
The objective of the UNDP/GEF project ”Georgia - Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Local Energy Supply” is to remove the key barriers to the increased utilization of local renewable energy resources. The initial focus will be on promoting the use of geothermal resources for heating and hot water supply and the use of small hydro power for local electricity production.
The total costs of the proposed project can be estimated at USD 13.63 million (based on a exchange rate of 1 EURO = 13 USD as of July 31, 2003), of which the GEF is providing USD 4.3 million to cover the incremental costs.
Initially project was supposed to be completed in 2009. However, due to delay in establishing Renewable Energy Fund (REF) for financing of pilot projects the duration of the project has been extended until April 2011. In addition, USD 2 million initially planned for capitalization of REF has been re-allocated for the additional Technical Assistance (TA). Additional TA among others includes assistance in preparation of CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) documentation to investors of small hydropower (SHPP) rehabilitation projects financed through the REF resources.
In 2009 the REF was established under the management of the Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of Georgia and the Framework Agreement between the MDF and 2 local Programme Banks (PBs) signed on the basis of which soft loans will be available to the Programme Banks (PBs). The PBs will loan finance rehabilitation of selected SHPPs.
After the signing of the Framework Agreement a number of SHPP investors applied to the PBs for loan financing through REF resources (interest rates of such loans are far below the commercial ones). In November 2009 the PBs short-listed 4 SHPP projects, based on submitted materials (Feasibility Study Reports and/or Technical Reports, Business Plans). These documents have been later audited by independent auditors. By March 2010 the auditors finalized appraisals of SHPP rehabilitation projects. However, the PBs didn’t approve any loan because the financial indicators (IRR, NPV) of those projects weren’t high enough. Only after being informed that UNDP will provide additional TA in the form of (i) finalization feasibility studies, business plans, off-take agreements and final design drawings (ready for construction); (ii) providing construction management oversights; (iii) preparation of CDM documents (PDD), the PBs have approved 3 SHPP projects and applied to MDF for Individual Loans. First individual loan agreement is expected to be signed on June 1, 2010.
Considering that:
  • The REF will have revolving nature;
  • At least 3 SHPP projects will be financed in 2010;
  • In case of successful implementation of the first projects additional financial resources could be leveraged;
  • Under the Georgian Energy Efficiency Project (GEEP), which aims at helping industrial and residential clients reduce their energy intensity and make greater use of renewable energy sources , SHPP rehabilitation project are available for financing
UNDP/GEF Project has decided to develop Small-Scale CDM Programme of Activities (CDM-SSC-PoA). For this assignment, UNDP-GEF project is looking for International CDM Expert for Development of Clean Development Mechanism Small Scale Programme of Activities Documents.

Duties and Responsibilities

The International CDM Expert will be responsible for Development of Clean Development Mechanism Small Scale Programme of Activities Documents. His/her duties will include:

Before the 1st mission to Georgia (on-line work):

