
As one of the three implementing agencies of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP oversees a portfolio of projects in the focal areas of climate change, biodiversity, international waters, ozone depleting substance phase-out, land degradation, and persistent organic pollutants. The cumulative value of UNDP’s GEF portfolio is valued at nearly US$5.0 billion. These projects are implemented through UNDP’s network of more than 130 country offices located in developing countries as well as numerous UN and other partner agencies. 
Tunisia is a middle income country located in North Africa with a population of 11 million inhabitants.
Until the late 1980s, Tunisia was characterized by a positive energy balance and the sector was a major driving force of economic development. From the early 1990s, the balance turned negative and Tunisia has become a net importer of energy since 2001. For the past thirty years, the country has emphasized the role of energy conservation: Tunisia pioneered energy management policy among developing countries as it has formulated and implemented a policy for rational use of energy and promotion of renewable energy as early as 1985. The 11th Development Plan (2007-2011) sets the broad direction of the energy policy. It includes a gradual reduction in energy subsidies and calls for an increase in investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. In this context, the Tunisian Solar Plan was launched in 2009 for the period 2010-2016. It aims at increasing the share of renewable energy and improving energy efficiency: 40 projects have been identified (in solar, wind, bio-energy, etc.), for a total investment amount of 2 billions euros, 1.4 billion euros of which is to be provided by the private sector. Over the period 2005-2030, Tunisia expects to save 100 MTOE of burnt fossil fuels due to its energy conservation efforts, with 80% of the energy saving coming from energy efficiency and 20% from renewable energy.
As a complementary and mutually supportive initiative, UNDP proposes to develop a GEF project to assist the Government in catalyzing the market for, and use of, liquid bio fuel. This bio fuel will derive from the recovery and use of waste biogenic oil residues and waste streams from the agriculture and food sectors, restaurants, hotels, slaughterhouses and related commercial sectors.
The principal elements of this project – subject to validation as part of this consultancy contract – are expected to be:
  •  Design and introduction of policy and regulatory measures – e.g.
Ø      codes on sourcing of waste oils (and links with parallel initiatives, such as the Green Hotels labeling programme);
Ø      quality controls on waste oils;
Ø      environmental and social safeguards for collection and processing of waste oils (including provisions for traditional soap-making);
Ø      Tax or other financial schemes and incentives (e.g. replicating the success of the Tunisian plastic bottles recycling scheme).
  • Creation of a sustainable supply chain: promoting supply and collection; drying and pre-treatment; esterification (i.e. conversion into bio-diesel); and promoting customer awareness and demand.Capacity development for all segments of the value chain.
  • Development of an industrial strategy for promoting Tunisia’s capability to transform waste oil into bio diesel.
  • Exploration and development of an export strategy for the EU market, and integration of EU quality standards.
  • Exploration of the role of carbon finance – including CDM capacity development for bio fuels and, potentially, assistance with developing a CDM project (PIN, PDD, validation, registration).

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the UNDP Country Office and the UNDP Regional Technical Advisor, the Consultant for the development of the GEF FSP PIF will be responsible for researching, writing and validating (through stakeholder consultations) the PIF and PPG. Specific tasks include: 

1.       Review and analyze the opportunities and barriers to the use of waste biogenic oil in Tunisia, in particular estimating the amount of waste oil that could be practically sourced (noting current uses of waste oil and how competing needs could be accommodated), economic opportunities and challenges, and the cleaning/treatment that would be required.

2.       Assess the major potential sources of supply and demand for biogenic waste oil

3.       Advise on international best practices on bio fuel promotion, financing, technology, environmental safeguards and institutional support. 

4.       Review and analyze the proposed project components and recommend alternatives if needed.

5.       Complete the PIF for a $3 million GEF climate change mitigation project focused on sustainable liquid bio fuel, incorporating – where relevant – national environmental, energy, industrial and transport strategies, carbon finance and other relevant initiatives ongoing in the region.

6.       Assess the sustainability of suggested project outcomes and outputs; elaborate the project results framework, total budget and work plan.

7.       Assess global environmental benefits sought from the project, including greenhouse gas emission reductions.

8.       Development of a replication strategy for project activities, including the incorporation of the CDM into the project in the form of capacity development and/or CDM project identification/PIN and PDD development.

9.       Elaboration of the PIF and PPG for GEF submission

10.   Assess possibilities for co-financing, with indicative sources and amounts.

11.   Undertake a set of meetings with relevant institutions in Tunisia to validate the research findings, affirm support for the project design and assess co-financing opportunities (a 3 working-day visit)

12.   Amend the PIF according to stakeholder feedback and, later, possible comments from GEF Secretariat for PIF finalisation and according to possible changes to the PIF/PPG template in GEF V.

Extension of tasks to other countries in the region is possible under this contract, subject to the agreement of UNDP and the Consultant.


  • Good communication skills.
  • Excellent organizational and analytical skills
  • Conceptualizes and analyzes problems to identify key issues, underlying problems, and how they relate;
  • Demonstrates strong cultural sensitivity and ability to work in multi-cultural environments

Required Skills and Experience

  • An advanced degree in engineering, chemistry, energy, economics, environmental science or a relevant discipline.
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in the area of bio fuels, ideally in the context of the use of waste biogenic oils/greases as feedstock for bio fuel production and an understanding of the climate change mitigation benefits of bio fuel use.
  • Demonstrated experience with UNDP/GEF document preparation.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French languages (both spoken and written). 
  • Experience of working in the Arab States is valued.