
“Strengthening the Disaster Mitigation and Management System in Mongolia” project phase III started in 2008 with the main objectives to:
  • Support implementation of the long-term strategy of Mongolia for disaster risk     management to minimize vulnerability
  • Improve preparedness and enhance institutional capacity for disaster management and emergency response
  • Assist in adapting to climate change that adversely affects sustainable development of the country, especially those in the rural environments.
The project is funded by the Government of Luxembourg and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It started in April 2008 and will end in December 2011.
It is becoming evident that climate change is accelerating. The frequency and intensity of climate related onset events are increasing and the consequence of weather related extreme events are showing increasingly costly consequences on human life, social impacts and economic losses which is exaggerating  the already fragile and challenging conditions experienced by many – particularly the people in rural areas.
An integrated understanding and knowledge of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation is necessary in order to build a capacity to respond to climate related onset events efficiently. In this respect, for strengthening national capacity for climate resilience and adaptation to reduce disaster risks the project phase III is developing a National Climate Risk Management Strategy and its Action plan integrating adaptation and disaster risk reduction based upon existing assessment and current conditions, as well as factors in future uncertainty. Furthermore, a systematic approach to develop a training programme is essential for increasing public awareness, particularly, professional personnel in rural areas. 
The cross cutting issue of mainstreaming gender through gender-based approach and needs of specific groups has to be an integral part to prevent, reduce vulnerability of, and manage impacts of climate change in disaster risk reduction.  

Duties and Responsibilities

Objectives and the scope of work:
The “Strengthening the disaster mitigation and management system in Mongolia” project is initiating this Training Programme on climate risk management and disaster risk reduction.
The objective of this assignment is to develop a training curriculum to build climate resilience of the public through the provision of education and knowledge particularly at 3 levels as a) bagh, soum and aimag government officials, b) rural residents/herders and urban residents, and c) NEMA personnel. Based on the training programme and knowledge package, the public awareness and education to support the capacity to reduce the risk and vulnerability and respond to climate related onset events will be increased.
With the assistance and cooperation of a national team an International consultant is assigned to do the following work:
  • Develop a training programme with modules of specific and differentiated objectives, expected obtainable knowledge and hours.
  • Identify the training outreach methodologies as distance, cabinet and/or self studies.
  • Develop a handbook and/or knowledge package for 3 different levels with text narratives and PowerPoint slides to provide knowledge and understanding from the fundamental scientific information to practice level activities that is applicable in rural areas to adapt to climate change. It should be accompanied with a test to evaluate the trainee’ obtained knowledge and understanding from the trainings.
  • Organize a consultative workshop at the NEMA office for reflecting their comments and recommendations on the training curriculum.
  • Train trainers of NEMA personnel (if necessary, some ministry personnel) on climate risk management and disaster risk reduction. 
Knowledge package should be developed for 3 levels as a) bagh, soum and aimag government officials, rural residents/herders and urban residents, and c) NEMA and other related ministry’s personnel as MFALI, MECS, MoH and others.
Prior to his/her arrival to Mongolia, an International consultant should review relevant documents, policy papers and reports and this preparatory process should not be considered as desk review work.  
During his/ her mission, an International consultant will be provided an office space at the PIU. 
The Consultant can suggest the other methodologies and approaches in the inception report.
  • Progress report- within 5 working days upon start of a mission in Mongolia. The progress report will outline preliminary findings and assessment of national team work, and progress of the assignment to the National Project Director (NPD) and UNDP. The progress report shall not have more than 10 pages.
  • Mission reports – upon completion of each mission ( for the reference please refer to the tentative schedule in Duration & Timing part )
  • Draft Training programme & handbook on climate risk management and disaster risk reduction - 5 working days prior to the end of the mission.
  • --Feedback will be provided by the project unit and UNDP Office, which should be incorporated into the draft by the national consultants within 5 working days upon receipt of the draft.
  • Final Training programme & handbook on climate risk management and disaster risk reduction. This is the key output of the assignment and deadline for submitting the final document is 10 working days after the end of the mission.
The following basic components are expected to be parts of the deliverables:
  • Objective and scope of the programe
  • Training programme

Module1: Introduction to fundamental understanding on climate risk management               

  • Fundamental understanding about earth climate system
  • Global climate change and its current and projected scenario
  • Climate change, its impact and future scenario in Mongolia
  • Climate related disaster risks and its consequences in Mongolia
Module 2: Discrete knowledge on climate change adaptation options to reduce disaster risks by key sectors
  • Animal husbandry
  • Crop farming
  • Health
  • Early warning system
  • Meteorological information processing, translation and dissemination
Module 3: Self-study
  • Test
  • Key passwords
Duration of the assignment:  4-5 weeks
Proposed time allocation:
  • First field mission to Mongolia to 5 days to provide guidance and consultation on the development of the draft training programme (date will be fixed upon progress of programme)
  • Second mission for 10 days to revise the programme, attend the workshop and conduct a training to NEMA personnel (date will be fixed upon progress of programme)
  • 15 days for on-line communication for finalization of training programme.

Management arrangements:

  • The short-term consultant will conduct necessary arrangements for performing the tasks outlined in this TOR. He/she will be responsible for consolidating a final report with a full set of annexes.
  • The short-term consultant will be responsible to the NEMA and UNDP Mongolia and will report to the National Project Director (NPD), a representative of the NEMA, and to UNDP Mongolia on the status of the work.
  • The NEMA and UNDP hold the copyright of the assignment outputs.
  • The present TORs may be adjusted and modified, without changing the overall objective and the scope of work, on the basis of consultations.
Payment modality and schedule:
The UNDP standard method of payment is the output-based lump-sum scheme and the payment will be made in two installments upon satisfactory completion of the following deliverables:
  • First installment – 20% upon the approval/clearance of the progress report
  • Second installment – 80% upon the approval of the final report

Evaluation criteria and weight:

Experts will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria – to 30.

As for the technical evaluation, the following aspects will be considered:

  • Background and education – 15%
  • Practical previous experience relevant to the announced TOR – 40%
  • Substantial knowledge, professional experiences and required competences in the subject area concerned – 30%
  • Required language and other technical skills -15%
Application procedure:
Qualified and interested candidates are requested to apply on-line through this site.
The application should contain:
  • Filled P11 form or a detailed CV
  • Brief cover letter addressing the requirements stated
  • Financial proposal*
 * The financial proposal should have a breakdown of consultancy fee and all travel-related costs that are expected to be incurred. While preparing your proposal, kindly note that the standards for air travel authorized by UNDP for individual subscribers is economy class.


  • Sound analytical and organizational skills;
  • Good capacities for strategic thinking and planning;
  • Ability to establish priorities and to plan and coordinate works;
  • Excellent participatory process skills
  • Good attention to details;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills; and
  • Computer literacy, particularly, with MS Office

Required Skills and Experience


  • An advanced degree preferably PhD, in the area of climatology or relevant field e.g. climatology, agriculture, natural resource management, grassland management and environmental science, or ecology


  • A minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field of training and outreach on climate change adaptation, disaster risk management, ecosystem, water resources study
  • Records of previous international work experience in outreaching climate change adaptation to reduce disaster risks, preferably in developing countries
  • Have previous experience in working with UNDP and/or other international organizations
  • Sound understanding about gender equality and women empowerment
  • Willingness to travel (to rural areas) in Mongolia

Language Requirements

  • Fluency in English