  • Desk review of the project document and its revision(s); technical reports, materials (Feasibility Study Reports, Technical Reports, Business Plans) of 3 SHPPs;
  • Determination of Scope of Work (SoW), preparation of Terms of Reference and evaluation of short-listed companies (candidates might be either one of the SHPP companies financed by the PBs or third party company with CDM experience. Short-list will be provided by the UNDP/GEF Project) for Coordinating/Managing entity for CDM Small-Scale Programme of Activities;
1-st Mission to Georgia:  
  • Consultations with UNDP/GEF Project Management Unit, CDM DNA (Designated National Authority), PBs, SHPP investors, other relevant stakeholders;
  • Selection of CDM Project Activity (CPA) for which CDM-SSC-CPA-DD (Clean Development Mechanism Small-Scale Project Activity Designed Document) will be completed
  • Decision on who Coordinating Agency will be for the PoA following consultations with all relevant stakeholders;
  • Preparation of PIN (Project Idea Note) for DNA (Designated National Authority) endorsement;
On-line work:
  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-PoA-DD (Clean Development Mechanism Small-Scale Programme of Activities Designed Document). Project Management Unit will ensure that all necessary information and documents are available to the CDM Expert;
  • Preparation of draft model CDM-SSC-CPA-DD;
  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP (According to CDM SSC-PoA-DD at the time of requesting registration of the CDM Programme of Activities CDM-SSC-PoA must be accompanied by a CDM-SSC-CPA-DD form that has been specified for the proposed PoA, as well as by one completed CDM-SSC-CPA-DD using a real case);
2-nd Mission to Georgia: 
  • Finalization of CDM-SSC-PoA-DD;
  • Finalization of model CDM-SSC-CPA-DD;
  • Finalization of CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP;
  • Participation in  organization of Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
On-line work:
  • Assisting Coordinating/managing entity for CDM-SSC-PoA in selection of the DOE (Designated Operational Entity) for Validation (communication with DOE, evaluation of Offers);
3-rd Mission to Georgia (during the on-site visit of the DOE);
  • During on-site visit of the DOE the CDM consultant will provide any feedback, information and/or answers to inquiries of the DOE regarding the CDM documentation and may accompany the DOE to the sites, if necessary.
On-line work:
  • Preparation of response to the Corrective Action Requests (CR) and/or Clarification Requests (CLs)
Depending on the progress in financing of SHPPs by PBs (more than 1 SHPPs are financed, for which CDM-SSC-CPA-DD form has to be completed), validation process (DOE didn’t close CARs and/or CLs) and registration process (CDM Executive Board (EB) requested review of Request for Registration) UNDP may request additional consultancy after amendment of SSA contract (the corresponding additional costs will be limited to 20% of the original SSA).
Key Deliverables:
  • Terms of Reference for Coordinating/Managing Entity for CDM Small-Scale Programme of Activities
  • Evaluation of short-listed candidates for Coordinating/managing entity
  • CDM-SSC-PoA-DD (Rehabilitation of Small Hydropower Plants in Georgia)
  • CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP
  • Response to the Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and/or Clarification Requests (CLs)
  • Support for CDM Executive Board approval of the PoA

The consultant should submit to UNDP deliverables 1,2,3,4 and 5 latest 4 months after signing the contract (in total 57 working days should be committed during this period), both hard and soft copies. He/she also shall response to CARs/CLs raised latest in 2 weeks and response to CDM EB comments not more than 2 weeks.

Time schedule:
  • Desk review of the project document and its revision(s); technical reports, materials (Feasibility Study Reports, Technical Reports, Business Plans) of 3 SHPPs - 5 days home work;
  • Preparation of Terms of Reference and evaluation of short-listed candidates (short-list will be provided by the UNDP/GEF Project) for Coordinating/managing entity for CDM Small-Scale Programme of Activities - 2 days home work;
  • 1-st Mission to Georgia:

 - Consultations with UNDP/GEF Project Management Unit, CDM DNA, PBs, SHPP investors, other relevant stakeholders -  5 days work in Georgia;
 - Selection of CPA for which CDM-SSC-CPA-DD will be completed - 5 days work in Georgia;
 - Preparation of PIN for DNA endorsement - 2 days work in Georgia.

  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-PoA-DD - 8 days home work;
  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-CPA-DD - 8 days home work;
  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP - 12 days home work;
  • Preparation of draft CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for other SHPP(s) - Will be determined if contract is amended
  • 2-nd Mission to Georgia:

 - Finalization of CDM-SSC-PoA-DD - 3 days work in Georgia;
 - Finalization of CDM-SSC-CPA-DD - 3 days work in Georgia;
 - Finalization of CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP - 6 days work in Georgia;
 - Participation in  organization of Stakeholder Consultation Meeting - 3 days work in Georgia;

  • Assistance in selection of the DOE for Validation (communication with DOE, evaluation of Offers) - 2 days home work;
  • 3-rd Mission to Georgia (during the on-site visit of the DOE) - 5 days work in Georgia;
  • Preparation of response to the Corrective Action Requests (CR) and/or Clarification Requests (CLs) - 3 days home work;
  • Preparation of response to the Issues raised by the CDM EB while requesting review of Request for Registration - Will be determined if contract is amended

TOTAL: 40 days home work, 30 days work in Georgia

It is expected that that up to 2-month gap may occur between the finalization of CDM-PoA-DD and contracting of DOE for validation; another 3-month gap may be between the signing of validation contract and on-site visit of DOE; and finally, DOE would need 1-2 months for formulation of CARs and CLs. Hence the SSA contract duration will be approximately 70 working days (about 3.5 months) plus 6-7 months, i.e. 10 months in total.

