of endorsement from a senior faculty member who has directly supervised the student in the recent past and who is fully acquainted with the student's performance.
  • A brief paper setting out the reasons why he/she is seeking an internship with UNDP and what is expected from the experience.
  • A Medical Certificate of Good Health from a recognized physician. If the intern is expected to travel outside the country of their residence, other than to Europe and North America, the physician must indicate whether he/she is fit to travel and has had the required inoculations for the country or countries to which the intern is to travel.
  • Proof of medical and life/accident insurance valid for the location(s) in which the internship will be carried out. Click here for a list of insurance carriers offering expatriate individual health and life/accident insurance plans for students.

Selection Process

  • Interns are considered gratis personnel. They are not staff members;
  • Interns are not financially remunerated by UNDP. The costs associated must be borne by the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial.