UNDP Procurement Support Office (PSO) Copenhagen provides advisory services to UNDP Country Offices in relation to projects that are funded by the Global Fund to Fights AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Currently UNDP is assuming the role of Principal recipient in 26 countries.
One type of advisory services is to establish and manage Long Term Agreements (LTA’s) on the Head Quarter level for UNDP Country Offices to procure against. The major product categories are pharmaceutical products (for the disease components HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and Diagnostics (related to the aforementioned diseases).
The Expert will contribute to strengthening UNDP’s corporate effort in assuring quality assurance and quality control of pharmaceutical products (for the disease components HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and Diagnostics (related to the aforementioned diseases) for UNDP Country Offices.
The SSA-holder is not guaranteed payment for any number of days and is engaged on a retainer basis. The fee will be paid on a "per day worked" basis. The fee will be commensurate with qualifications and experience of the selected candidate. The total validity period of this SSA contact will be 1 year upon signing of the contract.
Duty Station
The assignment will either take place in Copenhagen, Denmark or will be carried out from the selected candidate's country of residence.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Review of product dossiers for pharmaceuticals and diagnostics as deemed necessary by UNDP. Output: Written product dossier evaluation – as per a pre-defined evaluation grid developed by UNDP (no later than one week after the assignment)
- Review of test reports provided by quality control laboratories. Output: Review in writing of the test reports (no later than one week after the assignment)
- Review of the technical product documents of delivered goods against criteria as defined by UNDP. Output: Review in writing of the test reports (no later than one week after the assignment)
- Provide technical guidance to the PSO team in the preparation of Bid documents for the procurement of medicines, medical products or quality control services. Output: Technical guidance in writing and as per the criteria set by UNDP (no later than one week after completion of the assignment)
- Assist UNDP Country Offices in medicines quantification and forecasting exercises, including related models for the disease components HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Output: Written expert advice on the particular query (no later than 3 days after receipt of the assignment)
- Advise on intellectual property rights queries. Output: Written expert advice on the particular query (no later than 3 days after receipt of the assignment)
- Writing of guidance notes for UNDP Country Office staff in the basics of quality assurance and quality control for pharmaceutical procurement. Output: Written guidance note – as per the instructions provided by UNDP (no later than one week after completion of the assignment)
- Any other activity that presents itself in the domain of quality assurance/ quality control in afore mentioned disease areas and within the area of the pharmaceuticals and diagnostics
- Demonstrates commitment and integrity in line with UN values and ethical standards
- Promotes the vision and mission of UNDP
- Displays cultural, gender, religious, ethnic, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
- Functional
- Development and Operational Effectiveness
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of international public procurement related to crisis prevention projects in a developing country context
- Strong research and analytical skills in relation to developing tools, methods and approaches to support improved practices and business processes
- Able to contribute to strategic planning, results-based management and reporting processes
- Able to lead procurement processes using standard and ‘cutting edge’ procurement methods and tools
- Able to introduce strategic procurement approach to procurement planning and implementation, including sourcing and contract management
- Able to implement new procurement systems and/or processes in a way that engages staff commitment and learning, improves performance and strengthens organizational capacity to deliver optimum results
- Focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to feedback
- Shows conflict resolution skills and programme leadership skills Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive attitude Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
- Able to perform effective coaching, mentoring and facilitation roles· Builds strong relationships with clients and external partners
- Strong self-management skills to plan, manage, and deliver results
- Remains calm under pressure.
Knowledge Management and Learning·
- Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office
- Understands development issues with special emphasis on public health issues
- Able to advocate and provide policy advice
- Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies new acquired skills and is able to draw lessons from professional/personal experience and integrate new learning into overall approach to work
- Treats people fairly without favoritism
- Strong interpersonal, team-based and presentational skills in a multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral environment
- High tolerance for change, complexity and unpredictability
- Strong negotiating skills to facilitate negotiations of LTAs
Required Skills and Experience
- Master’s degree in Pharmacy
- At least 5 years of experience in the domain of pharmaceuticals, 2 of which have been in the domain of quality assurance of pharmaceutical manufacturers and/or quality control of pharmaceuticals
- Experience in quantification and/ or forecasting of medicines
- Experience with the 3 diseases HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: WHO treatment guidelines, medicines selection and quantification highly desirable
- Familiarity with WHO pre-qualification project
- Familiarity with the Global Fund quality assurance policy
- Experienced with WHO Good Manufacturing Practice
- Experience as trainer in the area of pharmaceuticals
- Fluency in English
- Working knowledge of French