
Mining will bring many economic benefits to Mongolia, but also costs. The debate on mining impacts in Mongolia at the moment is not based on scientific studies that measure the environmental and social impact of mining activities. No cost analysis has been carried out for the mining sector in Mongolia and there is an urgent need to carry out this type of research to develop evidence-based policies. UNDP will support the MNET to assess the full costs of mining in Mongolia. This study is intended to fill the gaps in data and capacity to measure environmental, social and economic impacts of the mining sector in Mongolia. It will provide data on the economic costs of environmental and social impacts resulting from the mining sector both now and if developed in the future.

The results of the study will help inform policy makers, civil society, mining companies and donors about true economic costs of changes in welfare (prostitution, migration, etc.) and degradation of ecosystem services from mining development in Mongolia and demonstrate the value of maintaining ecosystem services and including their consideration in mining development.

This will be conducted in conjunction with the government of Mongolia and its leading research institutes to build national capacity for dealing with these issues which are critical to the people of Mongolia.

The study will estimate the economic costs of mining through research, modeling and monetizing impacts of mining on ecosystem services and their subsequent socio-economic on local communities, agriculture and tourism. The project is intended to help develop a rigorous and innovative methodology to guide the study to be able to measure, model and value the change to ecosystem services and welfare from mining development. Impacts on local communities will be a strong focus. Methodological guidance will be provided on data collection, analysis and projections. It should also consider ecological issues, such as ecosystem thresholds and irreversibility.

The data will be presented to policy makers, the private sector and civil society so they are informed about welfare issues and true economic costs associated with degrading ecosystem services from mining development in Mongolia.

Duties and Responsibilities

A pilot cost analysis will be carried out for two (2) mining sites in Mongolia. The study will be used to develop a specific methodology for Mongolia to measure economic, social and environmental impacts in monetary terms. Based on the work, a manual will be developed to quantify the environmental and social costs of mining activities in Mongolia to enable replication.

The data will be presented to policy makers, the private sector and civil society so they are informed about welfare issues and true economic costs associated with degrading ecosystem services from mining development in Mongolia.

The study will generate data for the mining sector. This will include:

  • Sector level data on current costs incurred so far from mining.
  • Projected costs for the sector based on national mining development plans for the next 10–20 years
  • Costs associated with specific mining activities indicating the difference in cost between harmful and sustainable practices at mine site level.

The sectoral data will require generation of costs from sample sites which reflect mining activity in Mongolia and then extrapolated up to sector level. Projections of costs based on the mining development plan for Mongolia will require additional modeling. Projecting into the future is important to show not only the estimated costs of current mining development plans, but to show the difference in cost between the current plan (called Business as Usual; BAU) and a sustainable mining plan which limits and manages development to reduce environmental and social costs associated with mining (called Sustainable Ecosystem Management; SEM).

The approach for the study is as follows:
  • Map out potential mining concessions (location and size) and assess potential impacts on the environment and society (using two target sites).
  • Develop economic valuation methodology for modeling for a period of 20 years the costs of ecosystem degradation from different mining scenarios.
  • Develop a manual on methodology for conducting cost analysis for mining sites.
  • Quantify the site impacts in economic terms.
  • Model BAU vs. SEM scenarios for future planned mining operations to determine sector costs extrapolating up from site analysis.
  • Demonstrate the marginal cost of BAU vs. SEM mining practices at the site and sector level.
  • Identify cost effective key remedial actions at policy, planning at site level to enhance ecosystem functioning within mining developments.
  • Policy workshops to promote uptake of results to be incorporated into sustainable mining development plans.


  • Demonstrated solid knowledge and experiences of undertaking similar assignments
  • Ability to meet deadlines on time.
  • Outstanding time management, organizational and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent negotiation and communication skills,
  • Fluency in written and spoken English.
  • Excellent drafting and reporting skills.
  • Excellent computer literacy.
  • Demonstrable analytical skills

Required Skills and Experience


  • Postgraduate degree in mining, or related field.


  • Five to ten (5-10) years professional work experience
  • Experience of work on projects supported by the UNDP, World Bank, or other similar international agencies will be an asset
  • Experience in modeling economic costs of development impacts.
  • Experience in similar projects/programs.
  • Knowledge of the region


  • Fluency in written and spoken English.