
Un Women (formerly UNIFEM) is leading the implementation of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) as one component of MDG Joint Programme “Supporting Gender Equality in Nation Building in Timor Leste” funded by Spanish Government since 2008.  UN Women is promoting GRB as a tool to enhance gender sensitivity of government in planning and fulfillment with the international conventions. This means to support gender equality advocates to develop knowledge to engage in effective monitoring of planning and budgeting processes.  GRB is also a key to keep gender sensitivity in the formulation of laws, policies, programmes and their implementation to ensure resource allocations are adequate for their proper implementation.

In July 2010 Timor-Leste passed the Law against Domestic Violence (LADV) to prevent domestic violence. The National Parliament has allocated some funds to the line ministries to implement the law as well as to other ministries to promote equal access of women and men to economic resources. In this aim UN Women is supporting State Secretariat for Promotion of Equality (SEPI) to develop SEPI gender responsive M & E guidelines to monitor and report on the expenditures on the LADV.

Objective of the Assignment:

This consultancy is to develop the Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines to assist SEPI Monitoring unit to track the expenditures of state budget for the implementation of LADV. This will be also used to provide technical guidance to the NGO GRB-Working Group to monitor the expenditures of state budget on the implementation of LADV.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Monitoring and Evaluation consultant will work closely with SEPI to design and develop the monitoring and evaluation guidelines. The consultant  will be working under the direct supervision of the UN Women National Coordinator of GRB and guidance of Country Programme Manager of UN Women Timor-Leste to:

  • Assess SEPI M&E capacity and resources;
  • Provide concrete recommendation on how to strengthen the existing Monitoring and Evaluation system within SEPI in line with the implementation of LADV;
  • Design and develop Monitoring and Evaluation guidelines to support  SEPI M & E unit to monitor and track the progress in particularly for the implementation of budget allocation to LADV;
  • Train and provide support to the SEPI M&E unit to undertake monitoring of activities and expenditure for the LADV and other gender related issues;
  • Train and provide support to the ministries Gender focal points / Gender Units to undertake monitoring of activities and expenditure for the LADV and other gender related issues;
  • Strengthen SEPI M & E system that informs decisions making and enhance lessons learnt collection for programme improvement.


  • Recommendation of concrete tools to strengthen SEPI M & E by 27 July.
  • M & E guidelines that are integrated within SEPI Monitoring and Evaluation system by 12 September.
  • Report on the training of SEPI, GFPs and NGOs by 26 September.
  • Present a report to the LADV Working Group on that composed by line ministries on the ministries expenditures and activities related to the LADV for consideration and feedback by 17 October.
  • Final mission report by 31 October.

Reporting Structure :

The consultant will report to the National Coordinator, Gender Responsive Budgeting of UN Women and work under close supervision of the Country Programme Manager to ensure quality and timely input and performance.
The consultant will be expected to work closely with the SEPI Monitoring and Evaluation, Finance, and Training and Liaison Units and Gender Advisors, as well as ministries Gender focal points and the Ministry of Finance.
A schedule of programme activity will be prepared and monitored by the National GRB Coordinator and then report to the UN Women Country Manager.

Payment milestone
The consultant will be remunerated on delivery of expected outputs as outlined in the payment milestones. Payment authorisation will be made after the certification by the National Coordinator that the consultant’s work was satisfactorily performed during the period.


Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UN Women’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Displays high regard for integrity;
  • Proven ability to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams is essential;
  • Adaptability working in minimum facility.

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong analytical and technical skills;
  • High level of self-management capacity and proactive self-drive under very low supervision;
  • Experience in working with colleagues and counterparts of different nationalities and religions in challenging operational conditions;
  • Experience in post conflict country would be an asset.

Technical Competencies: 

  • In-depth practical knowledge on the application of M&E framework
  • Knowledge on gender responsive planning development;
  • Strong understanding of results-based management (RBM) principles and women and human rights-based approaches to programming;
  • Knowledge of current development policies and activities.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in social science, economics or other relevant disciplines.


  • At least 7 years of direct experience in designing and conducting monitoring and evaluation,
  • Experience in gender responsive planning and budgeting in line with national development priorities;
  • Experience in developing and implementing M&E guidelines to monitor gender responsive planning and budgeting
  • Extensive experience using gender responsive planning and budgeting concepts and tools to track development process
  • Experience in working with UN agencies, government institutions and NGOs is an asset.


  • Fluency in Portuguese and English.
  • Knowledge in Bahasa Indonesia or Tetum is an assets