
The Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) is a national programme which is being implemented by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD) and supported by 14 development partners under different financial arrangements.  LGCDP’s Programme Document(PD) comprehensively describes LGCDP’s rationale and approach along with its vision, goals and purpose.  The individual programme components and management arrangements are also fully described in the PD as is the Programme log frame and the results and reporting framework. Under the overall supervision of the National Programme Director (NPD) and the day-to-day supervision of the National Programme Manager (NPM), the Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for providing support for the implementation of agreed programme activities.

The overarching goal of the programme is to contribute towards poverty reduction through better local governance reform and community development. The goal of the Programme is aligned with national goal and will contribute either directly or indirectly to the achievement of the national poverty reduction goal by empowering citizens and responding to their priority needs, while at the same time strengthening decentralized local governance, and facilitating community development.

The Programme provides an overall framework for: (i) strengthening decentralization and devolution processes; (ii) improving local governance system to ensure effective delivery of basic services; and (iii) empowering citizens, especially women, children and disadvantaged groups (DAGs) and their institutions.

Because of the nature of the Program in terms of its size, scope and coverage, the government felt the need for the technical assistance (TA) at both the national and sub-national levels for the successful operation of the Programmme. Accordingly, the Policy and Programme Support Facility (PPSF) has been established to extend technical assistance to the Program as envisioned in the Program Document and Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA). Under PPSF, the technical assistance to LGCDP II is managed through central level Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) and Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) in each of the six cluster offices of LGCDP II where thematic specialists, District Governance Experts (DGE) and Urban Governance Experts (UGE) are stationed.

Duties and Responsibilities

The RBM Specialist will be supporting the LGCDP II Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) to achieve LGCDP II goal, purpose, outcomes and outputs.

 The Specialist will work under the daily supervision of the concerned Outcome Co-ordinator  and will provide the NPM and other Outcome Coordinators with technical assistance and advice. He/she will be ultimately accountable to the NPD.

 The Specialist will work closely with all the  Outcome Coordinators. S/he will be expected to collaborate with all  the PCU’s  Specialists.

 Specific tasks and responsibilities

 With respect to general programmatic responsibilities, the RBM Specialist will be expected to:

  • Participate in all PCU meetings;
  • Participate in drawing up the Annual Strategic Implementation Plan (ASIP) and lead the drawing up of the Annual Monitoring & Evaluation Plan (AMEP);
  • Assist in periodically reviewing overall LGCDP II progress;
  • Assist in drafting LGCDP II’s regular narrative progress reports;
  • Assist in organizing bi-monthly output group meetings;
  • Identify and report risks and issues to the PCU and support discussion on mitigation actions in the bi-monthly output group meetings;
  • Support PCU in completing timely meeting minutes and following up on agreed actions;
  • Follow up on the implementation of all activities in the ASIP in coordination with the RCUs;
  • In conjunction with other PCU Specialists, develop standard reporting formats for the PCU, RCUs, DGEs and UGEs;
  • Ensure that data collection activities related to LGCDP II are conducted on a regular basis and are consistent with LGCDP II’s monitoring and evaluation framework;
  • Provide any LGCDP II review team and the Joint Annual Review (JAR) teams with data on programme implementation;
  • Assist the M& E Section  to implement social accountability measures of LBs.

 In terms of specific technical responsibilities, the RBM Specialist will be expected to:

  • Provide policy and programmatic advice to MoFALD regarding all RBM issues ;
  • Take lead role to provide technical support and input for the implementation of RBM and M&E activities related ;
  • Provide backstopping support and technical guidance to the RCUs, DGEs and UGEs with respect to RBM and M&E issues;
  • Assist in drafting terms of reference for any LGCDP II activities and consultancies related to RBM/M&E issues;
  • Provide input on RBM/M&E issues to any LGCDP II guidelines, manuals or other such documents;
  • Support on information based planning and coordination at central level.

 In terms of capacity development, the RBM Specialist will be expected to:

  • Meet regularly with Outcome  Coordinators  to brief them on RBM/M&E issues;
  • Ensure that Outcome  Coordinators  are provided with relevant LGCDP II reports and documents;
  • Assist in identifying capacity development activities for MoFALD officials in the area of RBM/M&E;
  • Assist and participate in capacity development activities concerning RBM/M&E issues;
  • Assist in identifying capacity development needs of other PCU and RCU national TA staff.


  • Promotes sharing of knowledge and experience, and actively works towards continued personal learning and development;
  • Good practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues;
  • Ability to go beyond established procedures and models, propose new approaches which expand the range of projects;
  • Builds  strong relationships  with all partners, focuses on impact and results and responds positively to critical feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Remains  calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Proven networking, team building, organizational and communication skills;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment with a positive attitude;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Completion of Master's degree in statistics, management, social sciences, or related field.

Work experience:

  • 7 years’ experience of working on RBM and M&E system in Nepal; working  with Management Information Systems (MIS) would be an advantage;
  • Experience of delivering high quality reports;
  • Experience of working in a national government-managed programme would be an advantage;
  • Working knowledge in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) an advantage..

Languges skills:

  • Fluency in spoken and written Nepali and English language.