
The joint UNDP/EC Action “Support to Environment and Sustainable Development in Belarus” launched 6 November 2009. The overall objective of the action is to promote environmental protection and sustainable development at central and local levels by supporting (i) institutional capacity (ii) active involvement of communities in local decision-making and (iii) public awareness raising initiatives.

The action consists of three components, “Sustainable Development at Local Level”, “Building Capacity for Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Conventions Implementation in Belarus” and “Raising Environmental Awareness of the Youth through Establishment and Development of Green Schools in Belarus”, registered in Belarus as the international technical assistance projects.

The third component of the action, “Raising Environmental Awareness of the Youth through Establishment and Development of Green Schools in Belarus”, has been launched 31 December 2009. It is aimed at raising environmental awareness of youth and public as a whole through organization and development of Green Schools. The component activities include creation of a methodical framework for Green Schools, establishment of ecological education units in Berezinski Zapovednik and Lebiazhy Reserve, training for teachers on organizing and conducting observation of the status of habitats and biodiversity by pupils, and an intense awareness raising campaign in the field of environmental monitoring and education.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Environment) is acting as a National Implementing Agency of the component.

More information about the component/project can be found at or

Duties and Responsibilities

The incumbent will be based at home, some visits to Belarus for meetings and visiting selected places will be necessary. He/she will work in close cooperation with Green Schools project staff including Thematic coordinator, Education consultant, Lebiazhy officer, Berezinski Officer. He/she will provide us with the concept of extramural environmental education/Green schools in Belarus and follow its implementation participating in inception and final project workshops, organizing and implementing the model training for teachers, teaching educational staff to provide excursions and interactive lessons.

International education consultant will cooperate with the experts of NGO-project partner and Berezinski Zapovednik.

The selected International education consultant (Green Schools) shall:

Develop the the Concept of extramural environmental education/Green schools which should include:

  • Description of Green schools
  • Nature interpretation programs
  • Description of approaches for different SPAs,
  • Detailed schemes of an ecocentre and two trails in Berezinski ecopoint and one trail in Lebiazhy,
  • Proposals for organization of trails in other types of habitats.

a) Description of Green schools

The concept should answer next questions:

Where this school can be situated?

Which activities teachers and children have to implement?

How should be organised and equipped a school yard and a school building itself?

b) Nature interpretation programs

Concept should include draft list of activities which can be provided for schoolchildren of elementary and secondary schools in Berezinski and Lebiazhy, describe approaches/suggestions for different seasons, weather and different age of children, possible activities for parents.

Suggestions on necessary equipment for Green schools which should be provided by the project for introduction in wildlife and monitoring.

The primary and secondary school curriculum (biology, geography and science) translated in English will be analysed to identify elements suitable for integration with the extramural environmental monitoring component developed within the project.

The Nature interpretation program should include plans for lessons held at the environment education facilities and take advantage of the infrastructure being created in frames of the project. The plans should be developed with durations ranging from one hour to a full day. The lessons should introduce students into habitats, elements of the environment, anthropogenic effects on the natural environment and constructive ecological behavioral models. The program should combine theory and practice, include nature interpretation activities at ecological trails.

c) Description of approaches for different SPAs

The concepts of extramural environmental education should be elaborated for the two main types of Special Protected Areas (SPAs):

a) SPAs having management units (zapovednik, national park and zakaznik/reserve of the 1st type), and

b) SPAs not having management units (zakaznik/reserve of the 2nd type and nature monument).

The concepts of environmental education for each type of units should define the messages they have to deliver, goals, objectives and infrastructure requirements including ecological trails and the methodical framework, as well as possible mechanisms for operation of the environmental education units at the SPAs.

d) Detailed schemes of an ecocentre and two trails in Berezinski, ecopoint and one trail in Lebiazhy

Schemes of two pilot environmental education units in details should be elaborated at two SPAs: ecocentre at the Berezinski Biosphere Zapovednik and ecopoint at the Lebiazhy Republican Biological Zakaznik (2nd type of the reserves/zakazniks) with temporary/wooden constructions.

Schemes or examples on design of the ecocentre in Zapovednik: topics for decoration/drawings/installation on walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, entrance, adjacent territory. (The ecocnetre should closely cooperate with the Domzharytsy Secondary School (70 pupils), located at the Berezinski Biosphere Zapovednik).

Suggestions on expositions, on video and audio equipment for the centre (interactive panels) in the centre. Interactive displays and exhibitions should be used to demonstrate processes going on in the ecosystems of the Zapovednik. They should make children prepared for observing wildlife at the specially planned ecological trails.

Schemes of trails and proposals on temporary/wooden constructions for them,

List and examples of necessary signs and sign posts,

Proposals for text and pictures for 25 information stands for trails (17 in Berezinski for 2 trails and 8 in Lebiazhy), suggestions on design and material for stands.

Proposals and design of temporary constructions for observing wildlife in Lebiazhy (hides, fences, tables, benches etc).

Suggestions on design and content of materials about an ecocentre and trails in Berezinski, an ecopoint and a trail in Lebiazhy to be given for visitors (e.g. 6000 leaflets for each, 2000 posters A2 about both places).

Suggestion on laboratory equipment and other equipment for exercises indoor to be purchased for the Berezinski ecocentre,

Suggestion on necessary equipment for exercises/excursions outdoors in the Zapovednik and Zakaznik (e.g. binoculars, scopes, nestboxes with cameras, batboxes etc).

Environmental education units at the mentioned SPAs should become pilot education units in Belarus based on the ‘Green Schools’ concept. The experience of the establishment and operation of these pilot units should serve as a basis for establishing similar units at other SPAs in the country.

e) Proposals for organization of trails in other types of habitats.

Suggestions on organization of ecological trails in fen mire, raised bog, along a big lake, a big, middle and small river, in deciduous and coniferous forests, in city parks,

schemes of temporary constructions which can be used for these trails.

f) Additionally:
  • Organisation and participation together with experts from Belarusian NGO-project partner in at least one training for teachers,
  • Suggestion of programs for regional training workshops for teachers (3 days) and for trainings for advanced teachers in Berezinski (4 days),
  • Participation in the inception and final workshops (March/November),
  • Training of educational staff of Berezinski and Lebiazhy to run the program,
  • Support and advice the project staff during construction and running of the centre and trails in beginning.

Local Coordinator will report to the Green Schools Thematic coordinator.


The International education consultant (Green Schools):

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Required Skills and Experience


  • University degree in education, environment, biology or related field;


  • At least 7 years of experience as a key expert in development and implementation of International environmental education programmes and projects on biodiversity;
  • Experience in work with nature interpretation centres and in training of educational staff;
  • Excellent written and presentation skills;
  • Experience of cooperation with Western and Belarusian non-governmental organizations in the field of environmental education is highly desirable;
  • Russian will be a strong asset;
  • Advanced computer literacy.

Language requirements:

  • Fluent written and spoken English required.

Applications procedures:

Applicants are requested to apply on-line.

Information about the condition of the SSA contract:

Applicants have to:
  • Complete the form stating their interest in and qualifications for the position (in English);
  • Upload completed Personal History Form (PHF) in the required resume field. The PHF form can be downloaded from:

Responsible applicants will be shortlisted, and at least three applicants will gain a personal, or telephone hearing.

Women are encouraged to apply. UNDP is non-smoking work environment.