
Environment and energy are essential for sustainable development. UNDP’s role is to strengthen national capacity to manage the environment in a sustainable manner. The Environment and Energy Group (EEG) in UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy (BDP) provides advocacy, policy advisory and operational services to support the organization’s work in the areas of Environment and energy across 166 countries. It leads UNDP’s efforts to advance the environmental and energy agenda in development.

EEG focuses its efforts in four priority areas of intervention: mainstreaming environment and energy; mobilizing environmental financing; promoting climate change adaptation; and expanding access to environmental and energy services for the poor. In finance, the focus is to mobilize funding from financial instruments under Multilateral Environmental Agreements, particularly the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol, and sequence and combine them with other sources of financial assistance for development, foreign direct investment and market based financial instruments such as the CDM, the voluntary carbon market, and payments for ecosystem services, in order to assist developing countries in moving towards sustainable development.  More specifically, UNDP is one of the implementing agencies of the GEF, the Multilateral Fund (MLF) for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the SAICM Quick Start Trust Fund.

UNDP helps developing countries reduce and eliminate the emissions of Persistent Organic Pollutants to meet the goals of the Stockholm Convention. UNDP also assists countries to implement the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, SAICM, incorporating the sound management of chemicals into MDG-based national development planning processes.

UNDP works with public and private partners in developing countries to assist them in meeting the targets of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. In addition to the MLF resources, UNDP also receives funding through the GEF to carry out Montreal Protocol activities in countries with economies in transition.

These project portfolios are expected to increase significantly over the next few years and UNDP is seeking a Portfolio Manager to develop, maintain and manage an important portfolio in selected South and Central American countries, the Caribbean region and Mexico.

The Portfolio Manager will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Chief of the Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Unit within the Energy and Environment Group, Bureau for Development Policy (BDP).  The Portfolio Manager will be out-posted to the Regional Service Center for LAC in Panama City.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Chief of Unit, the Porfolio Manager provides strategic leadership and counsel in the design, negotiation, implementation and monitoring of UNDP’s Montreal Protocol and Chemicals Management programmes ( including Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)), as well as on matters relating to cross-convention synergies for chemicals-related MEAs. Due to the strong linkages between ozone layer protection and climate, the Portfolio Manager identifies synergies in designing projects and works in close cooperation with the UNDP Climate mitigation as well as UNDP MDG-Carbon teams.

The Porfolio Manager seeks to integrate countries’ ODS and POPs phase-out efforts as well as the sound management of chemicals approaches within the context of poverty reduction strategies in support of the MDGs and identifies innovative partnership opportunities that can serve to enhance sustainable human development.

The Portfolio Manager associates closely with Senior Programme Officers from the Multilateral Fund Secretariat and the GEF Secretariat, National Ozone Units, RRs, DRRs and programme/project teams in relevant Country Offices and RBLAC, RSC in Panama, BDP colleagues, UNOPS and other IGOs’ teams, as pertinent to execution of duties, in order to facilitate compliance with Convention objectives and information delivery, as well as address complex programme- and convention-related issues. The Portfolio Manager represents UNDP at regional and international meetings.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Portfolio Manager is responsible for:

1. Project Identification and Development of the Montreal Protocol, SAICM, POPs and Chemicals Portfolio (35%).

  • Oversees the programme and maintains UNDP Montreal Protocol and Chemicals programming presence in the LAC region, in support of the objectives of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, SAICM, looking into synergies with other MEAs, including Kyoto Protocol and in close cooperation with the climate change mitigation and UNDP Carbon Finance teams.
  • With emphasis on National and Sector performance-based projects under the Montreal Protocol and the development of a UNDP’s POPs, SAICM and Carbon Finance portfolio, supports partner country compliance objectives under the relevant chemicals conventions through provision of targeted strategic technical and policy assistance. This entails continuous liaison with high-level officials from developing country partners countries (both public and private sector), as well as UNDP Country Offices and other IGOs.
  • Reviews project proposals to ensure policy and technical consistency, evaluate cost-effectiveness and ensure results-based outputs that meet objectives of the MEAs they aim to support. Substantively defends project proposals through negotiation with the Multilateral Fund Secretariat of the Montreal Protocol, the GEF for Stockholm Convention programmes and the SAICM Secretariat.
  • Pro-actively analyses the possibilities for climate proofing the portfolio and for developing linkages with projects (on-going or under development) that will lead to benefits to both ozone and climate.

