
All needed information which includes Term of Reference, selection criteria and Annexes are found on the following link under procurement Notice Q-IC-057/11:
UNDP’s corporate policy is to evaluate its development cooperation with the host government on a regular basis in order to assess whether and how UNDP-funded interventions contribute to the achievement of agreed outcomes, i.e. changes in the development situation and ultimately in people’s lives. Under the results-based management (RBM) framework - UNDP’s core management philosophy- there has been a shift from traditional project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to results-oriented M&E, in particular outcome monitoring and evaluation that cover a set of related projects, programmes and partnership strategies intended to achieve a higher level outcome. An outcome evaluation assesses how and why an outcome is or is not being achieved in a given country context and the role UNDP has played. It is also intended to clarify underlying factors affecting the development situation, identify unintended consequences (positive and negative), generate lessons learned and recommend actions to improve performance in future programming and partnership development.
Outcome to be evaluated
In the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP 2011-2014) of UNDP Iraq there are five development outcomes to which UNDP is expected to contribute.[1] One of these outcomes, reflecting the efforts of restoring the foundations for development in the areas of post-crisis socio-economic infrastructure, employment generation, economy revival, have been selected for evaluation during 2011.[2] It will take stock of UNDP’s efforts in achieving the development outcome so far and propose measures in order to increase the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of UNDP cooperation in the outcome areas. It will take stock of UNDP’s efforts in achieving the development outcome so far and propose measures in order to increase the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of UNDP cooperation in the outcome areas. It will take stock of UNDP’s efforts in achieving the development outcome so far and propose measures in order to increase the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of UNDP cooperation in the outcome areas. One of these outcomes, reflecting the efforts of restoring the foundations for development in the areas of post-crisis socio-economic infrastructure, employment generation, economy revival, have been selected for evaluation during 2011. It will take stock of UNDP’s efforts in achieving the development outcome so far and propose measures in order to increase the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of UNDP cooperation in the outcome areas.

[1]This year marks the beginning of UNDP’s Country Programme Action Plan (2011-2014). All regular cooperation frameworks such as a UNDP Country Programme and a CCA/UNDAF now exist in Iraq hence its recent strategic interventions is fully aligned with the International Compact with Iraq (ICI, 2007) and the National Development Plan (NDP, 2010-2014).
[2]According to UNDP Iraq’s Evaluation Plan, associated with the CPAP, three additional outcomes relating to Governance and MDG achievement will be evaluated during the CPAP cycle.

Duties and Responsibilities

The key tasks for which the Team Leader will be responsible are as follows:
The Team Specialist will work closely with the Team Leader and the National Consultants in contributing major substance to the outcome evaluation. Under the overall guidance of the Team Leader, specific responsibilities of the Team Specialist will include the following:
  • Support the Team Leader in overall leadership and guidance to the evaluation team, including setting parameters and refining and implementing the overall approach to the outcome evaluation.
  • Review all in-country studies and surveys and/or evaluations (including internal reviews) undertaken by UNDP and the other UN agencies, key national and international partners working in Iraq since 2008 and assist the Team Leader in the identification, analysis and interpretation of key findings.
  • Support the Team Leader to lead some key dialogues with decision-makers and stakeholders at national and local government levels and key government officials and UNDP partners.
  • Take a lead in the in-depth evaluation of selected thematic and/or cross-cutting issue(s) , including desk review and analyses of relevant documents and data, drawing out and checking findings, making recommendations and writing sections of the draft outcome evaluation report as agreed by the Team Leader.
  • Provide relevant support to Team Leader to ensure the integrity of data and minimise distortions or misinformation in the data on which the outcome evaluation will be based. 
  • Participate in the Evaluation Team’s exit meeting(s) and/or workshop with stakeholders and other debriefings for UNDP and partners.
  • Support the Team Leader to incorporate comments from stakeholders and finalize the evaluation report. 
  • Explicitly link analyses, findings and recommendations in the final report and prioritize only a limited number of recommendations for each key decision maker/stakeholder.


  • Ability to identify and address the information gaps in a systematic manner.
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a member of a team, with people of different cultural, ethnic and religious background, different gender and diverse political views.
  • Demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking and policy advice.
  • Experience in team leadership with UNDP and/or WorldBank.
  • Knowledge in two or more of the thematic areas of UNDP’s interventions in Iraq.
  • Excellent writing skills in English.
  • Substantive knowledge of the region and Iraq are desirable as is some familiarity with  UNDP or UN operations in the country.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Ph.D degree in Economics.
  • 20 years of relevant experience in international development.
  • 5 years team leader experience in the evaluation of development agencies, programmes and policies in national and international settings.
  • Demonstrated experience in conflict affected countries.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications and interest:
1.    Technical Proposal: (which will include the following):
  • Signed Proposal Submission Form. (Please use Annex 1 in the procurement Notice  Q-IC-057/11).
  • A letter explaining why he/she consider himself/herself the most suitable candidate for the work.
  • A brief methodology on how he/she will approach and conduct the work.
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 reference.
  • Provide sample reports prepared by the applicant in the recent past.  
2.      Financial proposal:
The financial proposal will specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. 
A breakdown of this lump sum amount is to be provided by the IC candidate. Total Fees: Please use Annex 3 – Financial proposal form in the procurement Notice Q-IC-057/11.   All requested documents should be provided to the following e-mail address: The Consultant must include the Procurement Notice Number, The Position Number and Title in the e-mail subject box when submitting his/her proposal or requesting clarifications.
It is a MUST to download ONLY the CV to this site if not sent with the rest of required documents to the above mentioned e-mail address.