
The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), located in the south-eastern corner with an area of one-tenth of the size Bangladesh (approx. 5,100 square miles) and with a population of about 1.5 million people, is one of the most diverse regions of the country in terms of geography, ethnicity, culture and tradition of the peoples. The region remained largely outside the mainstream of development assistance for more than 25 years due an insurgency, which ended with the signing of the CHT Peace Accord in December 1997.

UNDP responded to the existing development needs in 2003 with a Preparatory Assistance project, culminating in a full-fledged USD 50 million, 5 year project signed with the Government in 2005: ‘Promotion of Development and Confidence Building in the CHT’. A decision was taken recently by the Ministry of CHT Affairs to extend the project to 2013, and a Revised Technical Assistance Proposal has been submitted to the Government of Bangladesh for approval.
Currently, the project (CHTDF) is operating in 16 sub-districts and is engaging with over 2000 communities in small development projects and empowerment. Other areas include Institution Capacity Building, Health, Education, Economic Opportunity, and Confidence Building. The main field office is in Rangamati, with two sub-offices in Khagrachari and Bandarban districts, and a policy office in Dhaka. The project is Directly Executed (DEX) by UNDP and partners with significant scope and thus has wide-ranging and diverse operational needs, requiring solid backstopping and process management in a challenging environment.

  • The project has a Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Cluster (PMR) that will function as a project secretariat to ensure the effective management of the CHTDF project, providing quality assurance and technical support in design, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of project activities. The incumbent will serve as the Cluster Head. S/he will work under the overall guidance of the Project Director.
  • The project is implemented directly by UNDP, in partnership with local and (inter)national NGOs.
  • The incumbent will be reponsible for strategic planning as well as annual planning, Managing consultants for the design of programmes and programme components,
    Designing and implementing programme monitoring and reporting systems
    Ensuring high quality and timely reports for donors, government and others.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key functions:

  • Lead the cluster to ensure timely delivery of reporting outputs and a high quality of work
  • Manage the design processes for strategy development and for programme components
  • Design and manage programme monitoring systems and evaluation activities
  • Manage the annual work planning process
  • Ensure timely delivery of all reports to donors and other relevant bodies
  • Provides advise and technical support related to the budget management of the project

Lead the cluster to ensure timely delivery of outputs and a high quality of work

  • Facilitate the day-to-day functioning of the Cluster Team. Manage the human and financial resources for delivery of results agreed with the management through work plans.
  • Ensure quality outputs from the cluster
  • Represent the PMR cluster in project meetings

Manage the design processes for strategy development and for programme components

  • Prepare periodic reviews and participatory strategic development exercises for the project
  • Identify component design requirements
  • Oversee the process of design, including preparation of TORs for consultants, management of design consultants, supervise the design process and ensure timely, relevant and good quality program designs planning outputs
  • Oversee development of programme documentation including pro-doc, concept notes, log-frames, work-plans, etc.
  • Use programme management and monitoring modules of ATLAS in particular and knowledge of ATLAS operational services in general.

Design and manage programme monitoring system and evaluations

  • Design and manage a programme monitoring system that will give key information as to project achievements/progress in accordance with log frames
  • Design an early warning system of potential problems or non delivery of outputs
  • Conduct or ensure ad hoc or random field visits to ensure accuracy of reporting
  • Design and manage the process for ad hoc or random evaluations
  • Train key staff in basic monitoring skills and functions

Manage the annual work planning process

  • Prepare the annual planning process
  • Conduct planning workshops for clusters and between clusters
  • Programme financial resources management through planning, guiding, controlling of the resources. Preparation and monitoring of development projects’ budgets
  • Maintain information on overall financial status of the projects, including budgets and expenditure forecasts.
  • Manage all the ATLAS processes related planning and budgeting such as project budget creation, entering budget revisions etc
  • Produce annual monitoring plan and use as basis for monitoring

Ensure timely delivery of all reports of donors and other relevant bodies

  • Prepare a matrix of all reporting requirements
  • Ensure reporting and monitoring systems are synchronized
  • Ensure a high quality of reporting to donors, government and others
  • Generate ATLAS reports as per UNDP requirements from time to time and take necessary actions to correct the contents of the reports.

Provides advise and technical support related to the budget management of the project

  • Produce a monthly project expenditure report and advise on strategic usage of donor funds
  • Ensures that technical support is provided to the various clusters including to manage the facilitation for the development of shadow budgets (by activity type and by donor)
  • Ensures the facilitation for the development of Annual CHTDF Budgets
  • Ensures that project expenditures are in accordance with Donor Agreements
  • Manages the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual budgets reports

Impact of Results

The major impact will be seen in better planning and hence more timely, a more focused implementation of the programme activities, an up-to-date knowledge of budget status as well as a better quality of output and will impact on the efficiency of the CHTDF management team and overall programme.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • A team player and team builder with strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaboration and cooperating with others
  • Excellent communication skills (written and oral): Sensitivity to and responsiveness to all partners, Respectful and helpful relations with all UN/UNDP staff,

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Confidentiality
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP/CHTDF
  • Experienced with designing and implementing M&E systems, including developing M&E tools and methods and generating results frameworks for complex development or emergency response programmes, preferably in a post-conflict context
  • Ability to effective coordination with partners in and outside the UN organizations.
  • Plans, prioritizes, and delivers tasks on time
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting: full project cycle mastery, excellent work/project planning skills, mastery of UNDP’s new programme modalities (PRINCE 2, RBM Guide, NEX/DEX execution etc.) and also use ATLAS.
  • Knowledge of UNDP Rules and Regulations is and advantage

Leadership and Self-Management

  • Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Responds flexibly & positively to change through active involvement and is able to manage complexities
  • Ability to work with people from different backgrounds and cultural customs and to communicate effectively
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view
  • Sensitive to issues of managing activities in a situation of conflict

Required Skills and Experience


  • Masters degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline


  • 5 years of relevant experience in Planning, Monitoring
  • Strong analytical ability
  • Knowledge of UNDP practices and procedures is an asset
  • Strong writing and oral communication skills
  • Knowledge of the issues related to the Chittagong Hill Tracts is an asset
  • Knowledge of Bangla is an advantage
  • Experience if Office software packages, Experience in handling web-based management system.
  • Working experience in ATLAS ERP will be given advantage
  • Experience in linking Planning to budgeting and monitoring performance of planned outcomes.

Language Requirements

  • Fluency in written and spoken English