
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in South Sudan has decided to conduct a two day visioning workshop 9-10 June 2015 which aims to identify and validate key issues and challenges for the UNCT in the next two years as preparation for the development of a South Sudan Interim Cooperation Framework (2016-2017), given the expiration of the current UNDAF in June 2016. The UNCT seeks the support of an international consultant to facilitate the discussion at the visioning workshop.

Duties and Responsibilities

The senior facilitator will support the following objectives of the workshop:

  • Identify areas of potential synergies, interdependence, complementarity and collaboration between UN Agencies and other partners, including UNMISS;
  • Identify potential synergies within the UNCT as well as critical gaps;
  • Generate a set of proposed development challenges that can be addressed by the UNCT in the short to medium term in the current highly volatile context of South Sudan;
  • Move towards a conceptual frameworks for the Interim Cooperation Framework.

In addition, the consultant will also support the following other objective of the workshop that will be led by an expert facilitator, South Sudan:

  • Establish a strong overview of political and societal dynamics and scenarios in South Sudan, including in particular changes and dynamics over the last 6-9 months, based on a discussion of this;
  • Translate this discussion into a common understanding of issues and challenges for the UNCT in South Sudan.

Reporting and scope of work:

  • The Consultant will report to the Strategic Advisor in the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office. The consultant will work directly with the UNCT at the 2 day workshop.

The Consultant is expected to undertake the following activities:

Phase I: (3 days):

Initial Planning of the Visioning Workshop

  • Preparatory discussions and meetings (via phone or emails as required) with relevant members of the UNCT, RCO to understand: (i) the initial expectations and concerns relating to what can be achieved in a year and half in the proposed cooperation framework for south Sudan (ii) prepare one or more presentations as required.

Phase II: (2 days):

  • Participation in workshop and facilitation of workshop sessions as required.


  • 2 days of facilitation.


Functional Competencies:

  • Strong ability to lead and facilitate complex discussions and propose useful conclusions;
  • Ability to translate strategic thinking and innovative ideas into practical operational recommendations;
  • Solid analytical and presentation skills;
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication skills;
  • Ability to work in developing and post-conflict countries and in a cross-cultural settings.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Minimum Master’s degree in Political Science, Development studies, Social Sciences, International Relations or related fields


  • 15 years of relevant professional experience in international development, including management and coordination
  • Strong knowledge of, and experience with, the UN and latest developments with regard to UN reform in conflict and crisis settings and integrated missions, including the purposes and processes of the UNDAF
  • Good knowledge of the changing development aid environment, particularly aid delivery, donor harmonization and alignment and aid cooperation in general
  • Proven experience in facilitating workshop planning sessions and arriving at conclusions
  • Experience in working with, or supporting, the development of new and innovative approaches, particularly in all areas relating to conflict and post-conflict scenario based planning
  • Knowledge of the political and societal dynamics in South Sudan will be an advantage.


  • Excellent proficiency in written and spoken English.