
The UNDP Yemen’s Economic Diversification Support Programme (EDSP) will address a central concern in Yemen’s Strategic Vision 2025, namely, its call for national economic diversification, and do so by promoting pro-poor growth in four promising sectors: agriculture, fisheries, industry and trade, and tourism. The EDSP will also accord with national priorities reflected in the UNDAF and UNDP County Programme Action Plan (2007-2011) with reference to promoting pro-poor economic growth in the country and diversifying its economy. Within this framework, the intervention is aligned with a number of UNDP programme and UNDAF components and also the Ministry of Fish Wealth (MFW) primary aim “to manage fish and other marine resources in a way that is biologically, environmentally and economically sustainable”. The fisheries component of the EDSP will develop a sectoral development strategy as an input into the national planning process – and this includes conducting feasibility studies along Yemen’s coastline for the development of aquaculture and associated feed industries in order to evaluate potentialities at sectoral level and outline strategies for future development with a focus on eco-friendliness, sustainability, job creation and women’s empowerment.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the framework of the fisheries component, as described above, the FQC consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Fisheries Team Leader (FTL) and National Fisheries Project Manager (NFPM) and in close collaboration with Fisheries Sustainable Livelihoods Technical Expert and the National Counterparts assigned. He/she will be responsible for providing high-level technical guidance to the “Enhanced Fisheries Sector Productivity” sub component. The aim of this consultancy is to – (1) formulate Aquaculture, Fish Farming & Fish Feed industry development strategies (2) conduct feasibility studies for the sustainable development & promotion of SME’s within the fisheries sector – as an input into the National Fisheries Sector Strategy.
Under the direct supervision of Fisheries Team Leader (FTL) and National Fisheries Project Manager (NFPM), the consultant will undertake the following tasks: 
  • Conduct feasibility studies, including the rapid assessment studies for the development of Aquaculture, fish farming and fish feed industries, and promotion of SME’s within the sector.
  • Review and design the detailed action plan/programme for the sustainable development of Aquaculture, fish farming and fish feed industries in Yemen Republic.
  • Prepare the organizational structure to support MoFW to address the above, and Conduct an internal assessment of capacity needs for MoFW,
  • Design and conduct a training programme for MoFW to strengthen the capacities to address the Aquaculture, fish farming and fish feed industries, and development and promotion of SME’s within the sector.
  • Identify potential sites for the development of Aquaculture & Fish Farming along the coast line of Yemen, and prepared a road map along with the programme of actions for its sustainable development with a focus on eco-friendliness, sustainability, job creation and women’s empowerment. Prepare implementation guidelines to conduct a pilot study at the selected location.
  • Identify potential sites for the development of Fish Feed industry along the coast line of Yemen, and prepared a road map along with the programme of actions for its sustainable development with a focus on eco-friendliness, sustainability, job creation and women’s empowerment. Prepare implementation guidelines to conduct a pilot study at the selected location.
  • Assess and identify the SME’s development needs within the fisheries sector including the fish/fishery products value chain & value-added assessments.
  • Assess sectoral capacity needs, and prepare a strategy for the development and promotion of SME’s within the Fisheries Sector with a focus on eco-friendliness, sustainability, job creation and women’s empowerment.
  • Design, prepare and review the Export Management Plan for fostering the Fisheries Aquaculture exports and prepare export guidelines.
  • Based on the above, identify the critical gaps and linkages; draft recommendations and procedural guidelines for the interventions to strengthen the Aquaculture, Fish Farming and fish feed industries, and promotion of SME’s within the sector.

In close coordination with the Team Leader-National Fisheries Sector Strategy contribute to the development of National Fisheries Sector Strategy and Programme of Actions (, indicating programme of action, its objective, key outputs and activities, cost/budget, time frame, main inputs and responsible parties) through:

  • Assessment of Aquaculture, Fish Farming, fish feed industries, and promotion of SME’s within the sector; and draft a technical report as an input into the consultative workshop, including the concise report in bullet points for discussions. Assessment will be undertaking into consideration the close-cutting issues such as impacts of climate change, food security, biodiversity, potential environmental impacts, socio-economic scenarios, community participation, gender, research & extension services, economic services etc.
  • Assessment and report on current practices and proposed policy options to address identified problems and priority issues pertaining to Aquaculture and fish feed industries, and promotion of SME’s within the sector. The review of policy options shall include (but not limited to) the following dimensions: institutional, legal, legislative, financial, technical, technological, investment, regulative, community based/participation, awareness and gender, and information base. This task will be accomplished through undertaking :
  1. General review of Fisheries sector current Assessment of fishing practice/management adherence to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing in order to develop and promote a strong policy options with special attention to Aquaculture and fish feed industries, and promotion of SME’s within the sector.
  2. Review the business & investment climates including access to finance in the country’s fisheries sector.
  3. Assessment of fisheries exports sector, and potentialities & limitations for development including the technology transfer.
  4. Identify gaps and propose policy options (as indicated above), for sustainable development of fisheries sector, and to address priority issues/problems in the fisheries sector.
  5. Besides, the consultant will present his/her inputs to the consultation meetings, acts as a resource person during the workshops and report findings & draft recommendations/plans along with programme of actions to finalize the National Fisheries Sector Strategy.
  6. Further, the assessment and policy option development phases shall emphasize the role and empowerment of women in the fisheries sector. Based on the outcomes and findings a more comprehensive strategy will be developed for women empowerment in the fisheries sector.


  • Broad knowledge of livelihood analyses and poverty reduction strategies in fisheries; Research and development experience in aquaculture development & management, fish feed industries, SME’s – preferably, with working experience from the Middle East Region.
  • Experience in directing policy level & policy development studies.
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills in English, including excellent drafting and presentation skills. Knowledge of Arabic will be an advantage.
  • Excellent computer skills, including full working knowledge of standard word processing, spreadsheet and presentation packages, and fish quality control laboratory related statistical & scientific software.
  • Demonstrates openness to change and the ability to manage team efforts in complex situations.

Required Skills and Experience

  • PhD in Fishery Science, Aquaculture or a closely related field or a first university degree with a relevant combination of academic and professional qualifications.
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant working experience in fisheries aquaculture including the proven experience in aquaculture development & management, fish feed industries, SME’s, with working experience in policy development & planning, and development projects.
  • Experience in programming and conceptualization of development activities at national/international level, and previous working experience with UN system is highly desirable.
  • Previous work experience in Middle East region or developing countries is desirable.
  • Full Working knowledge of English, including excellent drafting and presentation skills, knowledge of Arabic will be an asset.
  • Excellent computer skills, including full working knowledge of standard word processing, spreadsheet and presentation packages, and fisheries related statistical & scientific software.