
Climate change is a subject that impacts the way we live and work. It is having a significant impact on many economic sectors including agriculture. These impacts are seriously undermining development. The poorest people, who often live in the most fragile environment and are especially reliant on climate-sensitive agriculture sector, are highly vulnerable to climate change.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been active in fighting against climate change since the 1990’s, assisting Developing countries including Lao PDR with capacity development, adaptation and mitigation actions.

With funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Least Developed Countries’s Fund (LDCF) as well as technical support from UNDP, Lao PDR completed its first National Communication (FNC), the National Adaptation Programme of Action to Climate Change, the National Capacity Needs Self-Assessment (NCSA) in October 2000, April 2009 and May 2009, respectively. The Second National Communication is now being undertaken also with UNDP support.

In addition UNDP and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) have recently completed the formulation of a project on “Improving the Resilience of the Agriculture Sector in Lao PDR to Climate Change Impacts” to be funded under the Least Developed Countries’s Fund. Its objective is to minimize food insecurity resulting from climate change in Lao PDR and reduce the vulnerability of farmers to extreme flooding and drought events. There are four expected outcomes as follows.

  • Knowledge base on Climate Change impacts in Lao PDR on agricultural production, food security and vulnerability, and local coping mechanisms strengthened;
  • Capacities of sectoral planners and agricultural producers strengthened to understand and address climate change – related risks and opportunities for local food production and socio-economic conditions
  • Community-based adaptive agricultural practices and off-farm opportunities demonstrated and promoted within suitable agro-ecological systems
  • Adaptation Monitoring and Learning as a long-term process

It is in this context, UNDP and MAF seek a qualified International Senior Technical Advisor (STA) to provide technical backstopping to the National Project Implementing Partner and project implementing agencies in realization all Outputs and Outcomes as outlined in the approved Project Document.

Duties and Responsibilities

The STA is Development Project Funded postion expected to provide the following key functions in support of the delivery of 4 key functions as listed in succeeding sections:

  • Provide technical and strategic assistance for project activities, including planning, monitoring and site operations, and assuming quality control of interventions;
  • Provide hands-on support to the NPC, project staff and other government counterparts in the areas of project management and planning, management of site activities, monitoring, and impact assessment;
  • Finalize Terms of Reference for consultants and sub-contractors, and assist in the selection and recruitment process;
  • Provide technical supervisory function to the work carried out by the other technical assistance consultants hired by the project;
  • Coordinate the work of all consultants and sub-contractors, ensuring the timely delivery of expected outputs, and effective synergy among the various sub-contracted activities;
  • Assist the NPC in the preparation and revision of the Management Plan as well as Annual Work Plans;
  • Assist the NPC in monitoring the technical quality of project M&E systems (including AWPs, indicators and targets);
  • Assist the NPC in adjusting the project Results Framework, as required and in line with corporate requirements;
  • Coordinate preparation of the periodic Status Report when called for by the NPC;
  • Assist the NPC in the preparation of the Combined Project Implementation Review/Annual Project Report (PIR/APR), inception report, technical reports/guidelines/policy brief, quarterly financial reports for submission to UNDP, the GEF, other donors and Government Departments, as required;
  • Assist in mobilizing staff and consultants in the conduct of a mid-term project evaluation, and in undertaking revisions in the implementation program and strategy based on evaluation results;
  • Assist the NPC in liaison work with project partners, donor organizations, NGOs and other groups to ensure effective coordination of project activities;
  • Assist in knowledge management, communications and awareness raising and document lessons from project implementation and make recommendations to the Project Board for more effective implementation and coordination of project activities; and
  • Perform other tasks as may be requested by the NPC, Project Board and other project partners.

Expected outputs

Progress reports:

The STA should prepare and submit her/his individual progress report and plan quarterly to MAF and UNDP. (S)he is expected to be available to participate in fortnightly meetings and to update MAF and UNDP on the progress of his / her work.

Technical Report

Technical reports, policy brief, media articles, guidelines, checklists and Terms of References for local consultants will be prepared and or with strong support by the STA as appropriate throughout the course of the project implementation. This will be in line with GoL/UNDP/GEF requirements for the NAPAFU implementation.

Final Report

The final project document will be delivered in the end of the project life time and aligned with comments received by MAF, UNDP Country Office, UNDP RCB and UNDP HQ. The project document will be delivered in English and Lao.

Provision of high quality Technical support in strengthening Knowledge base on Climate Change impacts on agricultural production, food security and vulnerability, and local coping mechanisms:

  • Establish the efficient organized and up to date project knowledge and information network for climate change impacts on agriculture and food security in Lao PDR;
  • Assist in development, maintenance and update climate change database system at NAFRI with focus on climate hazard and vulnerability information for agricultural production;
  • Assess scenarios for agriculture production in Lao PDR on the basis of global and regional climate change models and assist integrate climate risk projections into a comprehensive national long-term information system;
  • Identify, design, create and strengthen relevant tools best fit the present situation in Lao PDR for strengthening knowledge on climate change impact on agriculture and food security for the identified stakeholders at national and provincial levels;
  • Provide training on application of the identified tools for government and provincial stakeholders for effective use of the knowledge base for sector planning: strategies, long-term plans, annual plans and budgets, project work plans;
  • Analyse and develop technical guidelines on agricultural land-use planning in flood-and drought-prone areas on the basis of climate risk scenario and long-term warning indicators;
  • Analyse different impacts of climate change base on gender dynamic and gender considerations in the assessment and consolidation of vulnerability data;
  • Identify, assess, and determine investment and financial flows necessary to address climate change in the agriculture sector based on an internationally approved assessment methodology.

