
UNDP GEF projects are accountable both to UNDP and to the GEF. UNDP requires projects to report through the Annual Project Report/Project Implementation Review (APR/PIR). The APR/PIR serves as the basis for assessing the performance of projects in terms of their contribution to intended outcomes. UNDP-GEF projects are required to prepare individual APR/PIRs if they began implementation on or before 30 June 2008, and were under implementation for at least some part of FY 2009 (1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009), as well as all GEF projects that were operationally completed during FY 09.

The 2009 APR/PIRs are being prepared in Excel and not Word, representing a departure from the past formats (Word versions of the APR/PIR are accepted only in exceptional cases, e.g., when the project team is disbanding and will no longer be available in July/August to complete the Excel version of the APR/PIR).
The annual UNDP-GEF Project Implementation Reviews (PIRs) are an opportunity not only to examine individual project performance but also to understand a Region’s performance by articulating the portfolio’s impact, summarizing lessons learned, and raising any regional issues and observations. The Regional Performance Report is forwarded to UNDP-GEF Headquarters and is used in the compilation of the annual Biodiversity Focal Area Summary Report.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objective of work

  • To review and finalize the  individual Biodiversity PIRs for Europe and CIS and Southern and Eastern Africa; and
  • To analyze the data presented in the PIRs and prepare the Regional Performance Reports for the two regions.

More specifically the consultant will:

Support for Annual Project Implementation Review

  • Review and finalize each APR/PIR Excel spreadsheet (or Word document in exceptional cases) for quality and completeness of information collected through the 2009 PIR process, including the following: project progress; project risk (number, type, description and response); financing and co-financing; outcomes (general for all projects, specific outcomes for each OP); and, lessons learned. The PIRs should be finalized with due consideration to the PIR quality evaluation criteria, which will be provided;
  • Liaise with the relevant Country Office, project team and/or RTA as directed, to support correction and completeness of every PIR, including review of receipt of supporting documentation (e.g., MTEs, FEVs).

Support for the Biodiversity Regional Performance Reports

  • Compile and analyze data for each Region – The data sets will be examined to determine totals (e.g., impacts), data gaps and discrepancies, and will be used to generate the Regional picture for 2009. Progress will also be compared against 2008 and 2007 data, as available
  • Prepare the two Regional Annual Performance Reports in collaboration with the relevant RTAs for Biodiversity for SEA and for ECIS FY09. The consultant should work with the Global PPER consultant to ensure proper representation of the regional impacts/ performance and challenges in the global report.
  • The following will be included:

Progress towards objectives and progress in implementation: 

  • Provide an analysis of projects that were highly satisfactory in terms of implementation progress and progress towards achieving objectives. 
  • Provide an analysis of projects rated unsatisfactory and highly unsatisfactory satisfactory in terms of implementation progress and progress towards achieving objectives, and indicate what will be done to address the causes of poor performance.
  • Describe emerging good practice from these projects.

Portfolio development:  Provide an assessment of trends regarding elapsed times in the overall portfolio, indicate the most prominent problems in slow maturing projects, and identify actions that will be taken to move projects along at various phases of the project cycle.   

Adaptive management:  Highlight examples where project design has been adapted to changing circumstances on the ground. 

Lessons learned:  Provide an account of lessons learned during project implementation, grouped by topic or theme.  Indicate how these lessons are being disseminated and incorporated into project design and implementation. 

Present and discuss the 2009 Regional results with the team (via teleconference). This presentation will include preparation of a supporting PPT.

Duration of the assignment: 90 days (July – October)

The consultancy will entail home work and a potential mission for up to two weeks to Bratislava Regional Center

Reporting to: Regional Technical Advisor, Biodiversity for Southern and Eastern Africa; and Regional Technical Advisor, Biodiversity for Europe and CIS;


  • Familiarity with the PIRs;
  • Excellent analytical skills;

Required Skills and Experience

  • At least 2 years experience in international project management, monitoring and evaluation;
  • Excellent writing skills in English.


Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply on-line through this site.

The application should contain:

Should you experience any technical problems with the online application, please send the required documents to    (please quote the title of the position)

Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.
Due to the large number of applicants for UNDP positions, UNDP regrets that it is unable to inform unsuccessful candidates about the outcome or status of the recruitment process.