
Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most serious and complex challenges humankind has been faced with. In its Human development Report devoted to Fighting Climate Change 2007/2008, UNDP puts emphasis on challenges climate change imposes on poor people whose livelihoods depend fully on weather conditions and access to environmental resources. The report especially underscores the linkages between gender inequalities, climate change risks and vulnerabilities, and calls for recognizing the “importance of women’s participation in any planning process for adaptation to climate change”.  Similarly, UNDP’s global Gender Equality Strategy 2008-2011 (GES)  acknowledges that “women’s knowledge and participation has been critical to survival of communities in disasters situation.” Therefore it argues for recognition of advantage of women’s specialized skills linked to natural resources management strategies in regards to mitigation and adaptation and calls for support to “the development of national capacities to consult with women, draw on their expertise in these areas and ensure that national and local mitigation and adaptation policy and action reflect their concerns and experiences”. It also emphasizes the importance of linkages between climate change, sustainable development and the promotion of gender responsive micro-, small- and medium-size enterprises that can expand access to environmental and energy service, foster livelihood creation and reduce environmental vulnerability. 

Europe and the CIS context:

Climate change has been affecting policy and programming for poverty reduction and natural resource management in countries of Europe and the CIS (ECIS) particularly in regards to increased risks of flooding and droughts connected with rising temperatures. In fact, environmental challenges in ECIS are directly affecting prospects for achieving a number of MDGs and having particularly severe effects on household incomes and public health, especially for the poor and vulnerable groups, including women.  Despite these challenges, responses to climate change also provide opportunities for the economies of ECIS. As the UNDP’s Climate Change Strategy emphasises, win-win solutions, i.e., anchoring climate change responses in the human development paradigm that brings the focus on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable to the forefront, benefit not only the climate change agenda but also the socio-economic growth as well.

A few ECIS countries have made efforts to strengthen the gender dimensions vis-à-vis their climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives, and to promote greater participation of women in management of energy and environment. However, these are just the few pioneers to pave the road to achieve greater gender justice, balanced gender participation and gender sensitive responses within climate change initiatives. It is in this context that the UNDP Regional Bureau for ECIS (RBEC) Regional Gender Equality Strategy 2008-2011 recognises the region’s priority in supporting the development of capacity to integrate gender equality considerations into all national environmental and climate-related plans, including finance mechanisms, with particular attention to enhance women’s access to and control over natural resources such as water, energy and land title and  maximize women’s participation in environmental dialogue and debate. 

To address global as well as regional UNDP commitments to strengthen gender in the climate change agenda as well as to respond to growing demand from UNDP Country Offices in the region to provide them with skills and knowledge to integrate gender equality perspectives in their climate change programming, UNDP Bratislava Regional Center’s (BRC) Gender Team with support from the regional Energy and Environment Team is organizing a technical workshop on Mainstreaming Gender into RBEC’s Climate Change Programming.

Main features of the workshop:

The ultimate goal of the training workshop is to enhance the impact of UNDP’s work on climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in the ECIS region through strengthening the incorporation of gender concerns within climate change programming and ensuring greater participation of women in climate change initiatives, including respective policy-making processes. Therefore the workshop shall enhance the capacities of programme and project staff in identifying and responding to linkages between gender and climate change agendas and equip them with skills and knowledge to address and facilitate integration of gender concerns in climate change initiatives.

Methods: It is expected that the participants will actively contribute to the workshop discussions, and focus on practical approach and partnerships. Resource persons may include energy & environment and gender practitioners colleagues from the ECIS region.

The main audience for the training workshop will include UNDP Energy & Environment practitioners involved in climate change programme and project management as well as UNDP Gender practitioners from the ECIS region.

Duration & date: 3 days, Mid/End of October, 2009 (to be confirmed)
Location: Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Duties and Responsibilities

Objective of the assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to design and prepare for the training workshop, deliver training sessions for a group of approximately 20-25 participants. Within the follow up phase, the submission of a workshop report is required.

Consultant’s Tasks:

  • Design the training workshop based on existing tools, knowledge and experiences on mainstreaming gender in climate change programming and policy negotiations. The training workshop is intended to build on:
  • Good practices in linking gender and climate change concerns in the ECIS region and beyond; and
  • UNDP’s policy and strategy documents as well as resource materials related to gender equality as well as climate change. 
  • Develop Concept Note, Agenda and Session Curriculum for the training workshop (based on a draft Concept Note outline provided by the BRC Gender Team, and drawing on the above desk review) and finalize them in consultations with the BRC Gender Team
  • Prepare training materials for the training workshop
  • Prepare compilation of knowledge resources for the training workshop to be shared online (through the BRC “Workspace”)
  • Deliver the training workshop in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Prepare a Workshop Report

Following Outputs are expected to be delivered:

  • Concept Note of the training workshop
  • Agenda of the training workshop
  • Session Curriculum of the training workshop
  • The training workshop delivered and knowledge and skills of participants on integrating gender concerns into climate change programming enhanced.
  • Training materials
  • Compilation of knowledge resources
  • Workshop Report

Time-frame for the tasks required:

  • Preparatory phase: approximately 10 days (home-based)
    This shall include desk review, development of Concept Note, Agenda, and training materials in consultation with the BRC Gender Team (via online tools)
  • Workshop and follow-up: approximately 4 days in Bratislava, including 1 day for preparation.  1 day home-based follow-up after the completion of the workshop.
  • Consultant is expected to arrive one day prior to the workshop to have an orientation meeting with the BRC Gender Team. Home-based follow-up includes finalization of  a workshop report.

Benchmark for outputs delivery:

  • Concept Note - Draft by 20 August 2009, Final by 31 August 2009
  • Agenda - Draft by 9 September 2009, Final by 16 September 2009
  • Curriculum - Draft by 23 September 2009, Final by 28 September 2009
  • Training materials &  Compilation of knowledge resources, Final by 5 October 2009
  • Delivering training workshop - Draft by one day prior to training  (orientation meeting), final by three days of training mid/end of October (to be confirmed)
  • Workshop report - Draft by 16 October 2009, Final by 21 October 2009


  • Demonstrated excellent skills in development of training courses and in conducting of training;
  • Ability to apply participatory and interactive approach to workshop / training design and facilitation;
  • Proven excellent communication, presentation and facilitation skills
  • Fluency in English, both written and spoken;
  • Availability to deliver training workshop within provided timelines;
  • Knowledge of socio-economic developments in the ECIS region and/or work experience in the region is an asset;
  • Knowledge of any other language spoken in the ECIS region is an asset

Required Skills and Experience

  • University degree (relevant to MA degree) of any related field to gender and development or environmental sustainability and/or climate change;  
  • Strong expertise in mainstreaming gender concerns into environmental sustainability and/or climate change initiatives including project formulation and global policies negotiations;   
  • Experience in conducting training on integrating gender concerns into climate change agenda;

Application Procedure

Applicants are requested to apply on-line via this site.

The application should contain: a detailed CV in English language emphasizing their training and facilitation experience and expertise in gender mainstreaming in the climate change agenda.

Should you experience any technical problems with the online application, please send the requested documents to (please quote title of the position)

Short-listed candidates will be requested to provide a price offer. Price offer should include lump sum fee for delivery of outputs specified above and travel related costs to the workshop destination (Bratislava, Slovak Republic).

Women are encouraged to apply. UNDP is a non-smoking work environment.

Due to the large number of applicants for UNDP positions, UNDP regrets that it is unable to inform unsuccessful candidates about the outcome or status of the recruitment process.