2. Project Implementation Oversight and Support (35%)

  • Ensures continuous monitoring and evaluation of on-going programme activities with a view to ensuring sustainability of efforts. On behalf of UNDP, prepares (and/or assist governments to do so) annual progress reports, including financial expenditure summaries and requests of independent audits when required for projects/programmes supervised, and contributes to the overall evaluation of UNDP’s Montreal Protocol, POPs, SAICM and Chemicals work programme.

3. Progress reporting (10%)

  • Reviews with executing agencies (UNOPS, NEX, DEX) and governmental environment units project activities and expenditures, prepares status reports and financial expenditures summaries for projects supervised.
  • Prepares annual progress report and annual business plan. Assesses project reports for quality, relevance and accuracy, extract and codify lessons learned.
  • Works closely with environment units to assess and strengthen country’s ability and capacity to meet targets and to take appropriate actions in legislation, import/export quota systems etc. to achieve compliance.

4. Strategic planning, partnerships, mainstreaming and liaison with other agencies and partners (20%).

  • Strategic Policy Advice with Respect to Convention Processes. Monitors status of ongoing negotiations and policy decisions taken under MEAs that address the sound management of chemicals such as Montreal, Stockholm, Basel & Rotterdam, as well as SAICM, identifies synergies and areas for integration in order to position UNDP strategically with respect to their implementation.
  • Identifies and encourages synergies and partnerships. Conducts high-level liaison with national public and private sector officials, UNDP-CO senior management, other IGOs (UNEP, UNIDO, World Bank, UNITAR, UNOPS, and bilateral donors) to ensure close coordination of chemicals activities in partner countries. Identifies points of entry for enhanced integration of UNDP Chemicals activities with programming initiatives in other UNDP practice areas. Identifies potential new areas of business development .
  • Represents UNDP Chemicals, as required, at workshops, seminars and conferences and contributes to substantive policy and technical discussions on ozone depletion and chemicals related matters at the regional and global levels.
  • Participates actively in UNDP practice area activities. Engages in practice team meetings, carrying out activities as appropriate in support of UNDP’s Strategic Plan. Provides guidance to Environment and Energy focal points in governmental environment units and COs in the region.
  • Participate in the development of the Regional Business Plan and in the regional Community of practice annual meeting.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness, by modeling the UN/UNDP’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability


  • Knowledge and understanding of concepts and approaches relevant to results-based programme management
  • Practical experience in programme/project management and administration
  • Good research, analytical and problem-solving skills, including ability to identify and participate in the resolution of issues/problems
  • Familiarity with and experience in the use of various research methodologies and sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and other databases
  • Ability to apply good judgment in the context of assignments given
  • Ability to plan own work and manage conflicting priorities

Commitment to Continuous Learning:

  • Willingness to keep abreast of new developments in the field and to widen one’s horizons towards other UNDP goals and focal areas
  • Encourage sharing of results and learning with colleagues

Leadership and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Able to assume a leadership role towards staff s/he is supervising and willingness to share information, mentor and coach staff
  • Adopts a results-based approach to the design, planning and implementation of programme/projects
  • Open to challenges and change, and demonstrates ability to manage complex issues and situations
  • Shows a demonstrated ability to provide value-added input to business processes re-engineering and implementation of new systems
  • Manages pressure well and consistently approaches work with a positive and constructive attitude
  • Builds trust in interactions with others and resolves conflicts


  • Good communication (spoken and written) skills.
  • Possesses the ability to draft/edit a variety of written reports, studies and other communications and to articulate ideas in a clear, concise style.

Teamwork and Client Orientation:

  • Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity, including gender balance
  • Ability to take lead among peers when required during implementation of projects
  • Ability to work positively to build team moral and consensus
  • Ability to build strong client relationship, using interpersonal skills to network effectively and understanding/anticipating clients needs

Required Skills and Experience

  • Masters Degree in management, engineering, economics, public policy.
  • At least 7 years progressive experience in project management and provision of advisory, both technical and policy development related, at the country level and international level.
  • At least five years demonstrated experience working with bilateral/multilateral donor agencies on policy and technical cooperation and technology transfer projects and programmes.
  • At least five years of demonstrated experience in the areas related to the GEF.
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation
  • Working experience in developing countries
  • Knowledge of relevant institutional mandates, policies, guidelines. Knowledge of institutions of the UN system.
  • Solid background and experience producing quality project and analytical documents.
  • Fluency in English and Spanish is required, with strong writing and communication skills being essential.