
EU Regulations (EC) 852/2004 and 853/2004 have been transposed by Moldova in the Government Decisions 412 of 25.05.2010 approving the general rules of hygiene of food products and 435/2010 approving the General hygiene rules for foodstuffs of din  28.05.2010. The entry in force of the transposing Government Decisions is expected for the end of November 2011. For the time being, the Sanitary Veterinary Agency within the MAFI must issue instructions or legal acts ensuring adequate implementation of the new rules. To this end, the Project provided the MAFI with consultative assistance in the detailed evaluation of the national legislation transposing the New EU Hygiene Package, assessment of the stage of transposition and expected implementation in Moldova, elaboration of a Package of documents which are necessary to be elaborated and adopted by the MAFI for a proper implementation of the new norms. One of the recommendations made within the framework of that assignment was to take all necessary measures to prepare the business operators in the area for the entry in force of the new rules. Thus, in other to adequately diminish the impact of the new legislation on the small manufacturers, the MAFI requested, considering other countries experience, additional assistance in creation of a specific “softer” legal framework regulating the small Moldovan manufacturers producing red meat, game and meat products.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Project will contract an International Consultant to consult the MAFI with the elaboration of thespecific legal framework applicable to small food business operators producing red meat, game and meat products, taking in consideration the provisions of the EU Regulations 852/2004 and 853/2004.
This objective should be met through the following activities:
Key activities:
  1. Assess in details the existing framework of activities developed by the small producers in the mentioned sector.
  2. Assist the MAFI with the drafting in accordance with the EU requirements, of the relevant legal package specifying the food safety/hygienic rules applicable to the small producers in the mentioned sector.
  3. Develop a detailed Methodology on the applicability of EU Regulations 852/2004 and 853/2004 to the Moldovan small producers of red meat, game and meat products.
  4. Deliver 3 regional trainings on the applicability of EU Regulations 852/2004 and 853/2004 to the Moldovan small producers of red meat, game and meat products.
Minimum Qualification Requirements: 
  1. Advanced degree in the area(s) of Agriculture, EU law or similar field, or equivalent working experience in the sector;  
  2. Minimum 7 years of working experience in the area of expertise;
  3. Deep knowledge and wide experience in implementing EU legislation in food safety area, with particular focus on the hygiene package;
  4. Practical experience as a public official responsible for inspections in food safety area in a successful public administration.
Two stage evaluation procedure will be applied
A) Technical evaluation (max 350 points) – 70% 
B) Financial evaluation (max 150 points) – 30% 
Documents to be included when submitting proposals:
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
    1. Proposal: explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
    2. Financial proposal;
    3. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.
Financial Proposal
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount.


I. Competencies:
  • Qualification and/or proven skills in project coordination, credibility in dealings with governmental officials, strong team leadership abilities and communication skills;
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, knowledge of Romanian or Russian would be an asset.  
  • Qualification and/or proven skills in project coordination, credibility in dealings with governmental officials, strong team leadership abilities and communication skills;
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English, knowledge of Romanian or Russian would be an asset.  

Required Skills and Experience

II. Academic Qualifications:
  • Advanced degree in the area(s) of Agriculture, EU law or similar field, or equivalent working experience in the sector;
III. Years of experience:
  • Minimum 7 years of working experience in the area of expertise;
  • Deep knowledge and wide experience in implementing EU legislation in food safety area, with particular focus on the hygiene package;
  • Practical experience as a public official responsible for inspections in food safety area;
  • Knowledge of and experience in the region of Central and Eastern Europe (experience in countries of transitional economy would be an asset); 
  • Similar experience in assisting government institutions within projects funded by international organizations;