Development/strengthening of capacities of sectoral planners and agricultural producers to understand and address climate change – related risks and opportunities for local food production and socio-economic conditions:

  • Conduct capacity needs assessment for sectoral decision makers, planners, agricultural producers and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Prioritize capacity-building needs of decision makers and technical staff members in relevant line ministries and target provinces to improve their understanding and capability to address climate change and enable them to fulfil their assigned roles and to build long-term capacity;
  • Develop an institutional strengthening component for effective functioning of the technical working groups;
  • Liaise with national and provincial government staff members and external stakeholders to identify key issues for the agriculture sector, including (1) trends and forecasts for demand and supply of agricultural produce; (2) proposed development options; and (3) planned development of irrigation or related agriculture Infrastructure and technique applicable for resilience agriculture practice;
  • Support the preparation of a policy brief on financial needs and investment flows necessary to address climate change in the agriculture sector;
  • Identify and provide support to developing pragmatic work plans by the technical working groups at national and provincial levels in close coordination with the UNDP and other donors;
  • Provide technical support in planning and budgeting of resilience agriculture sector, opportunities to maximize co-benefits of climate actions, and relevance of climate proofing of the current and future investments in the Lao PDR context;
  • Develop and implement a community awareness-raising campaign in relation to climate change risks, adaptation measures, and mitigation options, including use of public meetings, focus groups with community leaders, and newspaper and television and radio media exposure;
  • Conduct theme-specific training in applying climate risk information and how to apply the acquired knowledge in planning and implementing in real situation in resilience agriculture sector.

Demonstration of community-based adaptive agricultural practices and off-farm opportunities and promotion of suitable agro-ecological systems:

  • Identify project interventions for demonstration of community-based adaptive agricultural practices and off-farm opportunities;
  • Analyse resilient elements in existing farming systems and identify ways to strengthen them thoroughly;
  • Review and synthesize key findings on climate change actions on CB adaptive agricultural practices undertaken by national and provincial bodies;
  • Assist identify appropriate climate resilient cropping, livestock, fisheries and forestry practices to introduce in the target pilot site;
  • Identify relevant interventions for efficient water management techniques and apply them in the target drought-prone districts where rainfall is becoming more variable;
  • Identify critical factors for successful implementation of pilot projects;
  • Identify mechanisms to enhance ongoing institutionalization of climate change actions related to resilient agriculture at the provincial and national levels;
  • Identify and assess prospects for linking pilot activities with other existing climate change projects to ensure synergies;
  • Identify pilot activities that can benefit from the international adaptation funds;
  • Liaise with national and provincial government representatives, especially MAF and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, and other external stakeholders to implement pilot activities in the agriculture and forestry sectors.

Provision support on Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Learning as a long-term process:

  • Establish the project Monitoring System;
  • Support a functional system for the collection, distribution, and internalisation of climate-related risk information at the national, district, and local levels and promote the sharing of project knowledge both within Lao PDR , in the greater Mekong sub-region and wider. Ensure that generated information and analysis be fed into the Agriculture and CC Working Group, established under the SNC process and accessible for planners and decision makers at central and in the provinces;
  • Provide technical support to regional advisory and information-sharing bodies for effective dissemination of TA results in various national, regional, and international forums;
  • Coordinate information-gathering and cooperation with all stakeholders and support the information sharing activities including organizing Annual CC Agriculture conference;
  • Monitor and periodically disseminate project lessons through the Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM) and other suitable regionally based networks;
  • Prepare paper work/systhesis report for knowledge/information sharing with other countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region facing climate-induced drought and flooding hazards to agricultural production and other production of publications, audio/video materials with focus on creative means of promoting resilience agriculture.


Functional Competencies:

  • Proven and extensive international experience in agriculture and climate change at senior level;
  • Proven extensive experience in UNDP/GEF, international and multi-donor project management;
  • Ability to conduct research and analysis and strong synthesis skills, previous experience at a senior level in a regional or global research organisation an advantage;
  • Proven experience conducting field assessments;
  • Regional and national knowledge is highly desirable;
  • Experience in capacity assessment and development.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead research, policy formulation and monitoring.

Management and Leadership

  • Demonstrated experience in dealing with partnership building;
  • Demonstrated strong coordination and facilitation skills;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Strong oral and written English communication and reporting skills;
  • Work well under pressure;
  • Proven networking, team building and organizational skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with national consultants, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback; consensus-oriented;
  • Highly developed inter-personal, negotiation and teamwork skills, networking aptitude, ability to work in multi-cultural environment.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Appropriate higher degree qualifications (minimum Masters level) in natural resource sciences including environment, agriculture, water resources and climate.

Work experiences:

  • At least 7 years experience designing and/or implementing project interventions in developing countries, particularly within South East Asia

Language requirement:

  • Good standard of spoken and written English is essential.