
Project background

ILO’s interventions in Yemen are designed within a two year programme (2013-2015) which is aligned with the National Transitional Program for Stabilization and Development, the Joint UN vision to support the transition in Yemen and the Mutual Accountability Framework (in particular Policy Reform 9 related to the Action Plan for Youth Job Creation). The two year framework aims at responding to the short term needs of the transitional period while building on the ILO’s comparative advantage, particularly its experience in countries in similar situations, and the lessons learned from the previous programmes for Yemen.

In that context, the ILO two years programme, comprises a priority area targeting youth employment: “Supporting economic recovery and the inclusion of youth and women in the labour marketing economic recovery and the inclusion of youth and women in the labour market”.

Under this umbrella, the ILO initiative in Yemen: “Integrated Support for Young Women and Men in Yemen to Access Decent Work in Yemen (December 2012 – March 2014)” aims to improve the chances of young women and men in the targeted governorates to access decent work by raising the capacity (a) of skills training providers to provide market relevant skills training and applying an integrated quality assurance framework, (b) of education providers and mentors in the delivery of entrepreneurship education and non-financial business support to foster self-employment among youth.

This initiative is implemented through two partners: Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Services (SMEPS) and the Yemen Foundation of Education for Employment (EFE). The implementation is also coordinated with the Federation of Yemeni Trade Union (FYTU), as well as the Federation of Yemeni Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FYCCI), and the GoY represented by three Ministries: Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MoSAL, the) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR), and Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training (MTEVT).

Duties and Responsibilities


A final independent evaluation will be conducted to review the project performance with regards to relevance, design, effectiveness, efficiency, contribution to impact, and sustainability. The lessons learned and recommendations of the evaluation will also be an important input to the sustainability and up-scaling of the initiative.

It will examine the relevance and logical coherence of the design and its implementation, the planning process, the agreed implementation strategies and the impact of activities on improving the employability and entrepreneurship of youth in Yemen. It will also serve to make recommendations on processes and institutional arrangements that need to be put in place to facilitate the up-scaling of the proposed methodology.

It will require the following deliverables:
Methodology brief:
  • Specific questions related to key issues raised during desk review, and methodology for answering the questions;
  • Draft Evaluation Report with specific recommendations;
  • Final Evaluation Report.

Gender equality issues shall be explicitly addressed throughout the evaluation activities of the consultant and all outputs including final reports or events need to be gender mainstreamed.

Evaluation arrangements and professional requirements:

  • The final independent evaluation will be conducted by an independent evaluator between February and March 2014. The assignment is estimated for approximately 15 work-days during that period. The assignment will be based in Yemen, and the consultant will need to be residing in Yemen.


Functional Competencies:
  • Competence in evaluating;
  • Demonstrable analytical skills;
  • Excellent interpersonal and oral and written communication skills a must;
  • Hardworking, commitment, ability to communicate and self- motivated person;
  • Good interpersonal Skill;
  • Attention to details.
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and related to the required tasks.


  • At least 10 years’ experience in evaluating development projects, preferably with experience in evaluating development projects in Yemen;
  • At least 5 years’ experience working in the youth employment and development field;
  • Knowledge of the ILO structure and mandate on Decent Work and Gender;
  • Acquaintance with the Yemeni Social Context, specifically in the field of gender equality.
  • Previous programme, organizational and thematic evaluation experience relevant to this assignment.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluent in English and good communication skills (oral, aural, written and presentation);
  • Arabic is an added value.


Lowest price method – where the award will be made to the qualified/responsive individual who offered the lowest price.

Selection of the Independent Evaluator will be done by the ILO Regional Office for Arab States and will be based on the strength of the qualifications provided by potential candidates through their expressions of interest for the assignment.