Evaluation Criteria:

Experts will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria – to 30.

The following criteria will be applied for technical evaluation of candidates:

Education: Minimum qualification requirement: Master’s degree in energy, engineering, natural resource management or other related fields - 10 points; Higher degree -  additional 5 points, i.e. maximum obtainable for education: 15 points

Work Experience:

  • Minimum qualification requirement: 5-year experience in RE (SHPP) project development - 5 points; More than 5 year experience - additional 5 points,
  • Minimum qualification requirement: Knowledge of CDM Modalities and Procedures, International CDM Process, CDM Methodologies, etc. - 10 points;
  • Minimum qualification requirement: Experience in development of CDM projects as a CDM consultant (including baseline studies, investment analysis and/or barrier analysis for demonstration of additionality, drafting of PDD) and/or validator (validation team member) (20 points); Experience in CDM PoA: additional 5 points;
  • Knowledge of the CIS region - 2 points and particularly Georgia’s energy sector -  additional 3 points;
    i.e. maximum obtainable for work experience: 50 points

Drafting skills: Minimum qualification requirement: Drafting skills in English (technical writing) - 5 points;

Note: Candidates not meeting any of minimum qualification requirements will be automatically disqualified from the list of qualified candidates; for minimum qualification criteria/requirements either maximum obtainable score or 0 should be assigned to applicants. For criteria/requirements, which are additional to minimum qualification criteria/requirements any score in the range from 0 to maximum obtainable score can be assigned to the applicants.

Candidates who will obtain 70% or more out of maximum obtainable scores of the technical criteria (i.e. 70 x 70% = 49 scores) will be considered as qualified. Only qualified candidates will be requested to submit financial proposals - Lump Sum amount that should include remuneration (daily fee x number of total days), travel costs (ticket cost and Daily Subsistence Allowances (DSA, which includes accommodation, meals and in-town travel) x number of total days to be spent in Georgia) and, other associated costs, if such. Daily rates shall not exceed UNDP maximum reference rates for international consultants; DSAs should not exceed UN DSA rates for Georgia. For tickets the highest priority should be given to economy class air tickets.

A maximum of 30 points will be assigned to the lowest price offer. All other price offers will receive points in inverse proportion, using the formula:  Financial score offer X = 30 x (lowest price/ price offer X)

Payment Modality:

The payment of a Lump Sum will be done in 3 installments:
  • After submitting PIN (Project Idea Note) on Small Hydropower CDM Project of Activities in Georgia to Georgian DNA and obtaining a Letter of Endorsement from it – 30% of total SSA amount ;
  • After submitting and clearing by UNDP project manager, UNDP CO  relevant Programme Analyst and Bratislava Regional Center Technical Advisor of 2 CDM-SSC-PoA-DD (Rehabilitation of Small Hydropower Plants in Georgia), CDM-SSC-CPA-DD and CDM-SSC-CPA-DD for 1 particular SHPP Reports – 50% of total SSA amount;
  • After submitting of response to CARs/CLs – 20% of total SSA amount.
All Interested candidates should upload following documents: cover/interest letter, CV, filled P11 form and max. 1 page writing sample on CDM PDD/baseline study written/ undertaken by the applicant (supporting documents might be complied in one PDF document).


  • Proven ability to work in a complex environment with different national and international experts within a specific political context
  • A demonstrated ability to liaise and co-operate with various stakeholders
  • A pro-active approach to problem-solving

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s degree in energy, energy engineering, natural resource management or other related fields
  • Minimum 5-year international experience in Renewable Energy (small hydropower) project development
  • Knowledge of CDM Modalities and Procedures, International CDM Process, CDM Methodologies, etc.
  • Experience in development of CDM projects as a CDM consultant (including baseline studies, investment analysis and/or barrier analysis for demonstration of additionality, drafting of PDD) and/or validator (validation team member). Candidates have to provide verifiable evidence.
  • Experience in CDM PoA is a strong asset
  • Excellent communications and writing skills in English
  • Knowledge of the CIS region and particularly Georgia’s context is an asset